Why Haven’t Marketers Everywhere Been Told These Facts?

Your Marketing Will Be More Profitable When You Use These

31 Marketing Response-Triggers

Instantly Reach New Levels Of Sales & Profits In Your Direct Mail… Your Internet Marketing… And Your Space Ads.

These Powerful Response-Triggers Are Guaranteed- – Tested and Proven – – To Devastate Your Competition, Lock In Customer Loyalty, And Explode Your Wealth Even If The Whole Country Is Teetering On The Edge Of Recession.

These are the 31 powerful response-triggers I have used for some 25 years to create marketing packages for my clients. These response-triggers have generated hundreds of thousands new customers in as little as a year.

First, some history: The way ad agencies got their start was way back in the late 1800’s… a few guys pre-bought huge blocks of blank magazine and newspaper pages at steep discounts… Then they would go out and sell the pages to business owners at full price and keep the change. One thing led to another and before long they were creating the ads for the business owners, who then bought the page.

Then comes the juicy part… In about 1910 Albert Lasker put the word out on the street. He wanted to know the exact definition of advertising. Lasker was the head of the largest advertising agency in the world at that time.

Over the course of many years, certain marketers keep track of what worked in advertising and what did not. They did this mostly by coupon orders. If advertising “A” brought in more cash orders than advertising “B”… then they would take note. Many factors were considered. Price points. ($9.97 seemed to work better than $9.95, etc.) Offers. (Buy one, get one free- seemed to work better than 50% off) etc.

Before all of these elements were tracked and codified… A scientific approach was developed. Mr. Lasker was still puzzled as to a clear definition of advertising. So the search was on.

In the 1800’s the guys who knew the most about advertising were the various companies that sold patent medicines by mail. Dr. Shoop’s patent medicine was a HUGE marketer at the time. His two leading copywriters were John E. Kennedy and Claude Hopkins.

Kennedy was looking for a new job and had heard that Mr. Lasker was looking for the true definition of advertising. Kennedy showed up one day and sent a note up to Mr. Lasker’s office. The note said…

“I am downstairs in the saloon. I know the definition of advertising. I know that you don’t know. If you would like to know, meet me at the bar downstairs.”

After a quite a few beers, here’s what Mr. Kennedy said to Mr. Lasker: “Advertising is salesmanship multiplied in print.” Today, we would have to say that advertising is salesmanship multiplied by media. Why? Because you can use everything from billboards to web sites. But if you ignore that “advertising is salesmanship” you’re in big trouble.

Below you’ll find my notes on the various response-triggers you must use in your advertising to move your advertising from the “expense” side of the ledger to the “asset” side of the ledger. After all, if you have a salesman who does not sell, you don’t lose too much. But if you have an ad that does not sell, you stand to lose a lot.

Here is the First rule of advertising:

Use a SCIENTIFIC HEADLINE: Get the prospect’s attention FAST.

Far too many ads and web sites don’t use a headline AT ALL. Much less a scientific one. This is a waste. Why? Because the reader wants to know what he’s getting into. His time is valuable. If he really is interested in say… a trip to Florida… he will be more excited to read a message entitled: SPEND 3 DAYS AND TWO NIGHTS IN MIAMI NOW FOR ONLY $199.


1. Mention the prospect and his interests.

Use the words YOU or YOUR in your headline. “How You Can…” “Protect Your Family With This New…” If you’re not going to use the word YOU, you can certainly IMPLY it. “Aching Back?” Etc.

2. Promise big benefits. (Sizzle?)

There is a difference between a “feature” of your product or service and a “benefit” to using your product. Every Lexus or BMW has a coat of paint. No one buys a coat of paint. But they do buy “styling”… “beauty”… “luxury”… “Pride of ownership”, etc.

3. Use NEWS to the point.

The whole world is glued to the news. We buy newspapers and log into countless web sites to see what’s new. If there is something NEW about your product or service, people what to hear. Use the words “ANNOUNCING” or “FINALLY”. Many smart marketers make their ads or web sites look and feel like a new article. “DATELINE: FLORIDA” ETC.

4. Provoke curiosity. (If you can do it pertinently.)

This is a tough one. The best ad I know of that used curiosity pertinently was Sackhiem’s ad DO YOU MAKE THESE MISTAKES IN ENGLISH. Many people read the ad because they were curious to see if THEY were making mistakes. In the 1910’s or 20’s the master marketer Claude Hopkins was trying to sell a butter-substitute made of pig fat. He masterfully had the WORLD’S LARGEST CAKE made and took the cake on tour city by city. The crowds to see the world’s largest cake were so huge, city cops were always called in to control the crowds. This was long before TV and American Idol. When the crowds filed by to see the cake, they saw a little sign on the cake “This Cake Was Made With CottoSweet- Not Butter.” (CottoSweet or CottoLean was the butter substitute.) The cake was a curiosity. They sold a lot of that butter substitute.

5. Mention your product(s) in a favorable light.

Here is an Ogilvy headline that uses this idea: AT 60 MILES AN HOUR THE LOUDEST NOISE IN OUR NEW ROLLS ROYCE IS THE ELECTRIC CLOCK. As I recall the story of that ad, it only ran twice in a magazine. But Ford Motor Company spent a year’s worth of advertising money shouting that their car was quieter than a Rolls Royce.


6. Next: Immediately enlarge on the promise of the headline.

If your headline does its job of capturing the attention of the right kind of people (prospects) you had better keep whetting their appetite by enlarging on the promise.

7. Tell your story in the first paragraph.

You might not get them into the 14th paragraph… so do your job as fast as you can.

8. Emphasize one basic idea.

You cannot sell more than one thing at a time. Unless you’re that store in the little town of Nacusp, Canada that sells goldfish AND computers. Even if you’re a catalog, you must have ONE basic idea. A computer catalog should not sell gold fish.

9. Clearly tell the BENEFITS (Sizzle?) the prospect will gain.

Don’t… Don’t… Don’t… leave it up to the reader to instantly see the benefits he/she will get. Tell them. Tell them plainly. Then, enlarge on the benefits. Most people need a bunch of reasons rattling around in their head to make a buying decision. Why? Because they know that sooner or later someone at the office or the spouse is going to ask them WHY they bought that item. They will need to justify the purchase to themselves and to others. It’s part of life.

1O. Present the selling points to deliver those benefits.

(Present the steak that makes the sizzle believable.) Credibility and belief are heavy concepts in the advertising universe. If they don’t BELIEVE you… you won’t get the sale. In the 1930’s the Marx Brothers set up a table in downtown New York and tried to give away $5 bills. No one would take the money. They felt there must be strings attached. The promise of benefits sounds hollow without PROOF as to HOW the benefits can and will be delivered. If you’re selling PURE water… that wet stuff had better come from 3,000 foot deep wells… or distilled using glass distillers… or whatever.

11. Show that your product(s) is easy, economical, and agreeable to use.

Remember, it’s not just your product or service that you’re selling. You’ve got to sell them on just how easy it is to buy and use. It’s not just an investment of money you’re asking for. You’re asking them to commit to time and energy to buy from you and use your product. Do you have convenient parking? Will I have to buy a new computer to use your software? Do I have to build a bigger garage to park a new Hummer in it? A buying decision sometimes includes many factors that are not readily apparent.

