Vending Machine Business Record Keeping Basics

Keeping good records of the status of each of your vending machines when you service them is both a critical and very easy practice. Even for those who strongly dislike record keeping and struggle with the practice, the process is not overly taxing. The benefits, after all, far outweigh the small inconvenience that it presents. After all, by keeping records, you will be able to see how you are doing over time so you will know exactly which machines are offering the best performance, how many of what product is being sold, and what profits you can anticipate in the weeks and months to come.

As a business owner, this is information that you need. With even the most basic record keeping, you will have a much more thorough understanding of your business and how it is doing from one machine to the next. This allows you to continue what you are doing right with some machines, and consider the relocation of other machines that just aren’t performing as they should be.

That being said, you will also greatly appreciate your efforts to keep accurate records when tax time comes around. Nothing is more painful than trying to scrounge together exact numbers from records that are either sketchy or non-existent.

The two kinds of records that you will want to consistently maintain within your vending machine business are a basic ledger and a report of all of the locations on your route. The basic ledger is essentially your general bookkeeping. It should document all of the income and expenses totaled from all of the locations on your route. You can do this on paper, but it is much easier and faster if you use a simple bookkeeping program on your computer. If you save all of your receipts and keep a good route report, you will be able to update your ledger quickly and easily each time you complete a service route.

While on your service route, you should keep a record of the status of all of your machines at each location. Each machine should have its own page where you take notes from each servicing. This way, you will be able to flip to the page for any given machine to observe its performance including expenses, income, the placement of products, and the popularity of each of the products.

When your business is still small enough for you to do all of the routes yourself, you will be responsible for all of the record keeping for both the ledger and the route. However, once your business gets large enough that you need to hire someone to run some or all of your routes for you, you will need to make sure that that individual is also keeping the detailed, accurate records that you need to make all the difference in understanding the success of your business.

The same thing goes if you wish to hire a bookkeeper to keep track of all of the income, expenses, and other data collected by the people running your service routes for you. The trick is to make sure that these records never fall behind, that they are always complete, and that they are always accurate.

Do not forget to actually use the information that you have collected. Keeping records is only a practical process when you examine and analyze the data that has been collected. Keep a close eye on the performance of each of your machines so that you always know where attention is needed.

Just The Basics – How to Start Generating Income In Your New Network Marketing/Direct Sales Business

Whether this is your first year in a home business or your tenth, there are some basic things that you should do in order to start generating regular income.

It is important to understand that your attitude is critical when it comes to being successful in any business. Therefore, you must start your new business with the mindset that it is a real business. The fact that you are working from home does not change that. It certainly doesn’t stop you from earning a tremendous income should you desire to do so. There are people just like you that literally earn millions from the comfort of their homes . These people not only recognize the potential of the industry but always treat their businesses with the respect and dedication that they deserve.

Personal growth comes before the fortune. You may have heard that before in one form or another. It simply means that you must educate yourself first and the money will follow. Can you bake a cake without knowing the recipe or how to operate an oven? How about drive a car without knowing how to get it started? Do doctors practice performing surgery before they learn the skills required? Hopefully, you will get the picture. It doesn’t matter if you are doing something as simple as baking a cake or complicated as brain surgery, you have to learn some fundamental skills first or you are certainly headed down the path to failure.

So, what skills are required to build a profitable home business? Assuming that you have already mastered having the right attitude about your business, here are some basic skills that you will want to learn or improve.

People Skills

Time Management Skills

Marketing Skills

People skills are required because this is really a people business and not necessarily a sales business. Yes, there are plenty of individuals and teams that teach sales techniques as the primary way to build their businesses, but it is not always the best solution for the average person in network marketing. Most people are resistant to this method of team building and it makes it very difficult for them to grow a profitable business. There are always exceptions but we are not talking about those people. By developing some basic people skills, it will help you to communicate more easily and find out what the other person actually needs. Maybe they need your product versus extra money. It is your job to find out how you can help them and not push them to join your business. You might check your local bookstore for “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.

