Win More Job Interviews by Using Stronger Keywords In Your Next Resume Cover Letter

It’s widely accepted by recruitment professionals that increasingly higher competition among today’s job seekers is making it harder for many applicants to successfully obtain interviews for positions in the organizations they wish to join.

In order to overcome this situation, the successful job seeker is learning more and more to use power words to help stand out from crowd in this increasingly competitive job market. Even a few years ago, you probably would not have heard of the term keywords in the context of cover letters for resumes.

But, given the increased use of technology in screening the thousands of applicants applying for positions in Fortune 500 organizations, they have started to impact individuals and related industries in a big way.

But keywords, those hot words that are associated with special industries or job positions, are an important way that a job seeker can differentiate him or herself from the competition of other job seekers. They are important because they can mean far more than the more two or three words convey by themselves.

Jay Block, an executive career coach in West Palm Beach, Fla., commented that if the ad says candidates need to have a bachelor’s degree, “bachelor’s degree” had better show up somewhere in your resume.

He also commented that job hunters need to look at ads for similar jobs from other companies. It’s important to recognize that each specific industry has its own inside “speak” or jargon, and knowing what specific words are important in the range of ads about certain job positions will help you spot the pattern of words that employers are continually using. Once you spot the pattern, a good tactic is to start using them yourself in you own resume cover letters and correspondence relating to getting an interview for a new position.

It’s important to understand that some keywords are the real ones that you need to take notice off. Although many keywords are industry specific, Mr. Block says, certain phrases are common among all organizations. These words continue to have favor today and they include “communication skills,” “problem-solving,” “team work,” “leadership,” “resource optimization,” and “image and reputation management.” The reason is that they relate to universal skills that are in hot demand by today’s employers.

“Business development” might be one of the most important of all, he says.

“I’ve interviewed many, many companies that will tell me, ‘Everybody from the floor sweeper to the national sales manager had better be involved in business development in some way,’ ” says Mr. Block.

Keywords are something that have been used by most people though their working lives – even if they don’t realize it at the time. They can be defined as simply the hot buzz words of a particular trade or profession. They clearly communicate something specific about the particular job function, qualification or specialist experience.

Some examples of these include increased market penetration for marketing personnel, shared vision for human resources personnel, customer development for sales staff and systems engineering for Computer IT Specialists.

As the market place has become increasingly competitive for job seekers , you will need to catch your potential employer’s attention by writing action driven statements that explain what value you can provide your prospective employer. Strong keywords are nouns that allow you to get the message across more successfully than most other means. They allow you to showcase your qualifications, capabilities and what you can offer the employer. Moreover, they are very hard to pass over so they tend not to be ignored.

It’s a well known fact in recruiting circles that keywords are a really effective way of enhancing your resume cover letters, broadcast letters and other styles of correspondence that you use to win job interviews. Strong keywords make a dramatic improvement to your presentation that should showcase achievements, qualifications and experiences that support your successes throughout your working career.

You might substitute, for example, revenue growth for bottom line improvement or efficiency and improvement for cost reduction and avoidance.

The potential list of keywords that can be used to create a professional image is very large and the more that you think of them, the easier it will be to incorporate them into your resume cover letters, resumes, thank you letters and other job search activities.

So, after you have worked thorough a listing of your “professional keywords”, you need to closely marry them to your background and simply drop the weaker terms. The most important part of the process is to make sure that these keywords are relevant to your profession. Use of in-appropriate keywords, or overuse of them, could also weaken your resume cover letter so it is important not to go overboard.

If you start researching the most powerful keywords for your profession, you will get the added advantage of educating yourself about the skills, qualifications and experience that is demanded by today’s employers in your particular field.

So, if you need to move away from your core area of experience and branch into a different job field one day, you will be well served by researching the right keywords to help you familiarize yourself with this new area and what is required by the candidate for the particular position.

How to Make Your Ex Miss You On Facebook – 3 Tips to Win Them Back

Going through a breakup can be the most traumatizing thing especially when the person who now is your ex and you were deeply in love with each other. One of the most causes of breakups today is infidelity. However, some other reasons can also lead to people breaking up. Such kind of reasons include violence, a nagging boyfriend/girlfriend, extreme jealousy which makes the other person uncomfortable and so many other negative reasons which may make the significant other unattractive. In this article, I will not go deep into the causes of breakups but I will be giving you tips on how to make your ex miss you on Facebook where most exes spy on each other to see how the other person is doing after the breakup.

1. Avoid Posting Messages That Show You Are Miserable

This is number one mistake most people make after a breakup. It is OK to post what you want because it is your wall but saying something like, “without you I will die or without you I am horrible” clearly tells the other person you have nothing going on in your life without them which is very unattractive. Talk about things that don’t target your ex. Doing so, will at least make your ex wonder if you still think about them anymore. When they start getting worried that you are forgetting about them, they will try to find out for themselves what is going on in your life maybe even making a call to “check on you” which in this case, will be a win for you!

2. Make Them See You Are Having Fun Without Them

The main reason why relationship don’t last long nowadays is that couples stay together and do things together most of the time. This repetition causes boredom to set in. The ‘missing the other person’ part is not there anymore and once that part is not there, you can feel like your boyfriend or girlfriend is boring. Choosing to post a picture of you with tear filled eyes and a depressed face saying something like, “I am so bored, can’t wait for this day to be over” is a clear indication you are miserable without your ex. The idea here is how to make your ex miss you on Facebook and not how to make them feel like they need to rescue you from your boredom. Keep yourself busy with activities you love. Go hiking, shopping or swimming with your friends and have some fun! Post all the photos with a big smile plastered on your face even if deep in your heart you feel like crying and see how your ex will react. You will get him/her jealous of who you are hanging out with and maybe if they still love you, this might prompt them to make a move sooner or later with the fear of losing you to someone else.

3. Look Fabulous

When was the last time you looked your best? Probably the day the two of you met! This is the time to make yourself look beautiful. Shop for new clothes and update your overall look. Look gorgeous so that when you think about posting a picture of yourself on Facebook, your ex will drool over it for hours as he/she sees how people are complementing your beauty reminding him/her what they are missing. Looking sloppy won’t make anyone want you again but getting fit and looking your best is a sure way to go! This is an especially important part of learning how to make your ex miss you on Facebook.

However, not all relationships are meant to be. Don’t beat yourself up when things don’t go the way you wanted. Be positive. Do what you can do to make your ex miss you but if they don’t see or don’t care, maybe it’s time you move on. There are so many good men and women out there who will appreciate who you are and treat you the way you deserve! Keep searching you never know who you will meet tomorrow!

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