12. Use sex and prestige appeals if you can.

One could argue that almost everything we do has the sex drive behind it. The clothes we wear… the cars we drive… the books we have on our shelf (does anyone have books anymore?) all are because of the image it projects. Diet? – Sex appeal. Pointy-toed shoes? – Sex appeal. Corner office? – Sex appeal. Tony Robbins’ self-confidence tapes? – Sex appeal. Since the early days of man, we get it that if we don’t procreate (sex appeal) there is no future. Our genetic line… will end if we don’t have sex appeal. However, if you’re selling TAX SOFTWARE… you’re out of luck.

13. Use negative inferences. (That is, to show ills avoided by purchasing your product.)

This RESPONSE-TRIGGER has real power. There are two major motivational directions people move into. They either move TOWARD pleasure or they move AWAY from pain. Most SUCCESSFUL marketers use both directions in their marketing. For example: Buy my product and you will increase your income. If you don’t you’ll continue in your frustrating, miserable existence with that nagging feeling that you really should have bought it sooner.


14. Favorable comparison with others.

If there is a leader in the field, it might help you to ride on their coattails. Remember the Ford ad campaign mention above… they were comparing themselves with Rolls Royce.

15. Make points of contrast and superiority.

Remember, don’t leave it up to your prospect to see the distinctions. Point it out. Prove it.

16. Use “Only” and exclusive features.

If you’re selling Fords in an average size city, you’ve got 5 or 10 other Ford dealers to compete with. Yes, you are limited to some degree on what you can say about Fords… but your dealership is different right? Is it open till 10 P.M.? Do you offer 3-week trade-in guarantee? Will you double the trade-in value? Find “only” and exclusive features.

17. Make exceptional claims you can support.

Quite often, you can’t make exceptional claims. Why? Because all or most of your competitors are offering the same thing. But, most of your competitors are NOT making those claims. If you make the claim and can support it… they will look like they are being a copy-cat if they imitate your claims.

18. Compliment the prospect if you can.

Attention Homeowners… or… Attention Smart Homeowners. PICK ONE. Everyone feels they are smarter, wiser, better, than the average Joe. In fact, if you flatter your buyer, you get more buyers. Imagine that. If you’re selling diet pills, you don’t say to your prospect, “You dumb fat bastard… buy this.” But you know that don’t you?


19. Present the main idea of your selling message three times.

There is something powerful about an idea being presented THREE times from three different angles. Even jokes are often told in a trilogy sequence. When you present your idea three times, the reader has more of a chance to OWN the idea and soon feels like it’s his idea to buy such a good product or service. And if it’s HIS idea, then it’s a GOOD idea.

20. Tell of your product’s popularity… who uses and likes it.

Most of us are terribly afraid of making the wrong decision. So, if everyone is buying this product, it must be good. No one goes into an empty restaurant. It must be empty for a reason. Auctioneers are famous for planting buyers in the audience to get the bidding going. Even my beloved ex-wife… who often tried to tell me that SHE would never fall for the “gimmicks” I use in marketing… suddenly wanted to buy a house that others were making an offer on. Before those offers came in, she couldn’t be bothered with that house.

21. Give bona fide testimonials… and authority’s approval.

Many people go to Barnes and Noble… grab a book and flip it to the back cover to see who else likes this book. They look for names they trust. Also make sure the testimonials are interesting. Lame testimonials could hurt your marketing.

22. Give assurances and proof of your offer… build confidence.

Putting a real time-limit on your offer might add credibility to this idea.

23. Guarantee if you can.

Typically the longer, stronger your guarantee, the more sales you get. A one-year guarantee does not bring more returns and refund requests. A 30-day guarantee is better than no guarantee. I have a client who offered a DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK ON THE SPOT guarantee and his sales went up 217%.

24. Make your offer vitally valid… be congruous.

Having a 3 day sale is one thing… but having a SALE due to rain damage or IRS tax liens offers more of a story appeal and is easier to believe and therefore get more action from buyers. WHY is your offer, your offer?

25. Convey the value of your product or service… definitely, positively.

Again, don’t leave it up to them to figure it out. Lead them by the hand show them line-by-line, step-by-step… that your offer has the value you say it does. Maybe a column of numbers showing the total savings IF they buy your idea… will help. Break down the numbers showing them it only cost so much per day, or month or year.


26. Give your reader good reasons and excuses for buying NOW.

If you’re selling high-ticket items… inflation alone is a good reason to… ACT NOW. Hording all that money under your bed is like lighting a slow, smoldering fire to your money. Every year its purchasing power disappears flicker by flicker. Surely you can find some other reasons to get them to ACT NOW.

27. Make choosing easy… stress ONE item above others you may sell.

If you’re selling three different colors of the same product, tell them which one is the most popular. Help them focus on one buying decision. If you leave it up to them to weed through all the choices, you will lose sales.

28. Tell how, when, and where to get it.

By now they want it… why can’t you move them to the next step by telling them what to do next. “Here’s what you must do.” is a phrase you could use.

29. Name prices and terms… make it easy to buy or order.

Some marketers are afraid to mention prices in their ad or web site. Here are two reasons why you should name your prices and terms.

First- You are wasting their time if you don’t mention price. If you make them call and talk to a salesman, you’ll lose sales. If you don’t tell them the price, they will tend to think it cost more than it actually does. Why? Because when we have NO INFORMATION, we tend to assume the worst.

Second, if you do have a high price, you SHOULD SAY SO and BRAG on it. Most businesses don’t charge enough for their products and services. If you raise your price, it will naturally trigger something in your brain that you had better justify this price and you will naturally be a better marketer.

You’re goal should be to make double-digit year-end profits after all expenses are paid, including owners salary. If you throw in your salary as part of the profits you’re deceiving yourself regarding your profits. From 10% to 25% year-end profits is a reasonable goal. Most business owners scrape by on 3% profits. Or less. That sucks. If you’re afraid to raise your prices, get a job at the post office.

30. Consider a coupon… or direct offer.

The point here is to track your efforts. If you don’t offer coupons, a direct offer tells you whether your ad is working or not. If you run an ad that brings you 100 phone calls and 10 buyers… that’s one thing. If you make a different offer to find out that for the same advertising expense you’re now getting 200 phone calls and 37 buyers… you’ve more than doubled your sales and profits without doubling your ad budget.

Your cost of advertising is one thing. Your cost per lead and cost per sale is a different thing. Coupons and direct offers not only help you keep track of what works, it also tends to bring in more buyers. Why? Because prospects clip the coupon late Wednesday night and call you on Thursday morning. Or, they note the direct offer and respond better than if your offer is vague.

31. Sell NOW as the time… make a bid for business and action.

If you take the time and trouble to get their emotions all worked up to say YES… get them to act now. Tomorrow the kids will be screaming, the doorbell ringing, and many other things will cloud their mind. NOW is the time to act.

If you follow these ideas… several things will happen all at once. Your sales will increase. When your sales increase, your competitors’ sales will decease. It just happens. The “Market Pie” is only so big.

PLUS: Your advertising cost will actually decrease. Why? Because you’ll be lowering your cost per lead and cost per sale for the same media dollar spent. Let’s say you’re spending $10,000 for a full-page ad in a mid-size town newspaper. If you increase your response your true media costs go down for the same amount of buyers coming into your door. That is smart marketing!!!

What is advertising? Advertising is salesmanship multiplied by media. Just because someone can design a so-called web site with flash and fancy graphics doesn’t mean jack when it comes to actually convincing people to part with their hard earned cash.

