Building an Internet Reputation For Successful Freelancing

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Developing a powerful Internet reputation and promoting your freelance business is not about income. It is about using the web to build your individual brand and enhance worth.

In order to build a successful Internet reputation, you must make connections within your industry and develop visibility. If you want to get people talking about you and spreading the word about your freelancing, they must be aware of your existence. It is important to develop a positive online persona that is visible in the right places.

First, you need to establish a base location online where existing and prospective customers are able to find additional information on you and your freelancing skills. The majority of freelance workers do this with their own blog, online portfolio or through one of the many available social sites.

A website associated with your business name is an ideal way to establish Internet presence, allowing you to build recognition for personality, form and style. Profiles on popular social networking sites and blogs effectively create an identity online that will aid you in developing relationships with prospective and existing customers as well as other freelance workers.

A base location is critical to building an Internet reputation for successful freelancing. If you do not already maintain a website, online portfolio or blog, then you should get started right away on one. It is best to create a brand name or use your name as a domain name. You do not have to go to extremes developing an online base, a basic blog or static site with a portfolio, biography, or resume should suffice.

When you create your blog, designate a couple of pages for your resume or portfolio, and then write posts on your niche. Your online base will give you a URL address that you can post on your social networking profile, blog comments and several other online communities.

Once you have developed a base location for your freelance business on the Internet, the next thing to do is make a list of the online communities of which you are interested in becoming a member. Be sure to include the most popular news sites, forums, blogs and social media networks. When you are creating your list, try to focus on location as well as on your particular niche. It is important to familiarize yourself with others in the same industry.

Once you have your list, come up with a schedule to register your profile on the social networks and contribute to your choice on online communities through article submissions, comments, discussions and much more. In no time, you will have built a powerful Internet reputation to help you succeed as a thriving freelancer.

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