Time management is extremely important because it is very easy to get distracted while working from home. Children, televisions, and other things can result in zero productivity for anyone who is not accustomed to this environment. You must learn how to use your time wisely and to set aside consistent hours each week to work your business. In addition, you want to use your allotted time effectively. That means that you are constantly working on tasks that will help to truly grow your business. Organizing your office every day may indirectly help in having better time management but it really isn’t a “business growing” activity. Focus your time on tasks that will expose your product or service to potential customers or partners. It is very difficult to be successful without good time management skills.

Marketing is an income producing activity and another critical skill that you should constantly learn and improve. Marketing is a very broad term but it basically means “the activities involved in the transfer of goods and services” or how to get the word out about your offer. Creativity and consistency are two words that come to mind when one thinks about effective marketing. So, how does a new home business owner go about marketing their products?

First, you must realize that network marketing is a business based a great deal on duplication. If effective marketing techniques are duplicated throughout your organization, that provides the greatest opportunity for rapid growth. You should find and use strategies that can also be used by anyone on your team. There are people that have the financial resources to purchase full page color ads in national magazines but that is not the kind of marketing that is easily duplicated by everyone in your business.

Here are some other suggestions…

Read and learn about marketing tips

Learn from team members that are successful

Be consistent and persistent and market daily

Watch your marketing dollars/budget closely

Hire professionals or outsource when required

Employ sweat equity or money equity

Use marketing that fits your personality

Distribute samples whenever financially possible

Put your business cards into the marketplace

Network with other business owners

Share with family and friends when appropriate

Search internet for creative marketing ideas

Know your primary target market and how to find them

Many years ago a very successful network marketer told me that success was based on 99% consistency and persistency, and 1% skill. Those numbers may not be totally accurate but the basic concept holds true. If you performed a very simple action of giving out 2-3 business cards daily for 90 days, you are very likely to generate interest, customers, and potential business partners.

There are many ways to build a business and start making money in network marketing. However, if I had to narrow it down to just one thing, it is targeted MARKETING.

However, keep in mind that having a marketing plan without action is useless. You must commit and implement your full marketing strategy. How many times have you ordered business cards and left them in the desk drawer? Have you ever ordered 100 leads and called only 10 of them? Your business will not thrive unless you tell someone. How you go about telling them is up to you.

If you are serious about generating income in your new home business, make a personal commitment for the next 90 days. Find a marketing technique that is a good fit for you and put it to work daily. At the end of that 90 day period, evaluate how successful you have been at being “consistent.” Your check will normally be a direct reflection of your previous daily actions.

Remember, “procrastination is the killer of all dreams.” Make a decision today that you want to generate a real income from home. Once that decision is made, identify the products/services that you want to promote, choose a few marketing techniques, and take action. 90 days (or less) is all you need to see measurable results. A few weeks of solid dedication can change your entire life.

Reading Older Books Often Reveals the Basics That are Often Covered in Present Day Buzzwords

For those who really want to know their industry and really want to understand the basic fundamentals and underlining philosophy of such – it is recommended to have not only the newest and latest books on the subject, but also the books of days gone by.

Why you ask? Well, often new books are riddled with buzz-words and new hooks to help them sell, yet fail to address the reality behind it all. This is why our online think tank often reads older books and discusses them and then considers the implications of the changes and what those books were saying at the time. Great understanding can come from this sort of reading and deep digging for reality sake. Below are listed many books, with a short commentary as to why this information deserves further consideration.

“Feel the Fear And Do it Anyway – Dynamic Techniques for Turning Fear, Indecision, and Anger into Power, Action and Love” by Susan Jeffers, PhD. 1987. This work is very complete and it starts out by defining what fear is and how to figure out what you are afraid of and why.

Next it explains how to make it go away, to conquer your fears and use your new found knowledge to increase your personal power. Going for complainer to achiever and how to spot someone else who is limiting themselves by fear – she takes the book from the action phase to the life balance phase and turning your life into a wonderful experience full of success, enjoyment, fulfillment and love.

With fear tactics being used for political reasons and social control or even to increase media outlet loyalty – one needs to understand fear, its psychological buttons and how to overcome it all, if they are to survive and capitalize on the chaos created by others and accepted by the masses. We know that fear depletes vitamins in the body and causes stress, this also affects the bio-systems ability to operate efficiently and allow the brain the nutrients necessary for higher levels of reasoning and thought.