Use these ideas to increase your sales and profits in any media.

Bless You.

Linwood Austin


Could Celebrities Be Cutting-Edge Marketers – Leading Online Business Entrepreneurs?

“Where is The Future of Online Business –

Could Celebrities be showing mainstream business the way?”

Have Your Competitors ‘Caught On” and already Talking to Your Customers in this latest marketing evolution for Web Success? (And are they doing it Auto-matically and VERY Cheaply!) SO MANY Crucial Questions to answer… please read on.

The following Report is the Cover Story for “Australian Business Solutions” magazine



There is a buzz around on the television news, radio, in the print media, at business networking groups and meetings and especially on the internet right now. There seems to be a shift of focus for how people look for products and services and then decide how they spend their money.

In terms of influence and power, the new way people search for products and services and make their buying decisions online could even rival the search engines. And it’s been said that this buzz could be the single biggest thing to happen in business since the industrial revolution!

Sounds over the top, but is there enough evidence (for you) to be a part of it too? And is this buzz a fad or could it be here to stay?

If you’ve watched TV news or listened to radio or brought a newspaper in the past 2-3 years, you will have noticed references to websites in both stories and advertising, where you can find out more – including how to get more information about a product or service and/or how to buy instructions. In more recent times nearly every news presenter, TV show host, journalist and celebrity are also promoting how you can ‘follow’ their lives, interests and activities online too – and it all seems to be centred around websites such as Facebook.com, Twitter.com, YouTube.com, Digg.com and more, collectively known as Social Engines.

Celebrities are using these sites to raise their profile, build their brand and most importantly, solidify their popularity and [hopefully] longevity in their profession and industry. AND, these sites enable their audience (loyal army of fans) to talk directly back to them. And this is at the heart of the buzz and current shift – and why it’s so very important you read on and learn more.

On the Social Engine Twitter.com, Ashton Kutcher and Ellen Degeneres have more followers (fans) than the entire populations of Ireland, Norway and Panama. Their brand awareness and popularity building is personal, although as that increases, so too does their value to corporations looking for product endorsements to drive their market penetration and increase their market share.

Sporting stars like celebrities have broadened their talent base too, becoming more entrepreneurial and business savvy, seeing their name, brand and product value increase, in many cases, to a higher income level than the actual core sporting talent. In other words, acting, playing a sport, being a comedienne or whatever is their core talent is no longer their only talent. They have embraced the concept of brand building (and protection), marketplace communications and conversations – opting for direct contact via sources like online Social Engines. Here they can touch far more people quicker and easier than say a traditional autograph signing exercise.

A true business woman, leader and entrepreneur, celebrity Oprah Winfrey instantly connects and updates a loyal army of over 2 million+ people that follow her on Twitter. Her power and influence is no surprise or revolution in itself, but her army of followers are able to directly provide instant feedback and ideas to her too -and marketplace feedback is a life blood to your business growth and long term sustainability. (Try ignoring it and see where your business goes.) Everyone wants to be heard and Social Engines give you, your business and your customers a voice.

A loyal army of followers can also provide a viral effect to disseminate information quickly too, meaning they can ‘spread the word for you’ if you ask them to – this can be particularly useful if you want to spread good news and conversely if your brand comes under attack via other mainstream media mechanisms or on the Social Engines themself.

Although it might be hard to fathom, could celebrity entrepreneurs like these be showing more traditional businesses how to connect, behave, build our brand, increase our marketplace value and build our business too using these Social Engines?

Is this a valid idea and model for mainstream business or not?

Firstly, the power of Social Engines extends far beyond Twitter.com alone. Some of the other leading Social Engine sites sprout some pretty impressive visitor and member statistics, as well as services.

Facebook.com – If it was a country rather than a website, it would be the world’s 3rd largest after China and India.

On Facebook there are more than 250 million active users and more than 120 million of them log on to Facebook at least once each day and more than 5 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day (worldwide). The fastest growing demographic is 35 years old and older and within that, the fastest growing segment is 55-65 year-old females. Do people 35+ and women influence the buying decision for your products and services? This is worthy of your attention.

And there’s more… more than 1 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) are shared each week on Facebook alone and more than 2.5 million events are created and advertised each month. More than 45 million active user groups exist on the site and more than 50 language translations of that content are available on the site. The people supplying all this content include business owners and professionals, some of whom are surely in your industry and probably your competitors. And if you think because you’re a localised business that this doesn’t count, you’ll find this statistic most enlightening- 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States.

All of those statistics are just for Facebook alone (source Facebook.com/press/statistics).

You can also purchase Pay Per Click and Pay Per Impression advertising on Facebook (and other Social Engines). They take your spend to a whole new level of value and ROI with their member data allowing you to display your adverts for keywords AND additional, specific demographics of the member base. For example you can display your advertising message to women, 55+ in Melbourne who are single. You can even target people specifically on their birthday with a relevant offer.

YouTube.com – take a look at YouTube (which is owned by Google for good reason) – People are watching hundreds of millions of videos a day on YouTube and uploading hundreds of thousands of videos daily. In fact, every minute, ten hours of video is uploaded to YouTube -including promotional videos, education, product consumption/direction videos and client testimonials for business. Plus every video you add to YouTube includes a spot on the webpage where you can put a link back to your website. PLUS you can add these videos to your blog posts, making them more interesting to your blog readers on other Social Engines too (more about blogs in a moment).

YouTube’s user base is broad in age range, 18-55, evenly divided between males and females, and spanning all geographies. Fifty-one percent of users go to YouTube weekly or more often, and 52 percent of 18-34 year-olds share videos often with friends and colleagues.

And could this be the good reason Google brought YouTube? It’s the 2nd largest search engine in the world today, 2nd only to Google.com. If you want to connect with your marketplace on volume, this is worthy of your attention.

Twitter.com – let’s take a statistical look at that quickly too. Twitter’s footprint has expanded impressively in the first half of 2009, reaching 10.7 percent of all active Internet users in June with 83.1% of users over the age of 25. In July 2009, the Twitter website recorded 23,284,395 unique visitors – who else wants to be ‘front-of-mind’ to an audience of that size? Does your target market include people 25+? This is worthy of your attention.

Twitter has been described as the “Pulse of the Planet” given its instant, viral spread-the-word-to-the-world-instantly nature. It has boosted box office numbers and it’s killed them too, just ask the makers of the movie “Bruno” – overnight ticket sales dropped by more than half thanks to the frank and instant feedback from those that had just seen it. It was so quick too because 80% of Twitter usage is on mobile devices. People update anywhere, anytime – imagine what that means for bad customer experiences and you!

Do you let your customers walk away with a bad experience, only to stand out the front of your store or hang up the phone and blast their frustration and disappointment to hundreds, thousands maybe millions of people -in the ‘heat of the moment’?

The true power of Social Engines is not to be feared, it is to be embraced and when done well, you can influence large numbers of people in the ways you want them to know and represent you. This is worthy of your attention.

Understanding the nature of Social Engine participation is important and the question to answer is – What are people doing on these Social Engines? They are looking for ideas, insights, invites, offers, information, inspiration and conversation.

