10 Secrets To Online Success (It’s All About The Customer)

You’ve got your web site online. You’re on top of the search engines. You have killer web site copy. Now all you have to do is wait for the sales to roll in right? Well … not exactly.

In the last five years of working with all types of businesses, the most common mistake companies make is believing that their web site will do all of the work for them. Sure, a web site will definitely help productivity but it can never replace the human element of your business. Potential customers are still looking for some type of bond that brings them into your company, something that still makes them feel important and like an individual – they are looking for real people with real knowledge. And the reason why people choose to buy from you is because of you.

One of the most overlooked aspects of web sites is online customer service and ultimately your email correspondences. Think about it: if a “sales prospect” called your business would you leave them waiting a day or more before replying? Now, unless you work for a bank or just don’t want the business, you would never do that. But as crazy as it sounds, this is what many companies are doing. Sabotaging their own success simply by putting off returning emails to clients.

Here are a few basic rules I personally go by and suggest you adopt:

1. Develop a sorting mechanism in your email program so that you can answer your “sales oriented” emails first and then others later.

2. Answer sales oriented emails in under ½ day if possible (even a simple return email “I am working on it” will suffice in some cases).

3. Answer non-essential emails within 1- 2 days.

4. When you respond to any email, make sure you include at least the following information 1) Your name + your company name, 2) your title, 3) address, 4) telephone (with area code), 5) your return email, 6) your web site and 7) lastly make sure your subject line makes sense!

Also consider the following:

1. The web is now used more than the yellow pages when people are looking to buy a product.

2. It is very probable that your potential customer also contacted your competition.

3. Like your first sales meeting with a prospect, make your email stand out. Tell them what makes you different.

4. Your prospect probably gets SPAM emails on a regular basis..

Make sure that the subject line is not confused with SPAM or your email may never even get read!

5. Make your subject line short and don’t come across as a used sales car person. A simple subject such as: As per your request at ABC.Com is usually sufficient.

6. Do not send files larger than 500k (1/2 a mb) – as a lot of people are still on dial-up.

Following these simple steps will maximize the benefits of your web site. In today’s fast moving economy, the old cliché “you snooze you lose” is more real than ever. And remember the web is no different than any other medium when it comes to building rapport/relationships with your clients. Have fun, stand out from the crowd and you will be surprised by the results.

(c) Todd Jamieson 2004

5 Secrets of the Worldly Woman

Are you a worldly woman? She is experienced, fascinating, and undeniably irresistible to know. The worldly women has secrets that help her successfully navigate through many adventures, both personal and professional. Here are five of the secrets of the worldly woman, so you can see if you are a worldly woman, or how you can start if you aspire to be one!

1.Thinks for herself: She has learned how to feel, think, decide, then act. If she is unsure of how do make decisions, she asks for help with this process, but does not allow others to decide for her. She weaves together the callings of her heart and instinct with the wisdom in her mind to make the best possible decisions for herself and the greater good. She values her own ideas, and accepts ideas from others graciously as valuable and important. She views herself as a thinker, and utilizes the best of her creative self in all areas of her life and relationships.

Do you see yourself as a thinker? How so? If not, how come?

2.Takes Risks: She takes healthy risks, pushes her own envelope towards greatness. She solves problems, overcomes barriers, plans ahead so that she can enjoy all of the benefits of being who she is, and at times being different and living outside of the box. She does not put herself in danger, but rather allows herself to take chances, to try new things in business and in her home and community. She thinks before she leaps, but if it feels right to her, she will be off into uncharted territory, accepts her setbacks, and reaps huge benefits when her new ventures bear fruit.

Do you take healthy risks? Do you ask for what you need and go for it, or do you wait for others to do things for you, or wait and hope that things “happen”?

3.Takes Care of Herself : The worldly woman knows self care is the key to abundance for herself, her family, her business ventures, and in her community. She realizes the difference between me first and me only, and has plenty of energy to utilize her gifts. She also models this for others, encouraging those around her to prioritize their needs. She has overcome her rescue fantasies, and stopped trying to please everyone else at her expense. She is able to balance work, play, and relationships. She connects with others and has a good support system. She strives to thrive, and almost always succeeds!

What can you do today to take care of yourself? Are you eating, sleeping, socializing in proper amounts, or do you run yourself ragged?

4.Trend sets: The worldly woman is ahead of her time. She studies the world around her and the world within her. She stays ahead of the curve in her knowledge of technology, business, world affairs, community news, and is always generating new ideas to make the world a better place for herself and others. She has no time for gossip, or tearing herself or others down. She is busy living her life with purpose, and embraces each day with passion and enthusiasm. She is constantly learning, seeking, and joining with others who share her vision, and learning from those who have different visions.

Are you a pioneer? Do you have any good ideas you can put into action now?

5.Travels: The worldly woman always makes time to see the world! She is naturally curious, and wants to see other places and get to know other people from around the globe. She travels to faraway lands, takes time to rest and rejuvenate herself. She plans for vacations, getaways, and even local adventures that will nurture her creativity and need to relax. By car, plane, boat, RV, hot air balloon, or SUV, she roams the earth to find new adventures, to see what can only be imagined or two dimensional on a TV or computer screen.

Some worldly woman food for thought: What is your worldly woman secret?

Do you take time to travel? Make this year your year! What worldly woman qualities do you possess right now? I’m sure if you think about it, you have at least one worldly woman quality. What qualities do you admire in others that you want to develop? You can start today working on one aspect of yourself. If you take action, you will feel so much better! One small change today can set you on the worldly woman path. If you find you have difficulty following through, perhaps a coach, counselor or mentor can help you through!

5 Insider Secrets To Starting The Best Home Business

There are so many home business ideas, how can you choose the best home business? If you want to know how successful home based entrepreneurs generate a comfortable income, here are 5 secrets that you can use to create the best home business to suit you.

1. You’re Online.

Without a doubt, the best business to start in 2015 has to be on the internet. Not only are the set up costs considerably lower than a conventional bricks and mortar business, but your business can reach customers from all over the world. It can be open for business everyday, 24/7 and be working for you even when you are sleeping.

2. You Don’t Have To Create Your Own Products.

One of the reasons why an online business is the best home business is that you can sell other peoples’ products without having to buy them yourself first and have money tied up in stock. In fact, the product owner will also take care of the product delivery, the customer queries and the payment system. This business model is called affiliate marketing and when somebody buys the product from you, the product owner pays you a commission.

3. You Provide Something Of Value For Free.

Most people who visit your website will not come back. But if you can email them useful information about your products and services after they have visited your website they may buy from you in the future. To get their email address you have to give them something of value in exchange that is relevant to your product or service. This could be a free report or eBook. If you are working with a good affiliate marketing program, they will provide you with the resources that you can give away for free.

4. You’re Always Expanding Your Customer List.

To create the best home business online, building your list should be your number one task everyday. Remember that once you have a prospect’s email, you can contact them anytime you want, for free. That’s not to say you should bombard them with emails trying to sell them something everyday. Email marketing is about building a relationship with your subscribers so as they come to trust and like you, they will be more inclined to buy from you.

5. You’ve Got Multiple Income Steams

If you just sell just one product with no add-ons or up-sells your customers will not have sufficient options to pick from. On the flip side, if you try and sell too many products you may confuse your customers and they’ll buy nothing. The best home business will have a good combination of relevant products that provide 3 revenue streams, basic one-off direct sales income, recurring income, and high ticket income.

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