“The Technique of Handling People – Eleven Helps for your Human Relations” – by Donald A. Laird & Eleanor C. Laird 1954. This book is great to help people get along with others and is similar to “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in many regards. It starts by giving the reader tips in human relations, winning cooperation, clearing up troubles, becoming a confidant, arousing enthusiasm. There are chapters on harnessing criticism and turning it around, boosting loyalty, securing best efforts through praise and generating harmony in groups or personal relationships when it really counts. Finally, it explains the difference between leading and driving an organization or group.

Should we be appeasing hard to deal with people or rather get them to change on their own free will, allowing them to realize that if they will modify their behavior in the working environment everyone, including them will win – fellow employees, customers, themselves and the company. Why should all of us dealing with hard to deal with people develop psychological skills to counteract these problems?

“Help Yourself – A Guide to Self-Change” by Jerry A. Schmidt 1976. This short book is broken into parts, and the first part explains the need to be motivated to make a change, as you cannot help anyone against their will, including or especially yourself. It is necessary to set goals, be motivated to attain these goals and admit that you need a change. In part II, it explains more of the philosophy, methodology, techniques, tactics and strategies to complete the process to a new you.

So many people who are unhappy constantly blame others for their conditions, and refuse to look in their own mirrors. It is hard to evoke a positive change in others without them buying into a plan to change them selves. There are numerous self-help books out there, but no one is going to change until they decide they are ready. Once they do such self-help books are relevant, choosing the best one for the situation is too.

“Peak Performers – The New Heroes of American Business” by Charles Garfield 1986. This book starts out with the search for peak performance and expectation driven results, as it gives tips of where to find peak performers in large organizations. How to collect evidence, do research and profile those who are walking their talk. How to find those who love what they do and do it well. Next the book explains how to accelerate the organizations achievement and understand the growth curve, where to invest in human resources and use this inherent talent.

The book explains how to master your own skills, hone in on your talents and self manage your own peak performance. Next the book discusses how to leverage your own strengths within a team and lead the entire team to achieve more, by leading by example. How to handle change management and maintain peak performance while setting up the perfect team. The book is not only about peak performance of you and your team, it is much about winning, going all the way.

There is a lot of talk about the poor work ethic in today’s workforce. Many say that we need to give accolades, kudos and praise to produce performance, but us in the old school find it hard to praise those who are not giving their best efforts and insist that they are doing as much as should be expected. Giving the minimum never produced superior results for any organization, so this book peak performers is relevant and a must read for those who wish to win.

“Writing Business Letters and Memos – Getting your message across, Write with authority, Keep a reliable paper trail, Reply to co-workers and the boss with Confidence” by Havis Dawson 1993. The book is short, but filled with great information, explaining right off the bat what is wrong with most business letters and why they fail to communicate properly and how you can change that and not make the same mistakes. The book offers tips of layout, format, grammar and hooking the reader’s interest. Next it discusses the many types of letters like sales letters, complaint letters, collection letters, requests for information, business memos, faxes and how to do a proper email.

“Better Letters – A Handbook of Business and Personal Correspondence” by Jan Venolia 1982. If you recognize the name, she is the same author of Write Right, which has become a classic amongst authors and writers. She starts by discussing letter writing style, organizing your thoughts and composing them into perfection. Listed are all sorts of Business Letter type formats and the next chapter discusses personal type letters and the vast differences. The book even has a chapter of how to be the benevolent dictator, promoting an agenda in harmony and getting results.

The art of business letter writing seems to be lost these days, as you read your email correspondence, you should consider how things have changed. Often we see abbreviated words used by text-message’rs and wonder what on Earth is this person thinking sending this in an email? Other times we read very professional emails, which say nothing at all and are laden with buzz words, how can we take any of this seriously?