Savvy business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals are providing it all to them and at the same time, in a more passive or softer way than conventional advertising, promoting their business, building their reputation and ultimately getting more leads and customers to their web sites. These business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals are using resources within services like Facebook that include a Personal Profile Page, Business and Product Pages, Fan Clubs, Groups, Time-sensitive Events/Promotions, Classified Advertising (PPC) and more… and the really smart ones are sharing content direct from their website blog feed too (more about that in a moment).

Then there are sites like LinkedIn, a professional social network and directory of business owners and professionals who can communicate quickly and easily with one another. In a 2009 survey, 80% of businesses and companies who are members were using LinkedIn as a primary recruitment tool to find new employees. This is worthy of your attention.

On these Social Engines, people can say what they want about you and it’s uncensored. What do you do about it? Ignore it and hope the customers and prospects that really matter to you don’t see it? Should you take a proactive approach and start by monitoring what’s been said about you and then start providing your brand of information, insights, ideas and inspiration to your marketplace and control the information flow you want through them?

We are living in an era now where what happens in Vegas goes ON and STAYS ON YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, Facebook and more.

“Because of the speed in which social media enables communication, WORD of mouth has become WORLD of mouth.”

Love them or hate them, social engines are here to stay simply because ‘the people’ love them and trust others on them. Facebook and MySpace are among the most popular destinations on the web. And even though they can be extremely annoying, there is one inescapable fact: the most irritating thing about Facebook is the 200m-strong army of people who use it.

And here’s the final enlightening point- Social Engine participation has overtaken pornography as the #1 activity on the Web.

SO Do you get involved or not? And if so, how do you do it easily and cheaply but still ‘play the game’ like a Celebrity with a 2m+ loyal army of followers?

The reality is that even if you’re not involved, your customers and prospects AND competitors probably are – and they’re talking to one another, perhaps about you and without you so the sooner you start, the better chance you have to becoming both a part of the conversation and then lead it.

The answer for businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals is automation – this is the single biggest break-through strategy and tactic that very few people have worked out, including many larger corporations who are successfully using Social Engines but they are not leveraged with automation, also known as things happening ‘auto-magically‘.

In many cases, businesses are employing specialist online staff on top of web masters and advertising/SEO experts. With automation, you can do a whole lot for very little extra time and virtually no money.


At its essence or core are six words that will transform the way you generate leads and make repeat sales online – those words are YOUR WEBLOG FEED PLUS SOCIAL ENGINES.

A Weblog or blog as it’s more commonly known is a type of website or part of an existing website that allows you to add content as blog posts or articles and display them on your website – content like information, ideas, insights, offers, news, invites, images and more and you can create blog posts quickly and easily without ever needing to get a webmaster to do it for you.

There are over 200,000,000 Blogs online today and that number grows every day. Again, not all blogs and blog owners are equal, many are neglecting to include automation and leverage and integration with Social Engines so there are many nay-sayers about blogging, but that attitude is changing as more people are enlightened.

A Feed or RSS Feed as it’s more commonly known will distribute your blog posts well beyond just displaying them on your website. Feeds permit subscription to regular updates of your blog posts, delivered ‘auto-magically‘ via a web portal, news reader, or in some cases good old email. Feeds also make it possible for your content (information) to be packaged into “widgets,” “gadgets,” mobile devices, and other technologies as shortened or full length messages, which Social Engines happen to LOVE. Your Feed makes it possible to display blog posts just about anywhere on the web or web connected device and most importantly directly to the millions of people online every day.

That means a Blog with an RSS Feed can ‘auto-magically‘ distribute information you create about you, your business, your products and your services quickly and easily across thousands of sites on the web. And you only have to create your pieces of content once!

A blog is a powerful code (invisible to the human, non-techie eye) and every time you add content to an existing or new blog post, like you would add content to a word document, it is distributed around the web in seconds and is fed directly into the biggest marketplaces and communities of people online every day.

What makes a blog with a feed even more powerful is that it reaches the biggest sources of people (leads) online – who by the way are not just using Search Engines anymore to find out about products and services, they are also using the “Social Engines”. PLUS your Blog Feed can also ‘auto-magically‘ update Google and Yahoo about your site too, so you still stay connected with the Search Engines for no more extra work, or money.

Now if you’re anything like me, when I first heard about these Social Engines, I dismissed them as not being a viable business and marketing channel because they appeared to be for personal networking and friendship (and they are indeed used for those reasons). Whilst many businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals are using these engines and winning new business – only a handful are doing it easily and quickly, because most of them do not know about the power of connecting your Weblog RSS Feed and how it fits in with using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Digg and hundreds more Social Engines.

In my own experience, I was wrong to not get involved with Blogs and Social Engines sooner (like many business owners and professional managers still are) as my competitors began to build an edge I did not have with my marketplace, simply because I did not understand and connect these two key points about connecting your blog directly to Social Engines. If you want to find new customers quickly and easily and build better sales from existing customers:

  1. Your website must be a Blog with a Feed and/or include one as part of your website
  2. Your online marketing mix and strategy must include sharing your blog post information with people on Social Engines like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Digg etc.

And here’s why…

Your competitors have possibly already figured out that social engines are where they can connect with people who include your customers and potential customers because the Social Engines are where your customers and potential customers are going online – and they’re going to these Engines regularly and for long periods of time. And people are making buying decisions based on the conversation they are having and the feedback they are hearing.

Even if you [believe you] have no competition, you’re not connecting with your marketplace as directly and as easily as you can, if you are not using the true power of Social Engines. These online sources or marketplaces attract people 24/7/365, who stay for a while each time. How could you NOT promote you, your business and your products and services there?

Every time you add content to your blog, it is circulated out to many Social Engines, once you set up a FREE account with them… people at these Engines who have an interest in what your business offers then come to your website to find out more.

Here’s an example of how your website Blog, its Feed and these Social Engines work together. (Note this diagram also includes the two largest Search engines -let’s not forget them. Using your Blog and RSS Feed, you can ‘auto-magically’ update them too.)

At the centre of this relationship are your website blog and its RSS Feed. Every time you add content to your blog, the Feed distributes it out to the Social and Search Engines with a link back to your website. People on the Social Engines instantly see a summary of your blog post and a link back to your blog/website. If they are interested in you, they click on the link and follow it back to your website to find out more about you and move forward with you.

“Although we like to feed information to the Search Engines for free listings, the Social Engines outperform them in providing INSTANT, FREE traffic (people) to your website… meaning Social Engines host millions of people live online at any given time who are exposed to your blog post instantly… and not only will they follow your link back to your blog/website if they are interested, they also have the power to make your Feed ‘viral’ – voluntarily passing it on to their friends who in turn pass it on… and so on.

The Social Engines and the people on them help you grow your prospect and customer base quickly, easily and cheaply – you can’t get any cheaper than free!”

The Social Engines are places where people go to and stay at; whereas Search Engines are places people only pass through ‘in search of’ a final site destination. This is the major difference and the significant extra power you’re missing out on if you are not involving your business in the Social Engines. Remember though, the Blog Feed is vital to ensuring your participation is mostly ‘auto-magic’ otherwise participating in them could over run your day, your week and your life!

The Blog Feed allows you to ‘auto-magically‘ update the Social Engines, minimizing the ‘air time’ you personally allocate to this.

So, who’s already taking this seriously and using Social Engines as a powerful, quick, cheap and easy tool and media to generate free leads quickly too?

