Stay at Home Moms Looking For Home Based Business Ideas

As the internet grows and small businesses need for good content increases, so grows the need for freelance writing services. The important thing to consider when getting your content for your website is that it be quality content. Some of the content will end up on a website, but most of the writing will be used in article distribution. Because these articles can literally be written about tens of thousands of topics, who better to cover the stories than you guessed it: moms. I have a mom and am married to a person who is a mom. They know a lot of stuff and tapping into that expertise about every topic from “the best way to clean a knee abrasion” to “how often to baste the turkey” while it’s in the oven is something that small businesses should be doing. The vast life experience of moms keeps them busy since their time at home usually has them running from appointment to appointment, recital to recital, and all before anyone even touches homework.

In the past some moms have excelled at running a tight ship at home and given nary a second thought to the opportunities right in front of them. They fail to realize that by using their experience they can write content to make some money on the side. The need in the marketplace for “blogger moms” and other content developers has become so great now because of their valuable life experience. For example, if I have a website that needs content and articles written for something dealing with financial services or credit repair, and I know of a SAHM (stay at home mom) who handles her family’s finances like a champ, I might use that experience for my own benefit when it comes time to get a lot of information out there on the web about a niche topic like “credit repair” or “improving my credit score”. These instances are a lot more common than you think. I could probably sit down with any of the super moms in my life (wife, mom, sisters, aunts, etc.) and find enough documented life experience to make your head spin. Maybe it’s just me, but these are just a couple of home based business ideas that I have in mind for stay at home moms.

New Energy Future – We Need to Turn More Green Business Ideas Into Action

The way forward lies in green investment. No, I’m not talking about dollars, though that too will follow inevitably. I’m talking about greening your small business. And the many successful entrepreneurs who have managed to build sustainable businesses without sacrificing ethics or the environment.

The Obama government has set apart billions of dollars to encourage green business ideas and initiatives. Various finance sources such as tax credits, loans and grants are available to fund green buildings and energy efficient ventures at national, state and local levels. Homeowners, businesses, non-profit organizations and government organizations can take advantage of these opportunities to convert their green ideas into action.

Alternative renewable energy sources harness natural resources. Solar energy, wind farms, biogas digestion, rain water, biomass briquettes, helioculture are some examples of alternative renewable energy. Solar panels and installers are being used by many businesses, schools and homes to generate heat and electricity.

Top companies of various industries are taking responsibility to reduce their ecological footprint by slashing greenhouse gas emissions. Though saving money and reducing risks are the main incentives driving these initiatives, every effort is crucial in combating climate change. Green consulting agencies help businesses green their premises and inculcate green business practices amongst its employees. Energy efficient products conserve energy and reduce bills for consumers.

Businesses should support green initiatives with the necessary infrastructure and processes. Energy-efficient computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, scanners, copiers and multi-function devices that automatically power down during extended inactivity save 50% energy or more. Laptops are much more energy efficient than desktops. Consider upgrading your employees to laptops.

Taking business operations online reduces usage of paper and printing ink. Sending customers online receipts of sales instead of paper is another step. Online operations also improve business efficiency as data can be managed in a better way. Businesses should use recycled products wherever possible – paper, packages, toilet paper, etc. Wastage of water should be minimized by installing water saving devices in bathrooms and cafeteria. Energy efficient vending machines are equipped with refrigeration and lighting controls and save up to 30% energy. The key is to save wherever and whenever possible.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Nothing rings truer when one sees the amazingly innovative small green businesses sprouting across the globe. Typical examples are BTTRventures – a 100% sustainable urban mushroom farm that utilizes recycled coffee grounds from Peet’s Coffee & Tea, founded in Berkeley, CA by two 2009 grads; Turning Point Brewery – Canada’s first sustainable brewery; GRID Alternatives – provides renewable energy and energy efficiency services to low-income homeowners and community members.

There is never a better time than now. While businesses are doing their part to conserve the ecological system, it is also every individual’s moral responsibility to build a safe and healthy future for the next generation. By respecting our environment and following green practices at home and office, we pass on the right education to our children. Reduce, reuse and recycle – this is the mantra we all need to incorporate into our lifestyles.

Going From Zero To Full Blown Business With Magick

Sometimes in this world we want to pull away from the work everyday work and start something we can be proud of.

This is the catalyst for business – entrepreneurship starts when you don’t want to settle for the daily grind anymore and you want something much more satisfying – something that you can count on for the decades to come.

