Treatments – Day Spa – Beauty and Massage

A day spa is the next best thing. Being pampered and taken care of for even a few hours is a great way to be good to yourself. A day spa is just that-a location where you can go relax for the day and enjoy the treatments and amenities they have to offer. This is great if you have a shorter time window to escape. It is the best place to get a variety of relaxing treatments. One can allow themselves an opportunity to meditate and relax while enjoying the services of the spa.

A day spa is a business where people can go to receive special treatment. Treatments might include massage, facials, waxing, body treatments, and skin exfoliation. A day spa is a not to be missed lifestyle activities by today’s urban working ladies. It is a weekly routine for ladies to love themselves within a few hours time here from a top to toe relaxation treatments that re-energize their body and soul.


Natural Reflex Therapy” (soft tissue techniques and reflex points) is combined with the typical broad, flowing strokes and pressure point manipulations of Swedish massage. An outstanding approach to alleviating stress and pain. Natural ingredients like licorice root, papaya, and green tea extract are wonderful when added to cosmeceuticals to relieve the itching and redness often associated with sensitive skin conditions. Innovative formulations containing oxygenating proteins to absorb daily abuse on our skin can retard the aging process.


Massage reduces muscular pain, improves blood circulation and offers great relaxation. However, it is important that a registered massage therapist must do the massage. Massage, facials, and much more are available for men and women alike. A massage just might be the answer after a long day on the links. Massage, water and detoxification treatments, care of skin and body conditions all contribute to optimum wellness. Wellness Spas will continue to evolve as the demand for fully natural health care increases.

Massages of this sort concentrate on manipulating parts of the hands, feet and/or ears which practitioners feel are linked to other parts of the body. Various reflexology techniques are found in many day spas.


Travelers can revitalize and nourish their skin with an aloe wrap, or unwind with a comforting hot-stone massage. Travel immerses you in a land of unexplored and unexpected vistas. Mimic that feeling by dining in a restaurant you have never been to in a part of town you rarely frequent.


Full Body Treatment – Most women going to a spa want “the works” done to receive the most comprehensive treatment possible. A full body treatment usually includes cleansing with fruit enzymes including tropical favorites such as mango, papaya, pineapple and orange.


Visitors most certainly do not feel claustrophobic, as the spa’s building consists of wide open spaces, high ceilings and tall doors. Visiting a day spa is something that can be worked into a routine and repeated visits can teach you to appreciate yourself, your own body and the positive strength within it.

How Can Stay at Home Moms Make Money From Day Trading Stock Picks

Any stay at home mom who wants to make money online can avail themselves of the lucrative business opportunity of day trading stock picks which can easily help them to earn at least $500 a day without any need for advertising, warehousing and selling any physical goods or services. I know you desire to figure out how can stay at home moms make money online? Here is an easy-to-follow method you can use to make enough money to pay for your dream car or fund your children college education without sweat.

If you seriously want to make a regular and consistent income daily then day trading stock pick is what you should be doing now. Do not waste your time on those get rich quick schemes you see around. This is how you are going to be making money online from today. Imagine yourself sitting in front of your home PC or laptop on a cool Monday morning with your glass of orange juice beside you. The stock market opens in 25 minutes and you put on your PC or laptop. You instruct your stock trading robot to scan the database of penny stocks and after some minutes, the robot beeps and alerts you of potential profit-pulling stocks you should trade.

This is the type of business recommended for every stay at home mom to make huge money online. On this typical Monday morning, your robot has given you an order to buy Stock A for $0.13 and you quickly buy 10,000 shares of Stock A for $1,300 and you log out within a period of 10 minutes and go about your daily household chores. The next morning, you log on again and the robot instructs you to sell Stock A for $0.46 and you quickly contact your online brokerage firm and you sell all 10,000 shares. Can you imagine the amount of money you have made? Get out your calculator out now! You have made $3,300 within a period of 24 hours.

This is the kind of situation you will be faced with from today if you decide to throw away all those difficult and time-wasting chores you call business. Join the number of successful British and American stay at home moms that have discovered this easy-to-do home based business.

Truth is, on the penny stock market, stocks swing in price very fast. You will observe that stocks trading at $0.12 today may skyrocket to $0.54 the next day. This kind of price movement is not unusual at all. It happens just like that every single day.