Firstly, no matter your business, products and services, you’ll find prospects and possibly existing clients already participating in these sites on a regular basis. You are bound to find your competitors there too, it makes good business sense to be present on an Engine where millions of people congregate, converse and seek out people with the products and services they require – someone in your industry is probably joining them and being ‘front-of-mind’ and it should be you.

Everyone that gets it commits to it. These world-wide companies, brands and industry leaders have dedicated resources to connect and cultivate relationships with prospects and clients on the Social Engines with reportable, measurable results:

Motor Vehicle Industry: Chevrolet, Ford, General Motors, Honda

Travel and Tourism Industry: JetBlue, Southwest Airlines, Luxor Las Vegas, Marriott International Hotels and Resorts, Carnival Cruise Lines, Hertz Car Hire

Sporting Teams: Chicago Bulls, Detroit Pistons, Portland Trail Blazers, San Diego Chargers

Entertainment: 92Y, The Travel Channel, ComCast, Marvel Entertainment, Direct TV, Pop Caps, TV Guide

Finance: Wachovia, H&R Block, Intuit

Retail: Best Buy, The Home Depot, American Apparel, Rubbermaid, Whole Foods, Zappos.com

Food and Beverage: Starbucks, Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, Popeye’s Chicken, Tastidlite, Kraft Foods (see Vegemite Case Study below)

Other Global brands: Dell Computers, EMC and Kodak – all benefitting by directly connecting with their target marketplace – whether that’s existing customers and/or potential customers.

Case Study:

Kraft Foods have taken an interesting Corporation-Consumer collaborative approach to product promotion and development using Social Engines. Here’s what they say about their social engine strategy:

For many of our strong brands such as Vegemite – we acknowledged that we are simply (proud) brand custodians and that the brand is owned by ‘the people’. We focused our first two years of social engine participation on simply listening and asking questions.

Two of these questions were:

  1. How do you individually like your Vegemite?
  2. If there ever was to be a Vegemite variation what would this be?

Recently Kraft launched their latest product “Name me” a vegemite plus cream cheese experience. Here’s how they are using Social Engines to develop it.

“This is a work in progress; we spent two years listening and now with the product on shelves the Kraft Communications team is engaging with Vegemite loyalists and cynics alike on the 12 top social engines. They are engaging and getting samples out on and off line- and encouraging debate on the new products. There are a number of Facebook groups sitting in the following camps: pro original, pro new flavour and anti new flavour.”

This is just one way Social Engines are helping businesses already to grow brand, product and corporate awareness. There are many other ways to use it too that can and do lead to direct and immediate sales. No matter the size of your business and marketplace, Social Engines, like the internet at large give you a level playing field with industry leaders like Kraft Foods and the others mentioned here.

Your website with a blog and feed will provide regular content to the Social Engines ‘auto-magically’. You need to support that by also visiting the main Social Engines and engaging people on a weekly basis, as it forms part of your marketing, CRM and all the other pay-offs mentioned previously.

Adding content regularly to your Blog Feed, ‘auto-magically‘ keeps you in touch and front of mind to millions of people around the world, on the Social Engines (and Search Engines) so they can access your business, products and services quickly and easily.

The buzz appears to be more than a fad so for your business it becomes not a question of ‘if’ these Social Engines are going to be a valuable marketing tool for business. Rather, the question now is:

“How quickly will you get your business on the Social Engines

… to Capture Your Competitors Clients too?”


Here’s a checklist to help you get started with your new, exciting and FREE Social Engine Strategy:

1) Get a Blog website with a domain name of your choice OR if you already have a website, get a new sub domain or folder added called blog

2) Open an account with at Google, Feedburner, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Digg, and LinkedIn.

3) Install an RSS Blog Feed and set up a Pinging list on it then add your Blog feed to the Search and Social Engine accounts you created in the step above.

4) Create content-rich education videos that can be added to your YouTube account and your Blog – that is then ‘auto-magically‘ added to your Search and Social Engine accounts.

5) Actively participate in or create new Facebook Groups, Events and Pages.

6) Make promotional videos about you, your business, your products, how you help and support people and upload them to your YouTube Channel then add them to your blog posts.

To really make this all work well for you, you need to know there is a big secret in succeeding with growing your business using Social Engines. You’ve read this far, so here it is: Social Engine success rest largely with you getting to grips with:

  1. Being a ‘face’ of your business and allowing people to connect with your ‘authenticity’ as a person ahead of a product, and
  2. the need to ‘listen’ to your marketplace, innovate with change to meet their ever-changing needs and then share information that will help them, rather than push product.

Millions of dollars are spent monthly with pay per click advertising on these sites and more millions are paid to ‘search engine specialists’ who supposedly help you reach number 1 ranking on keywords relevant to your business. It’s a fierce fight between serious players for top spots on search engines, both free and paid listings. An entire industry is built on it and around it. But you now know how to become a leader in your industry on the most powerful Social (and Search) Engines online today and how to do it Quickly, Cheaply, Easily and Auto-Magically.

In some cases, target market demographics may not be using Social Engines; therefore it would not be worthwhile. Consider these statistics when making your evaluation:

78% of consumers trust peer recommendations. Do you rely on 3rd party endorsements to build buyer confidence? If this is not a necessary part of your marketing and sale process, you may be able to ignore Social Engine Marketing.

Successful companies in social media act more like Dale Carnegie and less like David Ogilvy – Listening first, selling second. Would your competitors be prepared to connect and listen to your prospects and customers directly to discover what they want, and then give it to them? If not, then you may be able to ignore Social Engine Marketing… and least for a little while.

The worst part is the first part. When you start, your ‘following’ could be small but that is far better than not monitoring what’s been said about you at all! The only way to change that is to get in the game!

Get started right now, before your competitors do -it’s the future of marketing your business online, because that is where the people you want as your customers are going online. It’s only a matter of time before someone in your industry emerges as the leader on the Social Engines – get you and your business front-of-mind first. Enjoy the experience and I’ll ‘meet and tweet you’ on the Social Engines of the World!

How To Succeed In Any Network Marketing Business – Tips For Network Marketers

Before you start investing your time and energy in your newly created MLM Home Based Business you need to know the things that are required to help you succeed. Most net workers give up after a few months in the business simply because they were unable to create a full time income from their opportunity. Situations like this do not have to happen.

Network marketing is a business of style that gives you the Freedom to make whatever choices you want and create what ever level of income you desire. Why not take the time to learn what it takes to succeed in a MLM Business with any company and apply them to your business.

Successful Network Marketers have made it to the top of every company they are involved with irrespective of what products or compensation plan. Reason for their success is based on the following techniques.

1- Effective Positioning

Are you practicing Effective Positioning? How do you position yourself to your prospects? Effective positioning is placing or showing yourself and your business to prospects in a way they will see you as a REAL LEADER that can help them succeed. In order to start practicing effective positioning, learn every thing about your business, pay plan, products etc and be armed to answer your prospects questions yourself. With this they will start seeing you as a leader. People want to associates themselves with leaders and leaders have followers. How do your prospects find you online and off line? Look for a convenient way that puts you as an expert in the field. Have you ever done a 3way call? Picture this scenario: You call John (prospect) to tell him about you business, and he has two simple questions about the pay plan. You dial Mark (your sponsor) to answer John’s questions. Who does John see as the leader and expert? You or Mark? Mark obviously. You see the positioning stuff. When you start practicing effective positioning in your business, you will have prospects calling you and asking you for more information.