Doing something like this and making the move to create your own business can be a big deal, but it doesn’t have to be if it’s the right move for you.

Sometimes we just need to work on something we’re passionate about and create a far better service than anything that exists – and we can do exactly that with help from the spirits.

When you have the initial spark idea – the catalyst moment of inspiration that let’s you know you can concentrate on something for years to come – that moment can set you up for life in ways you probably can’t even imagine.

It’s about having a long term vision for our financial future and how we want to run our lives going into the years and decades to come.

If you can remotely envision yourself running a business – a couple of very powerful spirits can help you…

Yezelel (fallen angel) – Enables you to gain all needed insight about the right business to get into and setup; allows you to strategize planning everything out so that you can easily go from idea to full business in a very short amount of time.

Lucifuge – Guides you from thinking and planning your business to completely setting everything up; enables you to see how everything comes together and you can profit long term through new business ideas.

Things can come together very quickly as long as you know what you want to do.

Sometimes we vaguely know that we want to start up a business, but without the proper inspiration and general idea of what to do – we won’t get anywhere.

It isn’t problematic if you cannot easily think of the smaller steps to get you business going.

All businesses have to go through a very rough phase where they have more questions than answers – and that is completely fine considering that all businesses start from nothing at one point.

It doesn’t matter if you’re starting from absolute zero, or if you have a seed idea that you want to take off from.

Just keep in mind that businesses evolve over time and they tend to shift focus – with their products and services changing over time.

Do not marry yourself to any one product, idea or service and you will go very far – and that’s a lot of businesses who just don’t get that until they have to fold and move on – deeply wondering what on earth they did wrong.

It’s not that they don’t understand their products or services, but something along the way pushed them off their paths and it just wasn’t a good thing.

If you can envision things coming together, it will happen.

If you need inspiration in a different direction – to know what direction to go with an existing business idea or something you already have going, a few more spirits can help…

Cronos (Greek spirit) – Grants you the proper inspiration you need to find momentum and direction for your idea or business; guides you to establish yourself in a way that is perfect for you and your business.

Melahel (fallen angel) – Enable you to think clearly about your business direction so that you can easily build momentum over time in a way that guides you to higher profits and better direction for the business as a whole.

Though you might be starting from a low point – these spirits can guide you to align with where you need to be in your business.

That’s not to say that you need a business to work with these spirits – not at all.

They can give you the proper guidance and direction so you don’t have many questions but you are pushed and guided by the spirits to do exactly what you need to get everything setup.

When you have the spirits working at your side, they can guide you toward all the best options for you in ways you likely can’t even fathom.

It’s like looking back at a school degree and wondering how you made it through all the challenges and rough moments to have that paper certificate in your hand – you just know you’ve made it and it would have been very different if you didn’t have the spirits by your side.

5 Ideas to Use Social Media Marketing for Small Business

According to the statistics published by Nielson, a leading company facilitating global view of market trends in specific industries, social networking and blogging are the 4th popular online activity. In fact, the Nielson reports claim that these are better liked than emailing. In the present competitive world, online presence is a must for any business. Social media marketing for small business is a new revolutionary concept that takes advantage of online advertising campaigns to promote a brand name. All you need to succeed in this campaign is the knowledge about the right kind of marketing strategies and tactics.

How to Leverage Social Media Marketing for Small Business Promotion

An entrepreneur can get a large number of visitors by leveraging social media marketing for small business. In order to convert these visitors into sales, you can do the following:

Create videos: People often search YouTube for quick information on products. Create interesting video clips demonstrating your products, their usage and customer testimonials. Post these videos on YouTube with a link to your original website. If people find your videos interesting, they are sure to follow the link. These people might end up getting converted to your customers.

Use Facebook profile: Whenever you launch a new product or undertake a specific business activity, make a relevant wall post on your Facebook profile. For instance, you own a business of energy boost drinks and you have recently launched a new product in the same category for people aged above 50. Catch the attention of your target audience with a crisp wall post, such as, ‘Feel like 30 with our new Re-vital 50+ health drink!’ Do not forget to add your website link for driving interested audience to the product page.

Use Twitter: Tweet links of your product videos, articles, blogs and press releases on Twitter. A large follower base on Twitter is likely to click the links and visit your website. If a customer posts feedback regarding a product, make sure you retweet. This will engage more followers into your business.

