How to Make Your Ex Miss You On Facebook – 3 Tips to Win Them Back

Going through a breakup can be the most traumatizing thing especially when the person who now is your ex and you were deeply in love with each other. One of the most causes of breakups today is infidelity. However, some other reasons can also lead to people breaking up. Such kind of reasons include violence, a nagging boyfriend/girlfriend, extreme jealousy which makes the other person uncomfortable and so many other negative reasons which may make the significant other unattractive. In this article, I will not go deep into the causes of breakups but I will be giving you tips on how to make your ex miss you on Facebook where most exes spy on each other to see how the other person is doing after the breakup.

1. Avoid Posting Messages That Show You Are Miserable

This is number one mistake most people make after a breakup. It is OK to post what you want because it is your wall but saying something like, “without you I will die or without you I am horrible” clearly tells the other person you have nothing going on in your life without them which is very unattractive. Talk about things that don’t target your ex. Doing so, will at least make your ex wonder if you still think about them anymore. When they start getting worried that you are forgetting about them, they will try to find out for themselves what is going on in your life maybe even making a call to “check on you” which in this case, will be a win for you!

2. Make Them See You Are Having Fun Without Them

The main reason why relationship don’t last long nowadays is that couples stay together and do things together most of the time. This repetition causes boredom to set in. The ‘missing the other person’ part is not there anymore and once that part is not there, you can feel like your boyfriend or girlfriend is boring. Choosing to post a picture of you with tear filled eyes and a depressed face saying something like, “I am so bored, can’t wait for this day to be over” is a clear indication you are miserable without your ex. The idea here is how to make your ex miss you on Facebook and not how to make them feel like they need to rescue you from your boredom. Keep yourself busy with activities you love. Go hiking, shopping or swimming with your friends and have some fun! Post all the photos with a big smile plastered on your face even if deep in your heart you feel like crying and see how your ex will react. You will get him/her jealous of who you are hanging out with and maybe if they still love you, this might prompt them to make a move sooner or later with the fear of losing you to someone else.

3. Look Fabulous

When was the last time you looked your best? Probably the day the two of you met! This is the time to make yourself look beautiful. Shop for new clothes and update your overall look. Look gorgeous so that when you think about posting a picture of yourself on Facebook, your ex will drool over it for hours as he/she sees how people are complementing your beauty reminding him/her what they are missing. Looking sloppy won’t make anyone want you again but getting fit and looking your best is a sure way to go! This is an especially important part of learning how to make your ex miss you on Facebook.

However, not all relationships are meant to be. Don’t beat yourself up when things don’t go the way you wanted. Be positive. Do what you can do to make your ex miss you but if they don’t see or don’t care, maybe it’s time you move on. There are so many good men and women out there who will appreciate who you are and treat you the way you deserve! Keep searching you never know who you will meet tomorrow!

How to Get a Girl: Tips to Make Her Say Yes

Are you thinking of courting someone you like? Do you want to know what are the effective methods to use to make her say yes? Do you think you will be able to catch her attention and eventually make her like you as much as you like her?

Most guys don’t have an idea on how to get a girl. In most cases, guys are rejected because they have no idea when it comes to approaching a girl. When meeting a girl and trying to get her attention, it’s all about knowing what to say and how to say it as well as knowing the things that can make her happy and how you can make these things possible for her. If you want to know how to get a girl, then you have to do the following tips that can help you a lot.

Tip #1: Be Sincere: Girls are allergic to dishonest guys and if they think you are one then you won’t be given a chance, not even a small one. How to get a girl? You have to be sincere and honest with your intention. Girls will see through you if they feel that you are only pretending and not sincere at all.

Tip #2: Be Her Knight in Shining Armor: Just like the olden times, nothing much has changed when it comes to the type of guys that girls like. Girls still like the idea of having knights in shining armors who are ready to protect them anytime. Nowadays, you can still be a girl’s knight in shining armor minus the armor and the sword. You can be a knight to your girl by being her protector from whatever difficulties she may encounter. If you want to know how to get a girl, try being her knight in shining armor.