“The IBM Way – Insight into the World’s Most Successful Marketing Organization” by Buck Rodgers with Robert Shook – and foreword by Tom J. Peters. 1986. The book dives right into the implications of a business and its beliefs and how leadership guides or detracts from its mission. How IBM built a sales and marketing strategy that dominated the high-tech world by focusing on the customer and the future – then monitored the success, paid more than fairly and maintained an entrepreneurial spirit in the process.

In hindsight, one has to ask if the ideas in this book are reality based, they seem to be, but then again IBM is not nearly the company it once was. Is it because they lost their way from these policies and strategies or because of them? Things have sure changed, did IBM walk the talk or is this just another book hyping an unattainable utopian business climate that never really fully existed?

“Guerilla Marketing with Technology – Unleashing the full potential of your small business” by Jay Conrad Levinson – 1997. This book is the same as Guerilla Marketing, but with a technology based focus when marketing. It goes into real world scenarios with real small business owners asking questions and getting world-class advice from Jay Levinson.

It is ten years later and the world has really grown up now with social networking websites, AdSense ads on all the websites, so many variations of marketing strategies on the Internet, perhaps it is time for another book to help folks enjoy guerrilla marketing with the latest new tools, mobile marketing and innovative technologies?

“Future Scope – Success Strategies for the 1990s & Beyond” by Joe Cappo – 1990. The book discusses the challenge in predicting the future and the fine art of forecasting. Then it explains the issues with the population demographic shifts, immigrant labor and planning for the retirement of the baby boomers. Indeed, everything we are seeing now.

He discusses the middle class issues, many of which he got incorrect. He admits in advance that things can change along with consumer buying behavior and predicting people’s future tastes. He talks about the fitness craze as well. Attitude towards work, play, convenience and the FutureScope.

“Five Great Rules of Selling” by Persy H. Whiting – 1957. This is another one of those old classics on selling, and the advice is good and relevant, and mostly timeless. It is a good book to read to understand the foundation and fundamentals of selling, that so many new entrants either forget or fail to use to their own folly. This book is a remake of “The 5 Great Rules of Selling” that was a hit in the 1940’s. The book gets into the importance of product knowledge, getting the appointment, arousing interest, producing conviction and interest, closing the sale, overcoming objections, repeat business and referrals, working efficiently and scheduling, etc.

“Ziglar on Selling – the ultimate handbook for the complete sales professional” by Zig Ziglar – 1991. Zig Ziglar tells us why selling is paramount to our economy and how it is the oldest profession and why selling in the modern market is a honor and a good career choice. He discusses prospecting, cold calling, meetings, sales process, handling objections, closing the sale, dealing with people, getting referrals, making friends, solving problems, developing interest, desire, and rounds out all the potential topics on the subject of selling.

“One Smart Cookie” (the Story of Mrs. Fields Cookies) by Debbi Fields and Alan Furst – 1987. Here is a lady who never spent one penny on advertising, used intuition to make decisions, gave away cookies for free and ignored all the marketing experts, their advice and papers. Here philosophy and story of success is intriguing and fascinating. Her motto: Good enough, never is. And; If you chase the only the money, you will never have any. An American success story, well worth reading.

Sometimes all the business advice in the world is worthless, without a hard charger behind the push forward. Then again, with a superstar entrepreneur, well, they can often get it done anyway, without using conventional methods. The will to win, and succeed is worth all the strategic methodology in the world

“100 Ways to Make Money in Your Spare Time, Starting with Less than $100” by John Stockwell and Herbert Holtje – 1972. The first 238 pages list literally 100 different types of businesses that you can start on the cheap and how they operate and make money. Next there are chapters on business formation, selling, marketing, buying a business opportunity and record keeping.

If one is to read the Entrepreneur 500 today or any of the wonderful books by Robert Bond listing all the possible franchise opportunities, in contrast to this older book in 1972, we see very few innovations really. Although things do change, and have changed with technology, they have not changed nearly as much as we a lead to believe or nearly as fast as we think they will.

“Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Practice and Principles” by Peter Drucker – 1985. Participating in the entrepreneurial economy means you must understand what it is and how it works and Mr. Drucker starts out by explaining it in the introduction before he even starts the book. Fostering innovation, understanding the animal and using this knowledge to produce constant and continual creativity in business is the first section and next he explains entrepreneurship in action and how practicing these techniques and strategizing can produce winning products and services and methods for marketing them.

