Three Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Daily Routine Without a Big Hassle

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Dealing with stress from events as rush hour traffic and problems at work can be stressful in and of itself. And you really have no time to devote to stress relievers as meditation and yoga. For example, if you are new to either or both meditation and yoga, you have to take additional time to learn how to benefit from them and then keep practicing until you’ve got them down pat. These efforts can result in even more stress.

One way to avoid these and other problems is integrating those efforts in your daily routine. For example, you can see what happens to you in a humorous way. In other words, imagine someone else dealing with your situation. Would that person suddenly begin to run in all different directions and still get nowhere? Would that person take the wrong step from the get-go and compound his or her problems? What would be the funniest thing that happens to that person? You’ll then be able to get a good laugh without having to interrupt your present activity.

Another way to reduce stress without taking extra time is by doing something else for a half hour or so. That way, you’ll still be getting things done. While you’re involved in the new activity, you interrupt the stress from the first activity. This technique is especially useful if you have writers’ block and find that your efforts to begin that report or story just don’t seem to be going anywhere. Instead of forcing yourself to produce, take a short time-out and have some lunch or do something else that is more relaxing. When you are ready to work on that report or story, you will find that ideas and words come more easily and what’s more, you complete that project in a more timely manner.

And finally, you can reduce stress with exercise. As you work around the house, for example, turn on hit music on the radio (or other dance music that you enjoy) and work more vigorously or dance along with that mop or broom. You can also jump rope if you have a minute to spare. You’ll find that you feel more relaxed by the time you are finished. But even more surprisingly, you’ll find that this works, especially when your stress seems to have reached an all-time high.

Even best of all, you’ll discover that you didn’t have to take a lot of extra time just to reduce those high stress levels. You’ve combined those activities during your normal routine and have succeeded!

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