Tip #3: Be Mature: Interested on how to get a girl and make her say yes? Be mature. Girls prefer guys who are mature and responsible. Girls think that guys who are not yet mature cannot be trusted when it comes to handling a relationship. So if you are not yet ready to give up your video games and partying with friends every night, then don’t try entering into a relationship because it will only fail.

Tip #4: Be Career-Driven: If you want to have success when it comes to learning how to get a girl, then you have to show that you are a career-oriented individual. Girls hate guys who are lazy and are seen lying around all day. Get up and work instead of asking money from your family and friends and doing nothing all day but partying and drinking with friends. Who would want a guy like that?

Tip #5: Be Real: Don’t try to pretend as someone you’re not. If you are only an ordinary individual earning minimum salary then don’t try to pretend that you own a business somewhere just to make a girl say yes to your date invitation. Honesty is important. If you want to know how to get a girl, you have to be honest and true to yourself.

Useful Tips For Singapore Business Start Up

Singapore is one of the leading Asian countries for business and commerce and has been rated as one of the best business environments in Asia Pacific. It’s no wonder that small and medium sized businesses and even business conglomerates from across the globe surge to this tiny nation.

If you are planning on starting a business in Singapore here are some useful tips that can help you in the Singapore business incorporation process.

Singapore Companies Act

To begin business formation in Singapore you must be familiar with the Singapore Companies Act (SCA). Singapore companies are primarily governed by the Singapore Companies Act, but it must be noted that companies may fall under regulations of other statutes based on the type of business they are into.

Requirements for Singapore business set up

• The law states that the in order to set up a company in Singapore, the company must have a minimum of 1 Shareholder + 1 Director + 1 Company Secretary

The director:

The director of the Singapore business setup must be a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore. He/she may also be Singapore Employment Pass holder. The director of the company must be above 18 years of age and must not be bankrupt nor have prior record of malpractice.

The shareholder

The law allows a maximum of 50 shareholders for a Singapore business setup. The share holders may be individuals or a corporate entity. The said director can be the shareholder as well or they can be separate individuals. 100% local or foreign shareholding is permitted.

The company secretary

According to the SCA, a Singapore business set up must have a company secretary. The company secretary needs to be appointed within six months of company incorporation and he/she must be a resident of Singapore.

• The company must also have a minimum initial paid-up share capital is S$1

The minimum paid-up capital for registration of a Singapore company is S$1 unless if you are an EntrePass holder in which case the paid-up capital will be S$50,000.

• The Singapore company setup must have a Singapore registered office address. The office address must be a Singapore registered address and addresses with a PO Box are not allowed.

Singapore business formation is made much simpler with the help of a professional business start up service. A professional service provider can aid you in the process of business incorporation in Singapore. A professional service provider will not only assist you in registering a company in Singapore but will also assist you throughout the entire process of business incorporation.

Professional business incorporation services ensure that you have the right information, documentation and get the right resources for setting up a business in Singapore.

Business incorporation services advise you on the relevant licensing requirements specific to your line of business and you can also avail useful business concierge services that can help you find a suitable location for your office, develop your IT and networking infrastructure etc.

You can also avail several supporting services such as taxation services, bookkeeping services and business accounting services.

10 LinkedIn Tips for Your Company

LinkedIn Profiles were commonly considered as an online profile of a person or a digital business card, but it can reap a lot of potentials if taken a step further. Indeed going beyond the basic capabilities of LinkedIn to build a more powerful social contact and to maintain a professional online presence would translate as tremendous business opportunities.

Best ten tips for a business:

1. Profile Completeness:

The heart and soul of any business brand is its profile. Profile names are powerful enough to get a business rank high in search engines. When people visit the page to learn on the product or service, about the company and its work, then it is important to feature a solid profile to create that first best impression with 100% details.