This is the best and easiest way every stay at home mom can make money online today. Day trading stock picks is one business you cannot afford to allow to pass you by. In a very short time, with $500 flowing into your account every day, you will say good bye to all your money worries. Your dream car or dream home will be within your reach in less than 60 days!

Is It True That Day Care Changes the Way Toddlers Develop?

The website development companies are engaged in the process of developing the website. In present time, Website development services in Noida are one of the fastest growing industries. Our Website Development services are centered with broader objective of making business. The first step in ecommerce website development company in noida is planning with the application design and architecture of website. Ecommerce website design & developed for anyone ranging from small vendor to a large corporation. The success of any business depends on defining & executing proper business process.

We are the leading ecommerce website development company in noida in the domestic web domain. We are specialises in developing websites, portals, e-commerce solutions. Our highly-skilled professional team enables to understand clients’ requirements in a better ways that help us to deleiver business solutions and services on time without any delay.

We offer services such as eCommerce Web Development, eCommerce Web Design, CMS – Content Management System, Search Engine Optimisation.

As your business evolves your website development should grow with it, hire us to develop your website to meet the needs of your business. We have a team of website developer’s work on who can deal with small jobs through to large web builds and we are outstanding website Development Company in India. No job is too small, ask us for a price.

Online presence is very important now days. People are going online so this is the clear indication to marketers to target this audience. Now a day’s people love to use websites for many reasons. They use the websites for products or services information, for online shopping etc.

To design a website, one can hire dedicated designers of some reputed companies. I would like to recommend hiring designers. It is one of the top web design company based in India. It has more than 2 years of experience in developing and designing websites and mobile apps. Their designers are very creative that design the website very user friendly and attractive. Their developers are very talented and experienced that develops a website that works efficiently and helps the clients.

Web Development Tools and Resources for 2018

A lot these web development tools below are ones we use at on a daily basis. We can’t include everything, but here are a couple of our favorites and other widely used ones. Hopefully, you find a new tool or resource that will aid you in your development workflow. Note: The tools and resources below are listed in no particular order.

JavaScript Libraries

Javascript is one of the most popular programming languages on the web. A Javascript library is a library of pre-written Javascript which allows easier access throughout the development of your website or application. For example, you can include a copy of Google’s hosted jQuery library by using the following snippet.

 jQuery: A fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.

 BackBoneJS: Give your JS app some backbone with models, views, collections, & events.

 D3.js: A JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.

 React: Facebook’s Javascript library developed for building user interfaces.

 jQuery UI: A curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes.

 jQuery Mobile: HTML5-based user interface system designed to make responsive web sites.

 Underscore.js: Functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects.

 Moment.js: Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in JavaScript.

 Lodash: A modern utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.

7 Mistakes Men Make On Valentines Day Jewelry

Gifts of jewelry for Valentines Day is an age old standard. I think that jewelry is a special gift for this holiday because jewelry can convey such meaning – love, caring, history. I also think that jewelry is a popular gift from men to women because it allows men to express their feelings without having to speak.

Whatever makes jewelry a popular Valentines Day gift, it is important to choose and give a gift that is perfect. Below are the most common mistakes that men make when choosing and giving Valentines Day jewelry.

1. Thinking in terms of red gemstone jewelry only.

Don’t get me wrong, ruby and garnet gemstone jewelry is a traditional and meaningful gift. But it is also at every jeweler at every store!

Ruby jewelry has a special meaning for Valentines Day. Rubies are a symbol of friendship and love. Garnet, the birthstone for January is also a symbol of love.

However, if your Valentine is like me, I have earrings, rings, bracelets and pendants with ruby and garnet stones. In fact, I have several earrings and pendants with these stones.

So, red stones might be a bit overdone. Instead, think of pink, purple and blue gemstones. There are so many stones with special meanings and in special settings that you really limit yourself to think of just Ruby and Garnet.

2. Thinking of hearts only.

I love hearts. I have them in every style, material and gemstone imaginable. Hearts are absolutely the universal symbol of Valentines Day.

Valentines Day hearts come in flowers, candy boxes, and every conceivable item possible. So, when thinking of your Valentine, do you want to be one of the pack or someone that thinks beyond the rest?

Think of circles jewelry, infinity symbols, and Journey jewelry. All of these styles have special meaning especially to long term Valentine couples.

3. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend?

Well ok, they probably are. But are they the perfect Valentines Day gift? If you are on a budget, diamonds can be pricey – beyond some budgets.