2- Leading with your Product

Are you leading with your product or your opportunity? Most Net workers make the mistake of leading with the opportunity. If prospects do not see the benefits of your product or service, how do you think they will join your business? Selling the benefits of your product and increasing consumption should provide you with enough retail profit to keep you going. Once consumption of your product increases so does the opportunity for new distributors. At this point you can comfortably sell your opportunity without fear. The difference with leading with the product or the opportunity is this. If people join your business because they think they can make money fast, then it is obvious that they will leave as soon as the next big opportunity comes knocking and your will business collapses. If they join your business because they fell in love with you product and are passionate about it then your business has a 99.9% chance of succeeding. The benefits of your product should lead the prospect to join your business not the opportunity.

3- Leads

What is the life line of your MLM Business? Leads. Most net workers do not take this seriously. To succeed in any Network Marketing business you need a steady flood of hungry prospects reaching out to you on a daily basis asking you for more information. You can never have too may leads….But how to get them is the question. There are tons of ways to make this happen ranging from home gathering, meetings, newspaper adverts, internet etc. I recommend the use of the internet for this as it is the path of least resistance. Create yourself a lead capture page that is dealing with the benefits provided by your product or service. Once set drive traffic to your site using social networks like Stubleupon, myspace, facebook, YouTube etc to get free leads. Other forms of getting leads include purchasing leads from lead dealers. Also Pay per Click advertising can put literally hundreds of even thousands of prospects in front of you everyday. Note that without leads your business will not succeed.

To succeed in any MLM Home Based business the above factors are very essential for anyone who is serious about their business. Positioning yourself effectively makes your prospects see you as a leader and expert and will want to partner with you in your business. Leading with your product is a key thing you must do. If people fall in love with your product then your business has 99.9% chance of success. A steady stream of hungry prospect is the final key that will propel you to the top. Choose a strategy to generate your leads and be good at it and then move to the more advanced methods.

By putting this fact into action, you can guarantee your success in any MLM Home Based Business.

Best Home Based Business

Knowledge is king, but applying it is what makes a business a business. Elisha A.

The 10 Most Influential Internet Marketers (Part 1)

This article is a subjective list of the ten most influential Internet marketers. I could have easily included more than ten marketers, but I had to draw the line somewhere. So, if you don’t see your favorite Internet marketer on the list, please don’t be offended. I purposely excluded individuals whom are known primarily for one particular talent.

For example: copywriting and SEO. I wanted to sing the praises of those individuals whom are known as great marketers – first and foremost. And while this list is subjective, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to argue against any of the selections included on the list, as they are all proven excellent and have stood the proverbial test of time.

1. Jay Abraham’s uncanny ability to increase business income, wealth and success by uncovering hidden assets, overlooked opportunities and undervalued possibilities has captured the attention and respect of CEOs, best-selling authors, entrepreneurs and marketing experts. Jay’s clients range from business royalty to small business owners. But they all have one thing in common – virtually all have profited greatly from Jay’s expertise. A number of clients each acknowledge that Jay’s efforts and ideas have lead to a profit increase of millions of dollars. [See our Testimonial pages]

Jay has identified the patterns that limit and restrict business growth. He’ s one of only a very few people who realize that most industries only know and use one particular marketing approach – even though there may be dozens of more effective and profitable strategies and options available to them.

Jay shows his clients how to take different success concepts from different industries and adopt them to their specific business. This gives Jay’s clients a powerful advantage over their competition.

Jay has been acknowledged as a unique and distinctive authority in the field of business performance enhancement – and the maximizing and multiplying of business assets. He’s been featured twice in Investors Business Daily ­ both on the front page and in the Leaders & Success Section – saying Jay, “Knows how to maximize results with minimum effort”. The March 6, 2000 issue of Forbes Magazine listed Jay as one of the top 5 executive coaches in the country saying jay’s specialty is, “Turning corporate underperformers into marketing and sales whizzes.”

In addition, Jay has been written up in USA Today, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, OTC Stock Journal, National Underwriter, Entrepreneur, Success, and Inc. magazine, and many others. [See our Press articles]

He has over 10,000 individual business success stories from around the world. Many of the world’s preeminent trainers and consultants have sought out Jay’s advice and counsel in growing their organizations.

As a proven business leader with energy and vision, Jay has demonstrated the critical ability to stimulate true breakthrough thinking and execution throughout organizations, in all 4 vital areas of performance enhancement: strategy, innovation, marketing, and management. He understands how to focus on the upside leverage in an organization, while effectively controlling and minimizing the downside risk. He understands the implications, correlations, applications, opportunities and vulnerabilities in a given situation from a “catscan” perspective that is exceedingly rare.

He sees overlooked opportunities, hidden assets (both tangible and intangible), and underperforming areas of a business no one else recognizes. His depth and breadth of empirical experience has facilitated exceptional judgment, communication, and collaboration skills, the vitally essential traits necessary to establish, lead and effectively contribute to any organization. These are the prime abilities required to add new life and strategic vision to a company that is struggling, or one that needs to redefine or better distinguish itself in the marketplace.

His forte, which is the ability to think “way outside the box” and prepare for multiple potential scenarios, has enabled him to find and successfully implement creative, preemptive solutions to very complex problems in order to generate high-performance results. He has successfully established beneficial relationships with key strategic partners and developed strategic business plans for companies that have consistently been met or exceeded. He has been instrumental in raising performance even while working with adverse business environments.

As the founder and CEO of Abraham Group, Inc. in Los Angeles, California, Jay has spent the last 25 years solving problems and significantly increasing the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 400 industries worldwide. Jay has seen and dealt with every type of business you can imagine. And he’s studied and solved every kind of business question, problem, challenge and opportunity

Jay has been extremely successful at what he does for others. He’s produced many thousands of success stories and made Billions for others as well as millions himself. He’s spawned an entire generation of marketing consultants and experts who credit him as their primary mentor as a result of his past Protégé and Consultant Training programs. Nearly 2,000 websites reference his impressive work on the Internet alone.

2. Mark Joyner is a #1 best-selling author of over a dozen books translated in almost as many languages. He is widely recognized as one of the early pioneers of e-commerce, responsible for inventing, pioneering, and popularizing many of the technologies we take for granted today (including remotely-hosted ad tracking, electronic books, Integration Marketing, and more …)

– One of his books (MindControlMarketing.com) shot to #1 within 36 hours of its release.

– One of his websites became the 37th most visited website on the planet within 6 weeks of its release.

– His pioneering ebook (Search Engine Tactics) was downloaded over 1,000,000 times years before e-books were common.

– He turned a fledgling one-man operation into a multi-million-dollar International corporation with customers in every internet-connected country on the planet in two years time.

Other Interesting Facts About Mark Joyner

Earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology through independent study while simultaneously serving in the U.S. Army in the Military Intelligence Corp (he speaks Korean fluently graduating at the top of his class at the Defense Language Institute).

Is a cold-war veteran of military intelligence and a former U.S. Army Officer. He held a Top Secret SCI clearance (the highest clearance level in the US) for several years.

Was awarded for his military service by the U.S. Army, the Republic of Korea Army, the Korean Consulate General, and the President of the United States.

3. Dan Kennedy, a Phoenix-based entrepreneur-extraordinaire has won international recognition as a “millionaire-maker,” helping people in dozens of different businesses turn their ideas into fortunes

Entrepreneur Magazine says that Dan Kennedy has “at least 101 moneymaking ideas for any business owner.”