2. Connecting with all:

It is important for business profiles to expand their options and opportunities through interaction with almost everybody enrolled in LinkedIn. LinkedIn act as a live networking event that helps a business introduce itself to others and helps create new contacts and expand the business network, which in turn helps create new business opportunities in the long run.

3. Create a compelling online presence:

Create LinkedIn profiles and pages that are interesting, attractive and compelling for visitors to keep visiting it again and again. It is also a good idea to get moving pictures and video recommendations incorporated in the profile as this helps people learn who you are, what you do and how best you could help them.

4. Products and services page:

All business LinkedIn pages should ensure that they have a specific services and products page to offer more details and context and link directly with each products and services pages on the website and on its landing pages.

5. Careers:

Even large brands could be a flaw if they don’t have a careers tab. For, this helps in promoting positions until they get filled.

6. Recommending others:

This tip is based on the old concept that the more one gives, the more they receive. Recommend others without they asking is an excellent way to improve one’s social proof on the social network. This indirectly helps in improving traffic for a website.

7. Using apt keywords and phrases in the heading and title:

Title is important to be easily findable in a LinkedIn search but the heading is an opportunity to extent the business to excellent heights as it helps elaborating one’s skills, ideal customers and their area of expertise.

8. Getting LinkedIn profiles come Alive:

Whatever one does in LinkedIn Profiles, it is important to get them live, this is accomplished by adding videos to the profiles, slide shares, presentations etc., with the help of specific applications. Videos should be launched and linked with the profile in such a way that it could be accessed from anywhere in the profile.

9. Making best use of saved changes:

LinkedIn allows its profile users to save close to ten job searches and at least three people searches. After performing a primitive search, click on the save search option to run them easily again later. Users could choose to gain weekly or monthly reminders through email newsletters.

10. Consider SEO:

It is important for all business pages to be SEO friendly and to treat them well with the right content. It is important for brand descriptions to be tailored heavily, concise and impactful so that Google previews and ranks them.


LinkedIn has indeed rolled out a number of applications to help people promote their businesses better. Irrespective of what industry a person lies in, there is an application for everyone to get their business message across in a better way. These tips help improve the overall experience of LinkedIn.

No Guts, No Glory! Leadership Tips For Entrepreneurs

Let’s get real. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. Some have the stomach for it, most don’t. What separates a real Entrepreneur from the dreamers is the willingness to take the first step, which usually involves spending and risking your own money. Hardly a comfortable notion. Knowing what you’re doing, what you’re getting into helps alleviate some of the anxiety. When it comes to going after what you love in life, Entrepreneurs don’t take no for an answer. The true Entrepreneur understands the risk vs. reward ratio, and lives by the motto…”No Guts, No Glory!”

Learning from people who have already “been there, done that” is the best resource available. But at the end of the day, someone else’s experience will not launch your company. It takes fire in your belly, passion and drive, and a deep and abiding belief in your idea and yourself. Nothing less will keep you on course in the turbulent waters that threaten an infant business. During the next few months, we will look at ways to optimize the chances for your start-up business to succeed. Stay tuned for more “NO GUTS, NO GLORY!” articles and tips for aspiring Entrepreneurs based on interviews with successful Entrepreneurs.

Tip #1: When in doubt, just take a small step forward.

Believe in yourself. This is the first rule of Entrepreneurship. There are enough barriers to starting a business without you questioning your own abilities. Once doubt creeps in, rash and ill-considered decisions are made. The vision loses focus and energy. Fear and doubt have an odor, and people can smell it. It is a natural repellent to investors or potential clients. It’s normal to be anxious when you’re embarking on a new venture…but don’t let them see you sweat!

You are so protective of your idea that you aren’t even willing to solicit feedback from your closest friends and family. Stop! Don’t be too proud or frightened to ask for help. That’s what family and friends are for, to listen to your crazy ideas. Even if they don’t see your vision, articulating it helps to refine and strengthen it in your own mind.