Get involved in online discussions: Online forums are a great place to spread your brand name. Get involved in online discussions and tell people about your products. This is also a platform where you can get to hear about your customers’ likings, grievances, appreciations and rejections. Whether positive or negative, you should handle every customer reaction wisely as it may affect the mindset of other people on the forum.

Post search engine optimized content: Driving traffic to your website is all about employing the right keywords. So, never undermine the importance of SEO techniques and employ highly searched keywords. However, never misuse the power of optimization while doing this

How to Get Your Business Funded in 2018

Contrary to popular belief, business plans do not generate business financing. True, there are many kinds of financing options that require a business plan, but nobody invests in a business plan.

Investors need a business plan as a document that communicates ideas and information, but they invest in a company, in a product, and in people.

Small business financing myths:

Venture capital is a growing opportunity for funding businesses. Actually, venture capital financing is very rare. I’ll explain more later, but assume that only a very few high-growth plans with high-power management teams are venture opportunities.

Bank loans are the most likely option for funding a new business. Actually, banks don’t finance business start-ups. I’ll have more on that later, too. Banks aren’t supposed to invest depositors’ money in new businesses.

Business plans sell investors. Actually, they don’t well-written and convincing business plan (and pitch) can sell investors on your business idea, but you’re also going to have convince those investors that you are worth investing in. When it comes to investment, it’s as much about whether you’re the right person to run your business as it is about the viability of your business idea.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a business plan. You should. Your business plan is an essential piece of the funding puzzle, explaining exactly how much money you need, and where it’s going to go, and how long it will take you to earn it back. Everyone you talk to is going to expect to see your business plan.

But, depending on what kind of business you have and what your market opportunities are, you should tailor your funding search and your approach. Don’t waste your time looking for the wrong kind of financing.

Where to look for money

The process of looking for money must match the needs of the company. Where you look for money, and how you look for money, depends on your company and the kind of money you need. There is an enormous difference, for example, between a high-growth internet-related company looking for second-round venture funding and a local retail store looking to finance a second location.

In the following sections of this article, I’ll talk more specifically about different types of investment and lending available, to help you get your business funded.

1. Venture capital

The business of venture capital is frequently misunderstood. Many start-up companies resent venture capital companies for failing to invest in new ventures or risky ventures. People talk about venture capitalists as sharks-because of their supposedly predatory business practices, or sheep-because they supposedly think like a flock, all wanting the same kinds of deals.

This is not the case. The venture capital business is just that-a business. The people we call venture capitalists are business people who are charged with investing other people’s money. They have a professional responsibility to reduce risk as much as possible. They should not take more risk than is absolutely necessary to produce the risk/return ratios that the sources of their capital ask of them.

Venture capital shouldn’t be thought of as a source of funding for any but a very few exceptional startup businesses. Venture capital can’t afford to invest in startups unless there is a rare combination of product opportunity, market opportunity, and proven management. A venture capital investment has to have a reasonable chance of producing a tenfold increase in business value within three years. It needs to focus on newer products and markets that can reasonably project increasing sales by huge multiples over a short period of time. It needs to work with proven managers who have dealt with successful start-ups in the past.

If you are a potential venture capital investment, you probably know it already. You have management team members who have been through that already. You can convince yourself and a room full of intelligent people, that your company can grow ten times over in three years.

If you have to ask whether your new company is a possible venture capital opportunity, it probably isn’t. People in new growth industries, multimedia communications, biotechnology, or the far reaches of high-technology products, generally know about venture capital and venture capital opportunities.

If you are looking for names and addresses of venture capitalists, start with the internet.

The names and addresses of venture capitalists are also available in a couple of annual directories:

The Western Association of Venture Capitalists publishes an annual directory. This organization includes most of the California venture capitalists based in Menlo Park, CA, which is the headquarters of an amazing percentage of the nation’s venture capital companies.

Pratt’s Guide to Venture Capital Sources is an annual directory available online or in print format.

2. Sort of venture capital: Angels and others

Venture capital is not the only source of investment for start-up businesses or small businesses. Many companies are financed by smaller investors in what is called “private placement.” For example, in some areas there are groups of potential investors who meet occasionally to hear proposals. There are also wealthy individuals who occasionally invest in new companies. In the lore of business start-ups, groups of investors are often referred to as “doctors and dentists,” and individual investors are often called “angels.” Many entrepreneurs turn to friends and family for investment.