Try to think past inexpensive diamond “accent” pieces. These are really not diamonds that are girl’s best friend. These are a bit of glitter that barely makes the definition of a diamond.

However, look for sterling silver settings with smaller but pretty diamonds. These are really unique and fresh!

4. Not her style!

First, determine her style. Does she work outside the home and if so, what does she wear daily – a nurse’s uniform, business suit, khaki’s and sweater?

What she wears daily will help you decide what jewelry to buy. Larger, substantial, expensive pieces are really for evening wear and if worn during the day, they are for women that dress in high end business suits or have high profile executive jobs.

But most of us don’t dress that way every day. In fact my favorite pieces are those that I can wear with jeans and an evening out. Think of simple but unique pieces, with gemstones that have 2-4 carats of jewels.

For diamonds, it is a bit harder since carat size varies by the type of piece. Stick with 1-2 carat diamond earrings or 1 carat or less of diamonds in a necklace or pendant.

5. I saw that necklace in every ad and every store everywhere!

I don’t know any woman that buys a dress that she has seen on 5 other women. Women don’t want to look just like the women standing next to them.

And women really don’t like to have the same piece of jewelry that everyone else in the office got for Valentines Day!

Look at ads and browse websites for ideas but choose something that you don’t see at the mall. You want your gift to be one of a kind just like your love!

6. Too big/too small – not just right!

This advice is very tailored to your special someone. Is she tall, short, thin, or full figured? The size of pendants, necklaces, and earrings should reflect the women’s stature.

You would not want to choose a petite gift for a woman who is full figured – it would get lost on her. By the same nature, you would not want to choose a large gemstone for a petite woman – it would make her look top heavy.

Here is where gemstone jewelry can really help out. Gemstones come in all sizes and may be clustered with another jewel to allow them to go from petite to a large size – all at prices that fit most budgets. As baby bear would say, this gift is just right!

7. A gift with no meaning.

Valentines Day is all about celebrating your love. Yes, I know it is a greeting card holiday. But you can make it so much more if you find a piece of jewelry that “speaks” to you.

Men can speak to jewelry – you just have to learn the language. Spend a few minutes looking at jewelry websites and you will absolutely learn more about gold, diamonds, and gemstones that you thought possible. Find a piece that says “I Love You”!

This process will translate into a thoughtful, unique and meaningful gift for your Valentine.

Reading Older Books Often Reveals the Basics That are Often Covered in Present Day Buzzwords

For those who really want to know their industry and really want to understand the basic fundamentals and underlining philosophy of such – it is recommended to have not only the newest and latest books on the subject, but also the books of days gone by.

Why you ask? Well, often new books are riddled with buzz-words and new hooks to help them sell, yet fail to address the reality behind it all. This is why our online think tank often reads older books and discusses them and then considers the implications of the changes and what those books were saying at the time. Great understanding can come from this sort of reading and deep digging for reality sake. Below are listed many books, with a short commentary as to why this information deserves further consideration.

“Feel the Fear And Do it Anyway – Dynamic Techniques for Turning Fear, Indecision, and Anger into Power, Action and Love” by Susan Jeffers, PhD. 1987. This work is very complete and it starts out by defining what fear is and how to figure out what you are afraid of and why.

Next it explains how to make it go away, to conquer your fears and use your new found knowledge to increase your personal power. Going for complainer to achiever and how to spot someone else who is limiting themselves by fear – she takes the book from the action phase to the life balance phase and turning your life into a wonderful experience full of success, enjoyment, fulfillment and love.

With fear tactics being used for political reasons and social control or even to increase media outlet loyalty – one needs to understand fear, its psychological buttons and how to overcome it all, if they are to survive and capitalize on the chaos created by others and accepted by the masses. We know that fear depletes vitamins in the body and causes stress, this also affects the bio-systems ability to operate efficiently and allow the brain the nutrients necessary for higher levels of reasoning and thought.

“The Technique of Handling People – Eleven Helps for your Human Relations” – by Donald A. Laird & Eleanor C. Laird 1954. This book is great to help people get along with others and is similar to “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in many regards. It starts by giving the reader tips in human relations, winning cooperation, clearing up troubles, becoming a confidant, arousing enthusiasm. There are chapters on harnessing criticism and turning it around, boosting loyalty, securing best efforts through praise and generating harmony in groups or personal relationships when it really counts. Finally, it explains the difference between leading and driving an organization or group.