Often the biggest impediment to moving forward is the clutter in your own head. Get rid of all that useless baggage, it’ll just weigh you down. Live in the moment. Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note – today is cash!

Tip #2: Grow thick skin.

Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. As Entrepreneurs we already have leadership tendencies, but we confuse that impulse with the need to dictate the vision and fight to maintain its sanctity. Stop! Not every conversation has to end with a kiss. Don’t let business become personal. It’s a bad practice which leads to bad decisions. Learn to yield, listen, and agree to disagree when the occasion calls for it. Also, if presented with an unfavorable deal, walk away. Leadership is not about being right, it’s about accomplishing the objective.

On the flip side, a successful colleague once said, “If I’m the smartest guy in the room, my business is in trouble”. Hire talented people and let them shine.

Learn to laugh things off. Time heals all wounds. Give time, time. Everyone makes mistakes, so ask “in five years, will this matter?” Probably not in most cases. Life is too short to waste time staying annoyed and angry. Plus, it’s bad business to let anyone else live rent free in your head.

Tip #3: Don’t compare your situation to others.

If we all threw our problems into one pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d take ours back.

Often, when the work is overwhelming and nothing is going right, we have a tendency to feel like a victim, wishing we had never started the business. We may be envious of another person’s success. Stop! You have no idea what their journey has been like. Envy is worse than a waste of time – it’s a corrosive practice that blinds you to the blessings in your own life. You have all you need to unearth your own potential. At this point, go to a trusted friend who has started a business, and have a candid conversation about your situation. Vent with someone. It’s far better than licking your wounds in solitude.

All Entrepreneurs have been through what you’re experiencing, and most are happy to share some guidance. One of the moral imperatives of success is to lend a hand to the next Entrepreneur coming up, to mentor and inspire future generations of Entrepreneurs. Seek the counsel of experts.

Tip #4: Over-prepare, then go with the flow.

However good or bad a situation is, one thing is certain — it will change. So, the best course of action is to prepare yourself for every eventuality. Commit your game plan to memory, then factor in all possible scenarios that may arise. Hopefully, you won’t face the more dire problems that some start-ups encounter, but being prepared is the best way to combat adversity and sustain a company’s prosperity. And when faced with a tough decision, don’t agonize over it. A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.

As you go with the flow, new ideas will surface. Share credit. Does it really matter where a good idea comes from? Be grateful for any contribution to the success of your company, and acknowledge the source. Ignore the envious, the naysayers. Celebrate the idea because sometimes you’re the only one who will. Be the idea champion.

Tip #5: Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Come on, this is meant to be fun. This is what you always wanted. So show it. Smile, it’s contagious. Simplify. Some claim it is “lonely at the top”. Yes, if you’re a tyrant, bully, or a real pain in the neck. But if you respect your employees, treat them like family; running a business can be fun. It’s all a matter of your approach and attitude. If you go in with the mentality you are the “boss”, then it will be a lonely road, but if you go in with the design you’re the leader of a team and inspiration behind the plan, then you will create an environment which fosters growth and prosperity. Let people feel empowered, a sense of ownership, and a sentiment of belonging and being needed.

Confidence is important. Even if you don’t feel confident, fake it. Confidence breeds loyalty, excitement and productivity, which are contagious. Panic and fear result in chaos, which will ultimately destroy your enterprise.

In conclusion, I leave you with this…be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to have blue hair. Now go out and have fun. Good luck. Remember, “No Guts, No Glory!”

Tips and Strategies for a Small Business Entrepreneur to Beat the Competition

Many new Small Businesses fail during the early years and one of the reasons attributed for the failure is their inability to beat the competition.

To be successful in your business and to be acknowledged as a successful small business entrepreneur, you have to adopt certain strategies that will enable you to outsmart your competitors and beat them.