Best Startup Business Ideas: Some Suggestions

Are you looking for the best startup business ideas? Everyone dreams of starting his own business someday. As a child, you probably have dreams of creating your own toy factory, or creating your own boutique someday. As we grow older, those dreams don’t fade away. Sometimes, they just stay untouched and unthought-of at the back of our heads because we got too tied with other things, like managing other people’s business. We all want to be our own boss and be able to generate enough or even more money to live the life we desire.

The desire to own your own business is sometimes fuelled by your yearning to have more money to buy your dream house, drive your dream car, travel to different places, or to save up for your kid’s college education. Everything is fuelled by your dreams of having a better and comfortable life.

Many successful entrepreneurs say that one of the best startup business ideas is an online business. With the power of the Internet, there are tons of business ideas that you can have. You can create a virtual assistant service, a small call center facility, a Public Relations business or a web design and development business if you have the right skills and knowledge. A lot of people nowadays shop online. You can start selling various products online like clothes, shoes, toys, bags and accessories to a huge market with a great buying potential. Because you can sell almost anything online, all you have to do now is to be creative with the products which you plan to market. Online business also involves life coaching. You can offer to help other people deal with their stress and problems. You can help them become better persons and help them manage their life as positively as possible.

Other best startup business ideas include candle-making business, cake decorating, real estate agency, customized jewellery shop, events planning, toy cleaning service, personal shopper or flower arrangement. You can start an accounting service, payroll administrative service, travel agency, be an interior designer or farmer and sell crops. You can grow your garden of flowers and start your own flower shop. There are so many business ideas out there, you just have to pick out the right one for you.

There are several things that you have to consider when choosing the best startup business ideas. You need to consider your budget, your knowledge, skills, and the amount of time that you can give to your startup business. Remember, for a business to succeed, you should have the skills and the time to make it successful.

Get a Leg Up on the Competition the Chic Way

Chic Entrepreneurs know that it takes more than good looks to make it in the business world today. It takes intelligence, diligence and creativity to get a business up and running in high heels. The choices you make about how you spend your free time will have a critical effect on determining your success and ultimate happiness in life. Chic success is created by those who spend their quality time looking, listening and learning and then intelligently sharing their knowledge with the world using their own words. Here are five ways the Chic Entrepreneur stays ahead of the competition:

1. She turns off the TV. Do you feel like you don’t have enough hours during the day to accomplish all that you want? Take a look at how much TV you watch. Television can become a drain on your time, not to mention a drain on your brain. If you can’t live without your favorite show, give yourself that treat, then promptly turn off the TV or leave the den once it is over. Do yourself a favor and keep this guilty pleasure under wraps; no one sounds intelligent rehashing a night of reality TV. There is nothing chic about vegging on the couch all night, with the remote in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. Every moment spent watching fake people lead make-believe lives inside an electronic box, is a missed moment in your own life. Chic Entrepreneurs make their own reality, instead of settling for the TV version. Remember that you are in control of the TV, not the other way around.

2. She reads a book a week. Chic Entrepreneurs read voraciously and I’m not talking about People magazine or Perez Hilton’s blog. Chic Entrepreneurs read in all genres and they keep a good book or a Business Week in their bag at all times. Slowly replace those trashy romance novels with educational and inspirational books. For the ultimate in multi-tasking, look for books that combine entertaining stories with business lessons. A Chic Entrepreneur finds a way to have fun while gaining knowledge that empowers her to achieve her goals.

3. She puts on chic sunglasses and becomes a spy. Listen to the marketplace: your customers, competitors, business leaders in and outside your industry, the media, and your employees. Business ideas and best practices are all around us, all they need is your unique spin on them. Great new ideas come from combining other previous ideas, so mix and match elements that you see working to create your own epiphany. Sprinkle your brilliance on other’s ideas and make them your own. If you tune your mind into the ideas swirling around your universe you are bound to snag a great business idea and Chic Entrepreneurs do this regularly.

4. She writes it down! Chic Entrepreneurs know that the pen is mightier than the sword. Whether you write for fun, write to keep track of your ideas or write for the betterment of your business, getting in the habit of writing, is good for every business owner. Keep a small notebook and a pen with you at all times in case a good idea comes your way. Then, you can jot it down and not have to think to yourself, “What was that thing I wanted to remember?” When it’s important, don’t leave your memory to chance; amateurs remember, professionals write it down.