What an interesting book to read again now that we have experienced another two decades of constant innovations. Amazing that some of these strategies seem so obvious now and it is equally as interesting that even with all the modern communication, that the underlining foundations of innovation creation are similar.

“Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun” by Wess Roberts, PhD. – 1987. The book is a quick history of who Attila the Hun was and how he commanded respect and leadership in his time. The book takes some of these strategies and puts them into a modern context. How one must desire to lead, honor customs, pick your enemies wisely, responsibilities of leaders, decisiveness, delegating, negotiation, discretion, and leaving with dignity.

Despite the current accepted methods of “feel good leadership” one thing should be noted and that is that leading by fear, strength, honor and conviction also works. There are times no matter what any Neo-Feel Good psychologist tells you, that such methods would be wise to employ. Surely, not a topic that will make you many friends discussing, but the reality is it works.

“Inflation Can Be Stopped” by Robert S. Morrison – 1973. This is an excellent book for folks to read who do not understand the problems of challenges of inflation. It was written by a street-smart entrepreneur and businessman and is easily understood by the average readership. Mr. Morrison explains what inflation is and why it is so important. He explains how to deal with it and control it and why we must.

Those who often speak on economic issues of our time ought to have this minimum background knowledge and perhaps this book on their bookshelf as well. The FED fears inflation and for good reason, inflation comes with it, huge economic implications and we as citizens owe it to ourselves to understand what it is and how it works.

Can you now see why it is important to read older books too, rather than just the every day new buzz-word books, hyping and hooking you with new sub-themes? Think on this topic a bit, see what you come up with?

Carwash Marketing and Customer Retention – Back to Basics

Creating marketing and promotions that work are a great challenge for car wash owners and operators. The fundamental problem that many car washes run into is that they will never generate the level of customer loyalty that they are hoping for unless they meet the basic needs of their customers first. If a wash owner can identify consumer behavior, he or she will be in a better position to target products and services at them. Buyer behavior is focused upon the needs of individuals, groups, and organizations.

It is important to understand the relevance of human needs to buyer behavior because marketing is about satisfying needs. Mazlow’s Hierarchy of Needs is taught in psychology classes around the world and the theory outlines the very basic human needs that must be provided in order to truly experience higher emotions such as achievement, respect, and self-esteem. At the lowest tier of this hierarchy are the basic needs such as food, air, water, heat, and the basic necessities of survival need to be satisfied. You cannot move up to higher levels of the hierarchy unless your basic needs are met.

Consumers also have a very specific set of needs that must be addressed. To understand consumer buyer behavior is to understand how the person interacts with your marketing message.

Consider that every consumer is going to be influenced by their culture and word of mouth, attitude towards washing, their ability to learn by instruction (customer education), and their perceptions of the wash facility. There are a number of NEEDS that must first be met before a consumer can move to making a purchasing decision, location choice, brand choice, and any other choices they will inevitably make.

Customer Needs

At the very basic level a car wash operator must appeal to the basic needs of their customer before they can consider focusing on establishing customer loyalty.

The decision making process for a customer of a car wash will be to first determine which car wash facilities they will use followed by comparing the available choices against a number of other criterion.

Basic Need 1: Quality

This is where it comes down to truth in advertising. You need to provide the very basics for a customer to properly wash their vehicle. If you cannot clean the car with soap and water your failing as a business that specializes in vehicle care. It should be no surprise to a wash owner that people will stop using your wash if it does not get their car clean. The second aspect of quality is when a customer has access to problem-free equipment. If wash equipment is damage or in disrepair this will impact whether a customer will use your facility.

Basic Need 2: Appearance

Most wash customers rate cleanliness as one of the most important factors of a car wash. Locations with dirty walls, peeling instruction signs and faded decals will see a noticeable drop in customer retention.

Basic Need 3: Safety

Customers that visit car wash facilities next consider their safety when using a wash facility. Locations with poor lighting and excessive loitering will drive customers away and keep them from coming back if they did not feel safe when using the wash facility.