1. Go Shopping Yourself:

If you are a manufacturer of certain products, you should go shopping yourself at least once a fortnight. By doing this you will be able to see how and where these products are being displayed, the price at which your competitors are selling their products and the type of packaging used. In fact purchasing of your competitors products on regular basis, testing them and comparing them with your products will be a very useful and productive exercise.

2. Become a member of a Professional Association:

As an entrepreneur it is very important that you become a member of a professional association related to your business or industry. Never, ever think that you can operate in a vacuum and succeed. By regularly attending their meetings, you will get the opportunity of meeting like minded people and your competitors too. Opportunities for gathering vital information and secrets abound in such meetings. Be watchful, grab them and implement them in your small business.

3. Gather Information about Your Competition:

You must have a plan whereby either you or one of your employees should order your competitors’ broachers, catalogues and price lists. This will give you very vital and useful information as to how these products are priced, advertised and promoted. Keeping this constant tab on your competitors will enable you to discover the reasons why some are more successful than you. This ongoing study will help you make very calculated changes in your price structure, marketing and advertising strategies.

4. Attend Trade Shows and Seminars:

Trade shows are places where you as a small business entrepreneur can make useful contacts with other entrepreneurs in your own field of activity and other allied fields as well. Viewing new developments, technologies and marketing methods will inspire and motivate you to develop your own business in those lines.

Attending seminars can be very useful, educative and a place to make useful contacts. These trade shows and seminars can open up new windows of opportunities for you.

5. Read Trade Magazines and Newsletters:

Subscribe to your industry or business trade magazine or newsletter. You will come across many things that you are not aware of, in manufacturing, advertising and marketing. These tips and tricks will help you fine tune some of your present strategies.

6. Address Meetings and Focus Groups:

Never miss an opportunity to address meetings related to your industry or business. It will also be wise to organize Focus Groups where you can obtain the views of the members regarding your products. The feedback thus obtained will help you make changes in your products and the marketability of your products.

7. Distribute Free Gifts, Vouchers and Coupons:

The whole world loves free gifts. Even millionaires love anything given free. You should take full advantage of this and promote your small business by offering free gifts. Whenever there are community gatherings, focus group meetings and other functions, try and distribute free gifts, discounted coupons and vouchers. You should ensure that you have your website URL, address and phone numbers embedded in all your items.

8. Have a Professional looking Website.

A well designed professional looking website is absolutely essential. By providing all the information about your business, products and services, it will add credibility to your small business.


To succeed as a Small Business Entrepreneur is your ultimate goal and failure is not an option. Keep a watchful eye on your competition and implement these tips and strategies. It will not be long before your competitors disappear from the radar screen.

Got A Business Idea But No Money? Here Are 5 Tips On Funding A Women Owned Business

More women are leaving the corporate world to become entrepreneurs. For the past two decades, majority women-owned firms have continued to grow at around two times the rate of all firms. According to the Center for Women’s Business Research, the number of majority women-owned businesses increased 42% between 1997 and 2006.

One of the concerns faced by a woman business owner is finding the money to start or grow her business. While some women-owned businesses are funded through a small nest egg, others may turn to additional means of finance.

Here are 5 tips on funding a woman business start-up.

Borrowing From Family And Friends

This is one of the most common ways to fund a new business. Your family and friends are more likely to lend you their money if they are convinced by your business plan and idea. Borrowing money from people you know is a cost-efficient approach as you may not be required to pay extra fees or interests. However, it could potentially lead to strained relationships if you are unable to repay the money. Some individuals believe that they are automatically entitled to a piece of the business in return for the money loaned. Any stipulations associated with the “loan” should be put in writing to avoid any future misunderstanding.

Some women business owners are aware of the tension that can potentially arise from borrowing from family and friends. If you are one of them, why not ask your family or friends to help out in running your business such as taking orders, promotions, delivery and so forth.

Credit Cards

Small business owners reportedly use several credits cards to pay for expenses. This type of funding is expensive and risky. Failure to make repayments can jeopardize your personal credit. If you want to resort to this means of funding, make sure you can pay off your card before the interest kicks in.