Dan Kennedy moves with remarkable ease from one very different field to another, working with clients in 62 different businesses, industries and professions, earning as much as $250,000.00 in a single month providing unusual direct-response advertising and direct marketing advice, strategy, copywriting and marketing materials, video production and infomercials, and profit improvement systems.

Kennedy’s clients include everything from sole entrepreneurs to huge corporations. Here are just a few examples – there’s the husband-and-wife couple who came to Dan with an idea, a mountain of debt, and failing advertising. Less than two years later, they have zero debt and a home-based mail-order business generating over $200,000.00 a month at about a 40% profit margin. Or, there’s the now-giant Guthy-Renker Corporation, famous for its celebrity infomercials with Victoria Principal and Vanna White, and its Tony Robbins infomercials. Guthy-Renker is a 200-million dollar+ a year business now, and Dan’s been a key member of their brain trust since their very first infomercial (Think And Grow Rich). Or there’s U.S. Gold, a company that has twice increased its sales by millions with Dan Kennedy provided marketing breakthroughs. And the list goes on and on and on.

Kennedy is the “hidden genius” behind full-page magazine advertisements you’ve undoubtedly seen, direct-mail campaigns you’ve received and TV infomercials you’ve seen. In addition to all the advertising and direct-mail Dan prepares for his own products, services and businesses, there are hundreds of clients using marketing materials Dan has prepared for them. His full-page ads have appeared and do appear in magazines like Inc., Success, Entrepreneur, Moneymaking Opportunities, Nations Business, the airline magazines, the tabloids, USA TODAY, The Wall Street Journal, and countless trade magazines. One of his client’s full-page ads is now in its 10th consecutive month, appearing in over a dozen national magazines. In any given month, clients spend over 1/2-million dollars running ads, much more mailing sales letters, and still more airing infomercials that Dan has developed.

And, Dan is one of the most popular, in-demand speakers on marketing-related topics. Ironically for a marketing guru, Kennedy gets almost all of his clients with no marketing! Some come to him after hearing him speak – in 1995, he addressed over 200,000 people, including audiences of thousands in many cities, in his 5th year on tour with famous motivationalist ZIG ZIGLAR. Others come after getting and reading one of his books available in bookstores, receiving his newsletter or listening to his cassettes. But most are referred to him.

4. Joe Vitale is Founder & President of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. He has written books for the American Marketing Association and the American Management Association. He wrote the only business book on P.T. Barnum, in There’s A Customer Born Every Minute. He also wrote The AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising for the American Marketing Association. His most recent book, co-authored with Jo Han Mok, is The E-Code: 47 Secrets for Making Money Online Almost Instantly. Be on the lookout for his next book: Meet and Grow Rich!

He recently created a software program to help anyone write better sales letters, articles, news releases, speeches and even entire books. It’s called Hypnotic Writing Wizard. He also has a brand-new membership program for those who are serious about learning marketing at HypnoticGold.com.

Besides being one of the five top marketing specialists in the world today, and the world’s first hypnotic writer, Joe is also a certified hypnotherapist, a certified metaphysical practitioner, a certified Chi Kung healer, and an ordained minister. He also holds a doctorate degree in Metaphysical Science and another doctorate degree in Marketing.

5. Dr. Jeffrey Lant has been a top achiever for a VERY long time. He published his first article at age 5. An afternoon newsboy, he started his own newspaper at age 10, sold stock and, yes, paid dividends! Even then media and communications intrigued him. This has never stopped!

Editor of his high school newspaper, editor of his class book, editor of the literary magazine, he also wrote a weekly column. That continued in college — and so did the awards accumulated along the way.

Graduated with highest honors from University High School, Los Angeles, he graduated summa cum laude (one of only 11) from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Along the way, he spent his junior year at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, where he won the University Prize in Philosophy and became the first American ever elected to the Students Representative Council.

At UCSB he became the University’s first-ever Woodrow Wilson Fellow and was actively recruited by over 60 graduate schools, each offering him full doctoral fellowships. He chose Harvard, where he also became a Harvard Traveling Fellow, Harvard Teaching Fellow, and winner of a Master’s Award for special achievement, en route to graduating with both a Master’s and Ph.D.

Upon graduation he took a third post-graduate degree, the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Higher Education Administration at Northeastern University, where he became the first student to cite his own published work (by now very extensive) in footnotes to his class papers.

After a stint as Assistant to the President of Radcliffe College, Dr. Lant decided to set off on his own. He set up a consulting practice for non-profit organizations in 1976 and published his third book, Development Today: A Fund Raising Guide For Nonprofit Organizations. (Previous books had dealt with English Court ceremonial in the age of Queen Victoria. Entitled, Insubstantial Pageant: Ceremony and Confusion at Queen Victoria’s Court, Dr. Lant became the first American ever granted access to the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle. Another book, Our Harvard, dealt with the memories of eminent Harvard grads, including Dr. Lant himself.)

Development Today launched a busy consultancy, international travel, workshops and direct assistance to hundreds of nonprofit organizations nationwide. It also spawned a series of how-to books that turned Dr. Lant into a millionaire and brought his detailed, hard-hitting, practical advice to people worldwide. (Click here for information about all of Dr. Lant’s books.)

Along the way, Dr. Lant developed an internationally syndicated column carried by several hundred publications, a syndicated radio show on the Business Radio Network, and a string of special reports on specialized business- building subjects.

So it might have continued but for the creation of the Internet and a series of eye-opening phone calls from George Kosch and Sandi Hunter, two Edmonton-Alberta- based entrepreneurs who were way ahead of their time. They persuaded Dr. Lant to come to Edmonton and see the future — the Internet — for himself.

He did. And the rest, as they say, is history.

What he saw in Edmonton, back in 1993, was that anyone, anywhere in the world with a computer and access to the Internet could transmit unlimited amounts of information to people worldwide. In a moment, the glimmer of an idea took form that is still being developed right now.

This new technology opened the possibility of staying at home and helping people worldwide at little or no expense! As a result of that trip, Worldprofit Inc., a company which has opened the Internet to business people worldwide, people who want to enter and profit from new markets across the universe for their products and services, was born!

These days Dr. Lant, still publishing articles just like he’s been doing for over 50 years, helps business people worldwide understand how the Internet can benefit them.

6. Marlon Sanders, CEO of Higher Response Marketing, Inc. is a prolific internet marketer, with a dozen internet marketing products and services to his name. He uses his Master’s degree in psychology to great effect by writing great ad copy.

Marlon’s products and services include The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy, Push Button Sales Letters, Associate Program Marketing Handbook, Gimme My Money Now, Amazing Ad Copy Secrets Revealed, Create Your Own Products In A Flash, How to Automate Your Web Business, The Web Site Power System, Web Business Operations Manual, Secrets of Speed Publicity, The Cash Like Clockwork System, Daily Stats Software, and The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide.

Marlon has spoken at over 120, $3,000 one-day marketing seminars and commands $1000 an hour for consulting. His reseller program for The Amazing Formula is one of the top-ranked systems on the Internet.

7. Corey Rudl (1970-2005) was an American marketing strategist, and founder and President of the Internet Marketing Center. He was also an author, speaker, and software producer.

