How To Write An Ebook – The Conclusion Page

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In this article, you’ll learn some tips of what you can do when crafting your conclusion to your ebook.

It’s important to have a conclusion for your eBook so you can summarize what you’ve just covered. The summary should be short, it should be concise, it should highlight the main points of the eBook and it should be like a ‘cliff notes’ version of the entire ebook. For the flow of the ebook, a conclusion is just a good way to wrap up your ideas.

However, there’s a bigger reason to have a conclusion in your ebook. When a reader has gotten this far, you have their attention. You’ve obviously done your job providing valuable content or else the reader would have stopped long ago. This is a great thing, and you’d be a fool to not take advantage of your captive reader.

With that in mind, here’s a few more things you can do with your conclusion.

1. You can offer them a chance to get more ‘advanced’ trainings from one of your paid products. The idea here is if they liked what they just read, then they’ll most certainly love your advanced trainings that really teach them ‘the goods’.

2. You can put links that promote more of your websites or products that are relevant to the content in the ebook. Once again, you’ve built rapport with your reader and more times than not, your reader will be more than happy to read or learn more about what you have to teach. Keep the links relevant and watch your business grow.

3. You can move them to another step in your sales funnel. If reading the eBook was part of your sales funnel, then you can move them on to the next natural step in your sales funnel. I would recommend the next step definitely be a paid product.

4. You can do just about anything, as long as it’s relevant. You don’t want your next step to be a site about Twitter advertising if you just gave them information about how to dominate Facebook advertising.

After your summary of the content, you can use a phrase like “By the way, if you want to get more in-depth information about…, visit my website to get a complete training and understanding about…”, or something to that affect.

Give them a call to action! You’ve earned the right to ask for a sale.

Bottom line is you are in business to make money. If you don’t ask someone to buy something from you, you will never make any money.

Now I didn’t talk about the option of not having a conclusion because honestly I think you are hurting yourself more than helping yourself if you leave the conclusion out. Now in some eBook instances it might make sense to not have a conclusion, but in my experience, it’s always a good idea to have a conclusion in your eBook inviting people to take the next step with you and to spend money with you.

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