Basic Need 4: Value

In order to create a loyal customer a car wash owner needs to create value in the service that they provide. Value is going to be perceived differently by every customer and as a wash owner you need to evaluate your demographics to find out what will be the most important to them.

Examples of Value Propositions:

Environmentally Friendly – A car wash that focuses on environmental stewardship, water conservation, energy conservation, sustainable chemicals, and promotes this will create value for a wide demographic.

Charity Support – Car wash owners have the opportunity to get involved in their local community by supporting local charities and organizations. Car wash operations have a huge opportunity to be known as the community-based wash business in town.

Car Wash Club – By taking advantage of a loyalty card system car wash operators can give customers a reason to ‘buy-in’ to their loyalty program through incentives and promotions. Consumers have been trained by big-box retail to be a card-carrying customer and operations that take advantage of loyalty card programs are highly competitive in their local markets.

Rain Guarantees – Many full service and express wash operations offer a rain guarantee which gives a consumer piece of mind and security in their wash purchase.

Unlimited Wash Programs – Programs that allow for unlimited washes in exchange for a monthly payment or an annual subscription have been found to be highly successful in certain markets.

Low Price Guarantee – There has been a huge explosion in the number of low-cost express washes opening up around the country. This model will not work for every owner or even every market, but the growing trend is worth watching. Some markets are having record-breaking profits and others struggle to make ends meet with such low margins.

Superior Customer Service – Having great services has long been one of the big selling points for going to a full service carwash. Whenever you have employees on site you have a wonderful opportunity to provide great customer service.

Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is something that is earned by a business by satisfying your customers needs as a consumer. If you can meet the basic needs, establish value in your services, and remain consistent in the delivery of your service your customers will remain regular customers.

What does success look like?

In order to appeal to the widest number of customers your focus should be to focus on getting back to basics. Once you can be the clean, safe, quality carwash that offers simple value statements to your customers you can then focus on additional value added promotions to bring customers back.

The difference between a successfully promoted business and a business that fails to promote successfully is that in the long run you are remembered by your customers for what you’ve done for them. Far too many car wash businesses think that by slashing prices and giving huge discounts will win over new customers. Discounting only goes so far when you are trying to bring in new customers because discounting is temporary and long-term price cuts hurt your bottom line. As long as you are meeting your customers basic needs a successful promotion will engage your customers and community in ways that will endear themselves to you and your business. A successfully promoted car wash business will not be known as “the cheap wash” in their community. The successful wash in town will be known as “the charity wash”, “the fundraiser wash”, “the wash that drives the funny car in the local parade”, “the fast wash”, “the convenient wash”, or we can hope at the very least the wash is known as, “the wash that gets my car clean”. These are the value statements that we should strive for within our local communities and with the customers we do business with.

Business to Business Email Marketing Basics

If you’re not sending out email newsletters to clients and potential clients, you’re losing money. 98% of people check their email via their mobile phones in today’s society. That’s 98%! People are on the go and checking their email via push notifications. If you’re not sending out specials and updates about your products or services, your customers are not keeping your company in mind most of the time. And, other businesses may capture your business. So, you just read, email marketing and newsletters are important because they now reach your customers immediately.

To be successful with an email marketing campaign you need to have a clear, concise subject line. A long subject line, or one that isn’t clear about what you’re offering, is likely to be dismissed as SPAM by the recipient.

Make sure you format your email message properly. People use different types of phones, which means they’re using different types of browsers and operating systems. If your message shows up jumbled or ill-formatted, the customer will not reach on and he or she will simply delete your efforts and offer. If you are not familiar with the different types of mobile marketing / email newsletter formats, please find a company that is.

You should also utilize strong content. Don’t be pushy but be blunt. State your offer, state the benefits, state the timeline that the customer has to take advantage of the offer. Being too wordy or not getting to the point will not result in sales or interest by customers. Don’t venture into the opposite direction, either. Verbiage that is too alike to that of a used car’s sale ad will also turn people away.

You should also monitor the stats of your email marketing efforts. If more people are opening emails on Tuesday nights versus Saturday mornings, adjust your delivery dates for important sales and/or notices.