Personal Loans

Banks are usually quick to approve loans less than $25,000 based on personal credit. If you need a few thousand dollars to spend on equipment or inventory, a personal loan is an ideal way of funding. The interest rate is less than that of a credit card. You will still need to submit a business plan to support a personal loan application.

Business Loans

You’ll need to provide collateral or guarantee in addition to a business plan or financial statements when applying for a business loan. The screening process is more rigorous. Business loans are typically available from $25,000 onwards. If you are using the equity of your home to get a business loan, you may be putting your home at a risk of foreclosure if you fail to meet your monthly repayments. Understanding all of the details regarding this type of loan is vital to protect the ownership of your home.

SBA Loans

When a larger loan is needed to acquire a building or an expensive piece of equipment, there are business loan programs for women provided by Small Business Administration (SBA). Please note that SBA only acts a guarantor but does not offer loans to small businesses. SBA reviews loan applications by borrowers. If a loan application is eligible, SBA issues a commitment letter on behalf of the applicant. This letter shows the willingness of SBA to guarantee the loan, which helps to speed up the loan approval by a lender.

There is an inherent risk of funding any business activities, no matter what type of funding you choose. The key is not to borrow too much to the extent that you cannot meet the monthly repayments from the income of your business.

Tips for Choosing A Legitimate Home Based Business Opportunity

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to work from home, a home-based business opportunity can be a great option. Business opportunities provide you with a turnkey system and support so that you can be in business “for yourself, not by yourself”.

Unfortunately, a multitude of unscrupulous companies have cropped up on the internet over the past several years, making the search for a legitimate home based business a bit of a challenge. The good news is that there are legitimate and profitable home based business opportunities out there and if you’re able to identify certain “red flags”, it won’t be that difficult to eliminate the “scams” and spot the opportunity that’s right for you:

Red Flag #1: You visit a business opportunity website and there are pages of copy promising financial freedom and personal wealth but it doesn’t tell you anything about what the company does. If a company doesn’t clearly state their product and/or service, be wary.

Red Flag #2: The company website states that you’ll make unrealistic amounts of money, with minimal effort, in a very short period of time. This is simply not true. Businesses take time to grow. If any business opportunity website promises that you’ll be a millionaire in 3 months or less, ask yourself, “If there was a way to get rich overnight, wouldn’t everyone be doing it?”

Red Flag #3: While there may be several testimonials of successful business owners listed on a business opportunity’s website, you still need to ask for references and contact them by phone or e-mail. And, if a company isn’t willing to provide references, they’re not legit.

Red Flag #4: Once you’ve found a business that interests you, request additional information. If the company asks you to provide a credit card number or to pay a fee-no matter how small-it’s a scam.

Red Flag #5: Ask how your business will make money. If your ability to make money relies on you recruiting other people to sell a product or service, the company is most likely a multi-level marketing business and, in most cases, the only people who make legitimate money with MLM’s are the people at the top!

Finally, keep in mind that when you do find a business opportunity that feels like the right fit for you, don’t fall in love too quickly. Take the time to research your market for competition to be sure that your area isn’t saturated with a similar product or service. And most importantly, make sure that the business capitalizes on your strengths and talents and allows you to do something you love each day. It’s a well-known fact that entrepreneurs who love what they do are much more likely to succeed!

Tips for Lucrative Business Ideas That Are Available Online

There are many ways to make money on-line and you should pick the opportunities that are legitimate and rewarding. Life sometimes surprises us with an unexpected bill or the car breaks down so it can be very comforting to have lucrative business ideas set up to generate income. There are not very many things worse than running out of options and having a backup plan can help eliminate that from happening. Here are several tips that I believe can help you center on what is important when choosing and building your business:

• Look for opportunities that allow you to use sweat-equity and not very much cash investment up front. You are your biggest asset when starting something new. Choose a business where you can learn, grow and earn money without a large initial cash investment. You should study and work hard in the beginning to make it really pay off. For example, rather than hiring someone else to advertise or promote for you, I found that it is possible to get low-cost or free advertising on-line. Once you know how to create an interest in your service or product the sky is the limit. This brings me to another step to your success.