Rudl started his first online business in 1994, turning it into a multi-million-dollar business based on Internet marketing. In response to the demand for his advice, Corey founded the Internet Marketing Center, where he taught techniques and strategies that stemmed from his own experience. His Internet marketing guide is sometimes described as the “Internet Marketing Bible”.

Rudl’s articles appeared in publications such as http://Entrepreneur.com, the U.S. Small Business Administration’s -SCORE.org, the Direct Marketing Association, MarketingProfs, Opportunity World, Money ‘n’ Profits, Dig-IT Now, and Home Business Journal.

Before beginning his business career, Rudl was a motocross driver, winning a 2002 Vancouver Molson Indy sports car event.

On June 2nd 2005, Rudl was riding in a Porsche Carrera GT driven by Benjamin Miles Keaton, on a track that was also being used by a local Ferrari sports club. Keaton, trying to avoid a queued car, hit a concrete barrier on the passenger side, killing Rudl.

8. Joe Robson, owner of “The Newbie Club” is a Brit and lives in the beautiful County of Yorkshire, England.

He is responsible for the overall Promotion and Marketing of The Newbie Club, and is deeply involved with his team of Techies, Writers, and Designers on several unique and ground breaking Newbie Club Products and Services

Until he went online in 1998, he owned his own Direct Marketing company, and is a professional Advertising Copywriter with 30 years Sales and Marketing experience under his belt. He is widely acknowledged by many Internet Marketers as one of the Internet’s top Sales Copywriters, and his Copywriting Solutions Website is one of the most respected Web Copywriting Tutorial Websites on the Net.

One of his strengths is his ability to reduce highly technical marketing copy, into easily understood Plain English. And he is a avid campaigner against the use of Jargon in writing materials. Hence the birth of The Newbie Club.

His Copywriting and Internet marketing articles and Tutorials have been widely published across the Web, and he is the author of several books, including the Internet Copywriting blockbuster “Make Your Words SELL!” – MYWS – co-authored with Ken Evoy of MYSS fame.

Joe is a Founding Member of iCop – The International Council of Online Professionals, the highly respected organization dedicated to protecting Internet consumers from the dishonest practices of unscrupulous Internet marketers. He is also a Member of the iCop International Advisory Council.

9. Dr. Evoy is also the author of a series of widely-acclaimed “best on the Net” e-commerce books and courses for SOHOs (Small Office Home Office) and small businesses (1-10 employees) who sell (or plan to sell) products or services online. The SiteSell product line has empowered hundreds-of-thousands of people and small businesses around the world to succeed on the Web.

A successful entrepreneur, Dr. Evoy has designed over 23 products that have sold internationally, generating 100’s of millions of dollars in revenues for various companies. He also developed several software products including one for the stock market sector.

Dr. Ken Evoy is also a Canadian physician who formerly taught and practiced emergency medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He was born in Montreal, Canada and holds degrees in science and medicine from McGill University.

Dr. Evoy’s business philosophy is to offer the absolute best tools and information available on the market in the most accessible format and at the most affordable price. He feels strongly that every small business can be empowered to use the Internet to leverage their income-building potential — whether it is to build an e-business, grow an existing offline business, or create a secondary income stream.

It is with this in mind that SiteSell has developed its breakthrough Web site-building, hosting, e-marketing solution that delivers real traffic and guaranteed results to novices and savvy pros alike. Some call Site Build It! “The Next Generation of Web Hosting.”

Through Dr. Evoy’s spearheading efforts and fanaticism for quality and customer “OVERdelivery,” the SiteSell brand is highly-respected by top influential Internet business personalities around the world.

10. Mel Strocen is CEO of the Jayde Online Network of websites. The Jayde Network currently consists of 12 websites, including ExactSeek.com and SiteProNews.com, two of the most popular sites on the Internet.

“SiteProNews” an ezine for business owners and site developers containing articles and advice on how to get the most from your website. SiteProNews (SPN) has a subscriber base of over 500,000!”

Another of Mel’s sites – GoArticles – is an immensely popular article directory where you can search for free content for your website.

In addition to providing a great resource for webmasters looking to find free content the GoArticles site also provides authors with an excellent platform for promoting their articles. You can submit articles for free that will then be read and used by other websites owners.

ExactSeek is a fast-growing search engine and directory and alternative advertising platform that receives over 30,000 new submissions daily.

TOP 10 Digital Marketers of 2018


Seth Godin is a bestselling author and entrepreneur. He is author of ten books that have been best sellers around the globe, and he is also a prominent speaker. Recently he was chosen as one of 21 Speakers.

Seth was founder and CEO of Yoyodyne, the industry’s leading interactive direct marketing company, which Yahoo! acquired in late 1998. He was called “the Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age” by Business Week.


Neil Patel is the co-founder of KISSmetrics, Crazy Egg, and Hello Bar.He created his first website at the age of 13 and paid a few marketing firms to help him out, but unfortunately they provided no results and took all of his money.

His writing mainly includes topics such as SEO, marketing, and branding. Additionally, you will be surprised to know that Neil Patel has built two multimillion online businesses when he was just 30 years old.


Guy Takeo Kawasaki is an American digital marketer specialist and author. Previously, he was an Apple employee who was responsible for marketing their Macintosh computer line in 1984. He brought the word evangelist into vogue in marketing the Macintosh and the concepts related to evangelism marketing and technology evangelism.

Larry Kim

Larry Kim is a well known PPC expert and the founder of WordStream. He is also a writer of four award-winning books and regular contributor to Search Engine Land and Forbes. As a founder of wordstream, he has start up an organization from nothing to a successful software company. He does a huge amount of content marketing and PR stuff. His content has produced a vast figure of press pickups in the recent years.

Joost De Valk

Mr. Joost De Valk is the Founder and CEO of yoast.com and WordPress. He is also SEO, a Blogger and a successful web developer with more than 1.5 million monthly readers on his blog.

In 1994, he launched his first website. Later on, SEO turned to be his profession. For mean time, he started working in digital marketing and gathered information for companies like eBay. Later, he developed the plugin, Yoast SEO, which is considered as the simplest and the best WordPress plugin.

Douglas Kar

Douglas Karr is the CEO of DK New Media and founder of Marketing Technology Blog. Beside all, he is also a famous writer and digital marketers who helped businesses like Mindjet, GoDaddy and many more with his skill in online media, PRs, SEO, blogging and pay-per-click

As digital marketing continued to rise, he conveyed his ideas with experience in marketing technology to help others grow their business.

Qadir AK

With passion in digital marketing, Qadir Ak is best known to his innovative strategies while running th online branding company Ultimez Technology. He has been in IT industry since 10+ years. Mr.Qadir from India walks with trends in technology and applies it to every project his company undertakes. Beside India, he is now expanding his Digital marketing & online branding services across wider market of Dubai, UAE.

Dorie Clark

Dorie Clark is an well known digital marketer, speaker, and a regular writer to TIME,Harvard Business Review and the World Economic Forum blog. She is expert in branding and also writer of many famous books like Reinventing You and many more.

Jitendra Vaswani

Jitendra is a Digital Marketing SEO Consultant from India and the founder of

Digi Exe, a Digital Marketing Agency. He is an Blogger and author of WordPress Plugin-SchemaNinja. With 5 years of experience in digital marketing field, he has a strong knowledge of Internet Marketing terms like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Blogging, Social Media Optimization (SMO), Mobile, Ecommerce and WordPress.

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