Email marketing is becoming stronger than ever these days. People are utilizing social media to produce more subscribers to newsletters, which contain special promotional offers and better ROI results. Incorporating video, audio, and even consumer contests into an immediate email offer or email newsletter will help your business grow and products / services sell quicker.

Don’t forget content will always be king. The use of too many photos or unprofessional video links can backfire when sending out any type of email marketing collateral. Make sure all your content and media collateral is balanced, looks professional and is accompanied by a strong call to action.

Silicone Release Coatings: Back to Basics

If you don’t know even the basics of silicone release coatings, you are on the right page. Usually, these coatings can be applied at different low weights on a whole host of substances with the help of different techniques. Read on to find out more.

Basically, the role of these coatings is to create a cross-linked non-stick surface, which is useful when it comes to protecting adhesives that are pressure-sensitive. Apart from this, there is a long list of sticky materials that it can be used on. Some common examples of these materials include food, composite prepregs, and bituminous compounds, just to name a few.

The good news is that they can be found in a wide range of delivery systems and use a lot of cure chemistries like rhodium-catalyzed or platinum-catalyzed curing, to name a few. So, you can choose from a lot of materials to get the most out of these products.

Benefits of Silicone Release Coatings

Silicone release coatings offer a wide range of benefits. They can be used for labels, graphic arts, and healthcare and food items. So, the benefits of the product are almost endless. This is an ideal solution for a lot of applications. Apart from competitive pricing and non-stop supply, they offer the benefits listed below:

Reliability: They offer quick curing under 35PPM platinum

High Flexibility: You enjoy great flexibility when it comes to coating, curing or releasing

High Line Speeds: The line speeds are high, which is why records can be broken without misting. This is one of the greatest benefits of these coatings. The idea is to ensure nothing wrong happens during the process and high line speeds are achieved at the same time.

Better coverage: you enjoy long bath life, high release ability and anchorage, which is what today’s manufacturers demand. So, better coverage is another great advantage of this system.

Conversion Speeds: You can enjoy the ease of dispersal and high conversion speeds

Usually, silicone release agents can be used in the form of additives in applications that involve mold release. They allow quick release of products that come out of molds. Some good examples of these products include food containers and tires.

Apart from this, they feature slipperiness and lubricity in a lot of applications like conveyor belts and newspaper presses.

If you buy silicone release agents from a good supplier, you can enjoy a lot of benefits in paper/file coating applications, food-contact manufacturing and a lot of other industries. The non-stick properties of the agent can allow the following benefits:

  • Longer lifespan of machinery and molds
  • Reduced material waste
  • Products with clean finishing
  • Faster throughput

Long story short, if you want to enjoy the maximum potential of silicone release agents, we suggest that you buy these products from a good supplier. Hopefully, these tips will help you opt for the best products to meet your needs.

The Basics of a Home-Based Internet Marketing Business

The rise of internet marketing has been phenomenal in recent years, to say the least. It has provided income-generating opportunities for millions of people and it has effectively diminished the geographical differences that separated people from potential jobs. Now, more and more people are starting home-based internet marketing businesses full-time or at least, to supplement income from their regular job.

Internet marketing explained

Internet marketing is also called online marketing or sometimes, e-marketing. Defined simply, it refers to the type of marketing or business that promotes and distributes products using the Internet. It is also the term used to refer to the Web-based advertising that businesses use to spread information about their products and promote their business.

Advantages of home-based internet marketing businesses

As a home-based business, internet marketing is a perfect model. It can be started from home, does not require specialized training, uses only minimum equipment or computer applications and in many cases, does not require large start-up costs or significant inventory. Internet marketing is also very convenient, not only because it can be run from virtually anywhere online access is available but also because it allows for more efficient distribution of information and targeting of the market. Internet marketing, for example, is one of only a few types of businesses that can rely exclusively on e-mail marketing and other digital media for sales, promotion and even customer service.