Should we be appeasing hard to deal with people or rather get them to change on their own free will, allowing them to realize that if they will modify their behavior in the working environment everyone, including them will win – fellow employees, customers, themselves and the company. Why should all of us dealing with hard to deal with people develop psychological skills to counteract these problems?

“Help Yourself – A Guide to Self-Change” by Jerry A. Schmidt 1976. This short book is broken into parts, and the first part explains the need to be motivated to make a change, as you cannot help anyone against their will, including or especially yourself. It is necessary to set goals, be motivated to attain these goals and admit that you need a change. In part II, it explains more of the philosophy, methodology, techniques, tactics and strategies to complete the process to a new you.

So many people who are unhappy constantly blame others for their conditions, and refuse to look in their own mirrors. It is hard to evoke a positive change in others without them buying into a plan to change them selves. There are numerous self-help books out there, but no one is going to change until they decide they are ready. Once they do such self-help books are relevant, choosing the best one for the situation is too.

“Peak Performers – The New Heroes of American Business” by Charles Garfield 1986. This book starts out with the search for peak performance and expectation driven results, as it gives tips of where to find peak performers in large organizations. How to collect evidence, do research and profile those who are walking their talk. How to find those who love what they do and do it well. Next the book explains how to accelerate the organizations achievement and understand the growth curve, where to invest in human resources and use this inherent talent.

The book explains how to master your own skills, hone in on your talents and self manage your own peak performance. Next the book discusses how to leverage your own strengths within a team and lead the entire team to achieve more, by leading by example. How to handle change management and maintain peak performance while setting up the perfect team. The book is not only about peak performance of you and your team, it is much about winning, going all the way.

There is a lot of talk about the poor work ethic in today’s workforce. Many say that we need to give accolades, kudos and praise to produce performance, but us in the old school find it hard to praise those who are not giving their best efforts and insist that they are doing as much as should be expected. Giving the minimum never produced superior results for any organization, so this book peak performers is relevant and a must read for those who wish to win.

“Writing Business Letters and Memos – Getting your message across, Write with authority, Keep a reliable paper trail, Reply to co-workers and the boss with Confidence” by Havis Dawson 1993. The book is short, but filled with great information, explaining right off the bat what is wrong with most business letters and why they fail to communicate properly and how you can change that and not make the same mistakes. The book offers tips of layout, format, grammar and hooking the reader’s interest. Next it discusses the many types of letters like sales letters, complaint letters, collection letters, requests for information, business memos, faxes and how to do a proper email.

“Better Letters – A Handbook of Business and Personal Correspondence” by Jan Venolia 1982. If you recognize the name, she is the same author of Write Right, which has become a classic amongst authors and writers. She starts by discussing letter writing style, organizing your thoughts and composing them into perfection. Listed are all sorts of Business Letter type formats and the next chapter discusses personal type letters and the vast differences. The book even has a chapter of how to be the benevolent dictator, promoting an agenda in harmony and getting results.

The art of business letter writing seems to be lost these days, as you read your email correspondence, you should consider how things have changed. Often we see abbreviated words used by text-message’rs and wonder what on Earth is this person thinking sending this in an email? Other times we read very professional emails, which say nothing at all and are laden with buzz words, how can we take any of this seriously?

“The IBM Way – Insight into the World’s Most Successful Marketing Organization” by Buck Rodgers with Robert Shook – and foreword by Tom J. Peters. 1986. The book dives right into the implications of a business and its beliefs and how leadership guides or detracts from its mission. How IBM built a sales and marketing strategy that dominated the high-tech world by focusing on the customer and the future – then monitored the success, paid more than fairly and maintained an entrepreneurial spirit in the process.

In hindsight, one has to ask if the ideas in this book are reality based, they seem to be, but then again IBM is not nearly the company it once was. Is it because they lost their way from these policies and strategies or because of them? Things have sure changed, did IBM walk the talk or is this just another book hyping an unattainable utopian business climate that never really fully existed?

“Guerilla Marketing with Technology – Unleashing the full potential of your small business” by Jay Conrad Levinson – 1997. This book is the same as Guerilla Marketing, but with a technology based focus when marketing. It goes into real world scenarios with real small business owners asking questions and getting world-class advice from Jay Levinson.

It is ten years later and the world has really grown up now with social networking websites, AdSense ads on all the websites, so many variations of marketing strategies on the Internet, perhaps it is time for another book to help folks enjoy guerrilla marketing with the latest new tools, mobile marketing and innovative technologies?