• Choose ideas that can be promoted on-line using the power of the internet and start by setting up a website. In my opinion, you must use your time sensibly for lucrative business ideas to be successful and flourish. Once you set it up your website will work for you 24 hours a day.

• Consider working with a company that offers free website start-ups. There are companies on-line that are devoted to helping people start new websites for an extremely low-cost. They are rewarded by making sales on upgrades or additional services later on down the road. This works out good for both you and the company helping to start your new website. A few years back, I started a website from scratch by using site building tools that are available on-line. These are great for putting together your own custom website, but it took a long time to add all the content that was needed to get it finished and ready to do business.

• Look for companies that offer websites with lucrative business ideas built-in and ready to start selling. This is a good choice for those of us that need income but do not have anything to sell.

• Learn how to use simple marketing techniques such as using keywords, article writing and banner ads that will generate traffic to your website. Some of those who visit your site will buy what you are offering and you will receive income on each sale.

• There will be some fees after you get a website started, so learn as much as you can about what you are getting before handing over your hard-earned money.

In summary, lucrative business ideas are available on-line and are easily tapped into by getting involved with one that peaks your interest. Start by using your current skills and continue to learn while you build your business.

Money Management Tips For Your Home Business

To help you avoid financial struggles or even the loss of your business, here are a few money management tips. Don’t neglect this crucial area, especially if you don’t have any previous experience managing money. Remember that making money, not losing it, is the main reason why you’re in business.

Money Management System

You probably don’t want to spend hours doing complicated record keeping, but you need to spend a little time setting up and following a system to manage the money coming in and the money flowing out. This would help you avoid future money management mistakes.

Money management ideas and skills are essential to the success of your business, so it should be one of your top priorities. Here are some basic money management tips that will help make this area easier and more effective:

Money Management Strategies

Software – A money management software program is the easiest way to keep track of your home business finances. You can track all of your checks, schedule payments and create a budget (Quicken by Intuit is ideal for a one or two-person business). Determine your business needs and choose the most appropriate software to match them.

Invoices – Word-processing programs like “Microsoft Word” or “Lotus AmiPro” provide you with templates to create your own invoices.

Business Account – Open one at a bank with your registered DBA. Don’t mix your business money with your personal money. To find a good bank, ask for references from other business owners. Depending on the frequency, you should update all your bank transactions once a week or once a month.

Cash Flow – It’s the lifeblood of your work at home business. To maximize your cash flow, you should collect on services or products when you deliver them. The easiest way to collect the money you are owed is by making credit card payments available to your customers. Occasionally, you may need to extend credit however, check out if your client is credit-worthy, and make a habit of following up on overdue payments without delay.

Create a Budget – A budget is a record of your planned income and planned expenses for a fixed period of time. You plan your finances and then track if you’re operating according to your plan. Compare your planned income and expenses with the actual income and expenses each month. Before making each purchase, ask yourself if it will help you improve your business or set you back. Budgeting is one of the areas that will give you more control over your money.

Cash Reserve – Every business has ups and downs, so you need to protect yourself from the “slow” times. A cash reserve will give you a cushion to survive these tough periods. Depending on your budget, you should have a cash reserve equivalent to at least 2 or 3 months of spending.

Money Management Advice

The management of money boils down to exercising discipline. Either you control the money or the money controls you. Good money management will greatly improve your chances of success. You have many helpful resources and articles online for money management tips to help you on this topic. Best of all, they’re FREE!

WARNING! – 95% of the online business opportunities are scams. Don’t be the next victim! Get free information on how to avoid scams and choose the best legitimate business opportunity.

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