Limitations of internet marketing businesses

Although highly effective, there are also certain limitations to an internet marketing business as a work-from-home initiative. It tends to be biased towards new technologies, obviating more traditional techniques. This means that an internet marketer has to be on his feet all the time to ensure that his site and strategies remain relevant. The fact that most customers cannot physically come in contact with the product prior to purchase can also be limiting, prompting internet marketing business owners to offer broader return policies. Online security is also a concern, which means that a business that cannot assure its customers of high standards of security will stand to lose them. However, the advent of new technologies and the imposition of more stringent regulations should improve customers’ responses.

Types of home-based internet marketing businesses

There are several types of home-based internet marketing businesses that are considered effective for this model. These include

Online commerce

Online commerce, also known as e-commerce, involves the sale and distribution of goods to consumers through the Internet. There are two ways to do this: (1) by setting up your own website and using that as an online shop where customers can browse, order and purchase and (2) setting up an account with an auction site and selling the goods from there. Either way, there would have been an exchange of goods and services for a specific or agreed-upon price. Online commerce allows entrepreneurs plenty of freedom to sell what they want at a competitive price. It also affords them the luxury of time since order taking and purchasing can be automated and easier to manage.

So which products sell in today’s electronic marketplace? Just about anything that someone wants to buy. It’s truly up to the seller which goods to focus on in order to achieve his sales and profit goals.

Service-based commerce

Other than goods, online service-based commodities enjoy brisk business as home-based internet marketing businesses. Services traditionally available only offline can now be offered as part of an internet marketing business. Booking services for airlines and cruises, party needs, life coaching, photography services, web design, etc. are just a few of the home-based businesses that have become part of internet marketing.

MLM or Multi-Level Marketing

Multi-level marketing is one of the oldest business models still in existence today. Also known as network marketing, MLM has transitioned from a person-to-person and door-to-door approach model to the internet-based business that it is today and with great success. Most network marketers prefer to run their MLM businesses actively through internet marketing because the medium is a lot faster, cheaper and more convenient. Searching for and communicating to prospects, for example, can be completed within a 24- to 48-hour period. Traditional ways of doing marketing, on the other hand, require much more time and effort.

Publishing and advertising

Another very lucrative method of running an internet marketing business is by setting up a website and selling advertising space. Many personal (and even business) websites and blogs use this method to monetize their sites. In fact, it is considered as one of the top 5 ways to earn an income from a website. As a home-based internet marketer, however, becoming a publisher does carry with it certain requirements. A site, for example, has to have a large number of following in order to become attractive to advertisers and sponsors. However, a website with sufficient traffic should be able to do well with this pay-for-performance model.

Basics of Creating Business Names

Creating a business name is among the first steps of starting a new business. Coming up with a good name may be easy for some, but many others would struggle with the task. Whether you are starting a local, global or an online business, you need to have an attractive and inviting name. Here are some basics of creating business names.

Let us look at the four basic ways:

Personal or Family

This is relatively easy to do. This could be your full, first or your family name. You can also use initials, or if you have a partner your names together. Examples: LL Beans, McDonald’s, RM Williams, Gillette.


These are generic names and make it easy for the potential customers to identify what kind of business or service your company provides. Examples: International Business Machines (IBM), British Airways.

Combined Personal and Descriptive

This is a combination of personal/family with generic descriptive names. Examples: Ford Motor Company, Dell Computers, Dunlop Tires.


These are simple ‘no-sense’ words or combination of words. Examples: Amazon, Google, Microsoft.

You can use any of these four basic methods to name your business. You can also combine two or more methods and generate a creative and attractive name. When creating a business name here are some important things to remember.

  • Do not be too local – unless you have a particular reason. If you ever want to expand, this will prove to be a big bottleneck.
  • Make it easy to understand, spell and pronounce. A company name should be hard to forget and easy to spell.
  • Avoid very generic names, such as Joe’s Saloon, Sam’s Bar, etc. They are not very memorable.
  • During the naming process, Google search by entering your chosen name inside double quote marks. See if there are any other businesses with the same name, particularly in the same country or local area.
  • Check availability of domain names – even if it matter only in distant future. Make sure that or whatever is available, and get it registered once your have finalized your business name.

Choosing a business name is a marketing decision. So, choose simple and straightforward over complex or clever.

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