5. She makes powerful statements. Now that you have all these smart things to say, make sure you say them chicly. Being well-spoken and well-written is an important part of being chic. Success is a combination of walking the walk and talking the talk. If communication is not your strong suit, consider taking a class on business writing or a grammar refresher or hiring a PR firm to handle this function for you. We’ve all met people we instantly knew were successful as soon as they opened their mouth, and we’ve also met people who give the opposite verbal impression. The Chic Entrepreneur knows it’s the quality of the message that’s important not the number of words used, so choose wisely. Those who speak just to hear the sound of their own voice or those who seem unable to turn off their verbal faucet will soon irritate those with better self-control. Being able to comment succinctly or explain a complex idea or opinion in simple terms makes a memorable impression of class and intelligence.

Why Do You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?

Most of the discussions start with the question, “How can you be an entrepreneur?” and “What should be done to be a successful entrepreneur?” but the first question that must be dealt with is “Why do you want to be an entrepreneur?” Do you really want to be an entrepreneur? This is the first question that must be asked by anyone and everyone before thinking of starting any business venture? This is the moot question. And yes, first of all you would have to understand who is an entrepreneur? What is entrepreneurship per se?

The word entrepreneur comes from Latin. Entre-enter; pre-before; neur-nerve center. Taking its derivation we could understand entrepreneur as someone who enters the nerve center of a business that no one entered before and then makes changes to it that results in a paradigm shift in the whole process. An entrepreneur is the one who is willing to take risk in any business endeavor. Entrepreneurship is the art of finding an opportunity and then pursuing it to success. As a saying goes “brilliant people also see the same things that others do but they observe things that others don’t.” It is the same with entrepreneurs also. They come out with ideas that others don’t think about and that is why they become successful.

Another term which has found a lot of popularity in recent time is a technopreneur. Well, a technopreneur could be understood as an entrepreneur in a business related to technology. It is generally seen that a technopreneur generally has some kind of proprietary and patentable intellectual property rights that he commercializes and reaps benefits out of it. Technopreneurship is a term which is generally used for software companies.

Now let’s talk about our earlier question. Why entrepreneurship? Why are you thinking of being an entrepreneur? Do you really want to be an entrepreneur or is there some kind of compulsion to be an entrepreneur? Is it because you don’t have any job or you currently find yourself out of job? There are many who get into the field because that is what his father and forefathers have been doing. Well, after all, it is their family business. And there is another category that interests me the most. It is the one where people claim that they want to be entrepreneurs for the very simple reason that they want to be entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is in their blood.

It is for you to ask yourself. Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? I would like to tell you one thing. Entrepreneurship can really prove very rewarding but and this is a very big but, it is very risky and not easy. Until and unless you are ready to slug it out till the end, the chances of success are very limited. If you are fed up with you daily office routine and want to try your hands in entrepreneurship, let me tell you that the time you would have to spend for your own company would be far more. The effort that you would have to make would be far greater than what you have been making. There has never been any short cut to success and there would never be any. But yes, when you really become successful, the rewards compensate for everything.

The avenues open are many but you would have to make appropriate choices. The present time offers you opportunities where you can earn money and make a mark for yourself without actually investing too much of capital. Yes, we are in the age of “MiniPreneurs” where anyone and everyone can start a business of their own

Small Businesses – Measuring Business Performance From The Customer Perspective

Measuring your business performance from the customer perspective is a must for any business, regardless of its size. It will pay small business owners to become intimately familiar with the Key Performance Indicators used to measure, monitor and provide the actionable insights needed to readily adapt your business to the changing demands of its customers whilst maintaining a growth trajectory.

Regardless of the industry you are in there are core set of metrics you need to apply to your business. The core customer metrics you need to become familiar with are:

* Market Share/Market Penetration

* Customer Acquisition

* Customer Retention

* Customer Satisfaction

* Customer Profitability

Market Share/Market Penetration

Market Share reflects the proportion of business in a given market (in terms of customer numbers, dollars spent, or unit volume sold) that a business sells. To measure this effectively, you need access to market research which identifies the size of the total market.

These market figures are usually available from your government statistician, industry bodies and trade associations. The government statistician provides high level research and is usually available for free. Industry groups and trade associations may charge non-members, while members may access the information for free, or at a reduced rate.