“Future Scope – Success Strategies for the 1990s & Beyond” by Joe Cappo – 1990. The book discusses the challenge in predicting the future and the fine art of forecasting. Then it explains the issues with the population demographic shifts, immigrant labor and planning for the retirement of the baby boomers. Indeed, everything we are seeing now.

He discusses the middle class issues, many of which he got incorrect. He admits in advance that things can change along with consumer buying behavior and predicting people’s future tastes. He talks about the fitness craze as well. Attitude towards work, play, convenience and the FutureScope.

“Five Great Rules of Selling” by Persy H. Whiting – 1957. This is another one of those old classics on selling, and the advice is good and relevant, and mostly timeless. It is a good book to read to understand the foundation and fundamentals of selling, that so many new entrants either forget or fail to use to their own folly. This book is a remake of “The 5 Great Rules of Selling” that was a hit in the 1940’s. The book gets into the importance of product knowledge, getting the appointment, arousing interest, producing conviction and interest, closing the sale, overcoming objections, repeat business and referrals, working efficiently and scheduling, etc.

“Ziglar on Selling – the ultimate handbook for the complete sales professional” by Zig Ziglar – 1991. Zig Ziglar tells us why selling is paramount to our economy and how it is the oldest profession and why selling in the modern market is a honor and a good career choice. He discusses prospecting, cold calling, meetings, sales process, handling objections, closing the sale, dealing with people, getting referrals, making friends, solving problems, developing interest, desire, and rounds out all the potential topics on the subject of selling.

“One Smart Cookie” (the Story of Mrs. Fields Cookies) by Debbi Fields and Alan Furst – 1987. Here is a lady who never spent one penny on advertising, used intuition to make decisions, gave away cookies for free and ignored all the marketing experts, their advice and papers. Here philosophy and story of success is intriguing and fascinating. Her motto: Good enough, never is. And; If you chase the only the money, you will never have any. An American success story, well worth reading.

Sometimes all the business advice in the world is worthless, without a hard charger behind the push forward. Then again, with a superstar entrepreneur, well, they can often get it done anyway, without using conventional methods. The will to win, and succeed is worth all the strategic methodology in the world

“100 Ways to Make Money in Your Spare Time, Starting with Less than $100” by John Stockwell and Herbert Holtje – 1972. The first 238 pages list literally 100 different types of businesses that you can start on the cheap and how they operate and make money. Next there are chapters on business formation, selling, marketing, buying a business opportunity and record keeping.

If one is to read the Entrepreneur 500 today or any of the wonderful books by Robert Bond listing all the possible franchise opportunities, in contrast to this older book in 1972, we see very few innovations really. Although things do change, and have changed with technology, they have not changed nearly as much as we a lead to believe or nearly as fast as we think they will.

“Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Practice and Principles” by Peter Drucker – 1985. Participating in the entrepreneurial economy means you must understand what it is and how it works and Mr. Drucker starts out by explaining it in the introduction before he even starts the book. Fostering innovation, understanding the animal and using this knowledge to produce constant and continual creativity in business is the first section and next he explains entrepreneurship in action and how practicing these techniques and strategizing can produce winning products and services and methods for marketing them.

What an interesting book to read again now that we have experienced another two decades of constant innovations. Amazing that some of these strategies seem so obvious now and it is equally as interesting that even with all the modern communication, that the underlining foundations of innovation creation are similar.

“Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun” by Wess Roberts, PhD. – 1987. The book is a quick history of who Attila the Hun was and how he commanded respect and leadership in his time. The book takes some of these strategies and puts them into a modern context. How one must desire to lead, honor customs, pick your enemies wisely, responsibilities of leaders, decisiveness, delegating, negotiation, discretion, and leaving with dignity.

Despite the current accepted methods of “feel good leadership” one thing should be noted and that is that leading by fear, strength, honor and conviction also works. There are times no matter what any Neo-Feel Good psychologist tells you, that such methods would be wise to employ. Surely, not a topic that will make you many friends discussing, but the reality is it works.

“Inflation Can Be Stopped” by Robert S. Morrison – 1973. This is an excellent book for folks to read who do not understand the problems of challenges of inflation. It was written by a street-smart entrepreneur and businessman and is easily understood by the average readership. Mr. Morrison explains what inflation is and why it is so important. He explains how to deal with it and control it and why we must.

Those who often speak on economic issues of our time ought to have this minimum background knowledge and perhaps this book on their bookshelf as well. The FED fears inflation and for good reason, inflation comes with it, huge economic implications and we as citizens owe it to ourselves to understand what it is and how it works.

Can you now see why it is important to read older books too, rather than just the every day new buzz-word books, hyping and hooking you with new sub-themes? Think on this topic a bit, see what you come up with?

Managing Your Working Day in Inside Sales

To CRM or not to CRM – that’s the question

Most organisations I work with have some form of customer database or CRM – customer relationship management – system in place. If you do, then you should learn every aspect of it and use it to run your working life. Simple.

A good CRM will allow you to track every contact with a customer, what you said, what they said and the progress you made along your company’s sales process. CRMs can be useful in curating data such as key performance indicators – KPIs and many of them have calendars and email management built in.

If you don’t have a CRM system either buy one, lease one that’s in the cloud such as Salesforce or use the latest version of Microsoft Outlook with the CRM add-on. Better still, obtain Office 365 for yourself and your team, add the CRM bolt on and you’re cooking on gas. If you’re familiar with Outlook and the Office suite of products then your learning curve for Office 365 will be negligible. I’m going to show you how you can do this and finally get to grips with time and email management.

Office 365 is an Inside Salesperson’s dream. Add on Dynamics CRM Online and you have the perfect intuitive solution. Your emails, tasks and appointments from Outlook can automatically be synchronised into the database. Your Word docs and Excel files can be stored there too. Your conversations will be noted and saved. And not just for you – but for your whole company.

There’s nothing worse for a customer than when he or she calls a company and they’re treated like a stranger. That doesn’t happen with a good CRM system. You and your employees are sharing all interactions with your community in the system. You have the system integrated with social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. You have emails, activities, notes, conversations and documents linked to every contact and account. Let’s get into Office 365.

Use the Cloud

Office 365 sits in the cloud, in other words, it can be accessed from any device via the internet. It doesn’t sit on an old fashioned hard-drive. This means you can pull data from any device, so set them all up first. Your phone, laptop, PC, tablet. Whenever an entry is made on any device, the database is updated in the cloud in real time so anyone can see the information from their devices.

365 Contacts

The best feature here is the merge option where you can link your social media accounts to your contacts. So when you link in with a new contact, their details automatically transfer into your contacts, with a picture too.

If you get into the habit of photographing people you meet with your phone, incorporate this into the contact details. So when they phone your mobile, their name flashes up and a photograph too. A picture brings back memories far quicker than text.

Emails from new contacts can be dragged into the contacts box and a contact entry is automatically made with all the details harvested from the email.

365 Calendar

Firstly set the options so your calendar looks like you want it to. Decide you working week, which may include Saturday, mine does. Sort out the default view for your calendar.

Now decide colours for differing items. Here’s my suggestion:

  • Red – making money
  • Blue – marketing activities
  • Yellow – administration
  • Green – self development
  • Orange – personal activities

You can then see at a glance whether you’re being productive or not.

Microsoft provides an enterprise quality web meeting software platform called Skype for Business. It uses the Skype engine but it’s not connected to your personal Skype. It allows you to run a web meeting with anyone or any group at the click of a button. Make sure you obtain this and link it into Office 365. It’s far better than GoToWebinar and more cost effective too.

365 Tasks

Office 365 comes with a stable task management engine which is underused. Many people just list all their tasks into one giant “to do” list and this can be very bewildering.

There’s a couple of ways you can convert your tasks into something more digestible. The first manner is to put dates on each task – start and end dates – so they appear at the bottom of your calendar for the relevant day. Handy if they must be done on that day.

I do it differently. I categorise each task so I can group them on my calendar. I believe I’m more productive when I’m doing similar tasks in clusters rather than free-wheeling.

Firstly, I’m crystal clear as to my objectives, supporting projects and goals I need to achieve. I’m sure you are too. With that in mind you should be choosy whether you add an item into tasks. You should only do this if it moves you forward in your objectives. If it does, it’s known as a Tactical Next Action – an TNA.

I have TNAs for:

  • TNA: Calls
  • TNA: Online
  • TNA: Do
  • TNA: Write
  • TNA: Someday maybe

The last one is true; I have 35 items in that category at the moment but none are deal breakers, but the first four are what my calendar carries most.

When a new task comes into your task list, put it in as unassigned – it will automatically find its way to the top, so when you do your task management, you can allocate an TNA to it. Use your phone to add tasks whenever you think of something or someone gives you a job to do. Don’t rely on the brain to remember, it won’t, but the phone will. The task will whiz into the cloud and synchronise across all devices.