While these reports usually provide information about the Market Share of each of the competitors, it is usually limited to only those competitors that hold significant share in the market, while small businesses and start-ups are lumped together in a single measure. So until you reach critical mass and are rewarded with recognition in the market research papers, my suggestion is that you substitute the Market Share key performance indicator with the Market Penetration measure.

Market Penetration uses the your business’s customer numbers, dollars spent or units of volume sold and measures them against the total market figures to get some idea as to your performance in this area.

Customer Acquisition

Measures, in absolute or relative terms, the rate at which a business unit attracts or wins new customers or business. Typically, if your business is on a grow path your objective will be to increase your customer base. Usually it is measured by either the number of new customers or the total sales to new customers. Measures could also be applied to each customer segment if you apply customer relationship management principles.

Another key measure that I suggest you apply in relation to measuring customer acquisition is the Acquisition Cost. This measures the performance of your marketing campaign in regards to the achieving the desired outcome – acquiring new customers.

Acquisition Cost is the number of new customers since the campaign started divided by the total marketing campaign cost.

The final measure to add is the Customer Conversion Rate, which measures the total number of leads generated divided by the number who actually made purchases, and expressed as a percentage.

Customer Retention

Tracks, in absolute or relative terms, the rate at which a business retains or maintains ongoing relationships with its customers. Clearly, the best way for increasing market share is to start by retaining your existing customer base. Customer Retention is measured by measuring your existing customer base at the beginning of a given period divided by the number of lost customers during that period. It is sometimes difficult to identify when they are considered to be ‘lost’. I’d suggest that anyone who did not make a purchase for over a year, is a lost customer.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer retention and customer satisfaction are driven by meeting customer needs. A successful business will be looking to provide customers’ innovative products with an excellent value proposition. Research has shown high degrees of customer satisfaction correlate with achieving loyalty, retention and profitability. Today, with competitors only a mouse click away, your focus should be on generating ‘raving fans’ by providing them with exceptional customer experiences. This not only drives repeat custom but creates valuable word-of-mouth recommendations to their family and friends.

You need to derive a satisfaction measure based on direct feedback from your customers. This measure will differ for each business, but should assess each component of the buyer’s experience to garner actionable insights which will act to focus your attention and activities.

Customer Profitability

This measures the net profit of a customer after allowing for the unique expenses required to support that customer. A financial measure like customer profitability, keeps the business from becoming customer-obsessed. Companies should aim to have more than satisfied and happy customers – they should be aiming for profitable customers.

This helps the business to assess whether they should continue in a particular market or,due to the drain on the business, should choose to opt-out.

Implementing core customer metrics in your organisation can help you track your performance and provide the basis for effective, fact-based decision-making in your small business.

10 Profitable Business Ideas

There are some universal 10 profitable business ideas which have been proved to work all over provided they are done in a professional way.

1. If your business is small, you must be thinking on how to make it grow bigger in terms of size, assets, revenues and profits. To do this you must develop excellent small business ideas which are aimed at ensuring frugal financial management, excellent customer service and innovation of new products.

2. Conduct frequent customer reviews on your products and act accordingly.

3. If you are doing business over the internet, you must develop online business ideas to survive the online competition. This may include affiliate, email or blog marketing; they should however be properly designed to look different from the may others online.

4. You should not always aim at applying the already existing business ideas because all the other entrepreneurs also want to utilize or have already utilized them. You should instead device profitable home based business ideas which suit the present state of your local market. The profitable business ideas developed elsewhere may not entirely work as such at your local market.

5. Be vigilant enough to see opportunities where others do not and utilize them for the success of your business.

6. Always aim to set up a profitable franchise: the internet is full of information on some of the most profitable franchises available at the moment. What you need is to do a lot of research online and you will be equipped with profitable business ideas on the same.

7. Always be vigilant to take advantage in any profitable business opportunities which may open up in the future. You should ensure that you have capital or assets which you can use as security to take advantage of any opportunity for investment in the future.

New investment opportunities are usually more profitable and rewarding but that may be for a short moment.

8. Redesign or brand your existing products and innovate new ones.

9. If you are operating online, ensure that your website has sufficient bandwidth and disk space to support a reasonable traffic of visitors at any given time. You should in addition top this develop profitable website ideas like setting a space for online Ads and affiliate marketing since you will be paid by those who want to use these services on your website and this is extra income for you and your business.

10. Study the past market trends, compare them with the present and use those findings to prepare for the future.

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