365 Email

The foundation of all communications and one of your collection points. I’ll talk about collection points shortly. But let’s tame your email once and for all; I’ve known salespeople to drown in it. Here’s how.

Before we go any further, turn off your email alert feature. This has to be one of the worst distractions known to the Inside Salesperson.

You are allowed to check email regularly for important items but it’s best to do this every couple of hours – say 9am, 12 noon, 3pm and 5pm. But only to deal with urgent ones, leave the rest till later when you clear your inbox. For a quick reminder of urgent versus important you won’t do worse than Stephen Covey’s Time Management Grid. You can see below that he creates four boxes which determine whether a task should be done or delayed or even ignored.

If you really do need to keep tabs of urgent email as they come in, buy yourself a smartwatch and Bluetooth your inbox. I have a Microsoft Band which does this for me, it vibrates and you glance at the tiny screen without accessing email.

And you must clear your inbox every day. Here’s how.

Choose a 60 minute window every day at some time, best before the close of play. Start with the first email. Can you handle it in less than 2 minutes? If so, handle it. If it’s going to take longer than 2 minutes, then put it into a task to be dealt with at another time. You can simply drag the email into the task area on Office 365 and it will automatically populate a task, which remains unassigned to be assigned an SNA later.

If it’s something you don’t want such as a subscription, see if you can unsubscribe. Be ruthless with these.

If it just needs filing somewhere, just drag it into the folder on your PC where it belongs.

Work your way through your emails in this manner and you will clear your inbox. And you must do this every day. Believe me, you’ll feel good when you do.

Collection Points

This is my term for where information and communications come into your business. Have a quick think about what collection points you have. Here’s mine when I first did this exercise:

  • Texts
  • Email
  • Post
  • In tray on my desk
  • Desk
  • Car dashboard
  • Post-it notes on my computer screen
  • Unassigned tasks on my phone
  • Mobile voicemail
  • Land-line voicemail
  • Social Media direct messaging
  • WhatsApp communications
  • Ideas stored in my brain

The aim is to reduce them, I was ruthless because the more collection points you have, the more difficult it all becomes to keep in control and you’ll soon be overwhelmed. Here’s my culled list:

  • Texts
  • Office 365 Email
  • Unassigned tasks for ideas etc.
  • In tray on my desk for all paperwork including post
  • Plastic folder in brief case for receipts etc.

Email is king for me, so I channel everything through to my email inbox and because I can access this on my phone, I don’t miss a thing. All social media messages come through to email, eBay notifications everything. It does mean I have a full inbox every day but I do clear this each day.

Do all these things and you too will manage your time really effectively so you can concentrate on selling. I do.

Discover How to Start an Internet Business From Home While Keeping Your Day Job

With the world in financial chaos at the moment, many people are anxious about their chances of holding onto their jobs, while others are just looking for a way to start an internet based business from home as an added security measure to bring in some extra income.

In this article we will discuss the best way to start your own small business from home without having to quit your day job.

There are many people who are totally dependent on their day job as their sole means of support and if this is your situation then starting a small internet based business from home, part time, is probably the easiest and cheapest way to get into a business of your own.

A small internet business can be used to sell your products and services globally or locally. You could choose to sell either physical or digital products, just remember that if you sell physical products you will have to be able to ship them to your customers whereas digital products can be downloaded directly from your website.

You could also think about becoming an affiliate marketer. This entails selling other people’s products and earning a commission from your sales. How this works is that the products you sell will be coded with your “affiliate link” which you place on your own website. There are many extremely successful internet marketers who make all their money using only this method of internet marketing. Alternatively you could also use a combination of the two methods.

It is relatively cheap to start and run a small home based internet business and by working it on a part time basis you will be able to keep your day job until such time as you start to make money. Your business will then be able to provide you with an extra source of income or extra security for the future especially in these uncertain times.

There are hundreds of viable legitimate income opportunities available on the internet today, and there is absolutely no reason why anyone with average intelligence cannot start an internet business of their own.

One very important point to consider, however, is that you will need to focus your goals and work out a plan of action that is realistic. You will need to take into account the hours that you spend working on your day job, any family commitments and also allow some recreation time. Nobody can work day and night without a break and do a good job. So set your goals by taking all of these things into account.

You will need to make some sacrifices if you wish to be successful. It may entail giving up some TV time or some other activity that you enjoy but is not essential. If you cannot sacrifice some of your pleasures and make time to build a business, your business will remain nothing but a pipe dream.

If you find that you have very little time available to spend on building a business you may need to reconsider just how strong your desire is to have your own internet home business. If you are not prepared to sacrifice a few of the less important activities in the beginning, it is highly unlikely that you will see the project through to a successful end.

One great side effect of starting a small home business on the internet part time while still working in your day job, is that you will be forced to become more efficient in the limited time that you have available.

Don’t hate your job, rather try to see it as a means to help you in reaching your dreams and desires for your own business. As you work towards achieving your goals your business will start growing and become an asset rather than the liability you may initially find it to be. Once this happens you may then feel that you need to spend more time working on it and you will be able to give up your day job and work full time on your internet business from home.

"The Day That Turns Your Life Around" by Jim Rohn – A Program Review

The Day That Turns Your Life Around. “Remarkable Success Ideas that Can Change Your Life in an Instant.”

In this six CD, 12 lesson program, motivational master Jim Rohn shares the story of his life changing day with you, and shows you how to consciously create the conditions that make dramatic lasting personal transformation not only possible, but inevitable. Jim’s life changing day involved an incident with a Girl Scout. That incident led him on a journey to heights of fame and fortune that few of us will ever achieve. Have you had that life changing day yet, or are you still waiting?

Some people waste years, and even their entire lives waiting for that magic moment that will change their lives for the better. But those people whose lives really do change in dramatic ways, can almost always trace the change back to something much simpler than magic. One moment, one realization, one action, one step that put them on a completely different path – and ultimately led them to their dreams.

The good news is that once you understand the four emotional states that can change your life, you can generate them within yourself at will, rather than waiting for external circumstances to activate them.

Let’s look at the 6 CD’s of this great program. Each CD is divided into two sessions, making 12 sessions in all. Here are some tidbits from the sessions:

Session One – “Today is a New Day” – Jim shares with you the day that turned his life around, and talks about life’s adventures – the little devil on one shoulder and the little angel on the other – both giving advice. What voice do you listen to? He ends the session with a story about “making something out of nothing.”

Session Two – “The Major Ingredients of Life Change” – Jim talks about emotions that can change your life, and shares some philosophies to live by including; “Profits are better than wages – Wages make you a living, profits can make you a fortune”, and one of my favorites “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.”

Session Three and Session Four – “How to Make a Life, Not Just a Living” – Jim’s short list on the good life, and words of wisdom including “Beware of what and who you become, in pursuit of what you want.”

Session Five – “The Pro vs. The Amateur; Keys to Thriving in Tough Times” – Jim shares his greatest setbacks and what he did to bounce back – and, by showing the difference between the professional and the amateur response to problems – shows how you can do it too.

Session Six – “Financial Strategies for a New Age” – Jim’s philosophical foundation for financial independence, and his suggestions for achieving wealth along with giving and sharing. Stuff they don’t teach in school, and good advice parents should pass along to their kids.

Session Seven – “How to Protect Your Time” – Time management essentials to help you reach your goals. How to avoid “Being online but off-track”.

Session Eight – “Where the True Wealth Lies” – Identifying your core values, nurturing your “inner circle” and the challenge of balancing work and family life and becoming a World-class” parent and grandparent.

Session Nine – “The Goal Setting Workshop” – Great session. Jim actually takes you through a personal goal setting workshop from one of his weekend seminars.

Session Ten – “Success Can Be Simple” – Jim’s simple approach to life learned from “Things my mama taught me” and how he uses hard and fast decisions to simplify his life.

Session Eleven – “The Magic of a Mentor” – Although I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Jim personally, through his books and programs he has been one of my mentors for many years, and I can attest to the “Magic of a Mentor” he discusses in this session. He goes on to show how you too can be a mentor, and make a difference in the lives of others.

Session Twelve – “Leadership Skills for the 21st Century” – The skills of leadership wisdom presented with witty sayings like “Don’t expect a pear tree to bear apples” and ending with the story of the frog and the scorpion (“that’s what scorpions do”).

In summary, if you are you are dissatisfied or unhappy with your life, and would like to change it, “The Day That Turns Your Life Around” will give you the tools to make any change you want to. And, as Jim says, you will be astonished by how quickly and easily it happens. I highly recommend this program. It can turn your life around!

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