Ways To Market Instead Of Using News Release Services

Years ago, a press release was the best tool to use if you want your story to be picked up by media outlets. This is still what many new business owners believe which is why their first thought in marketing their company is by sending out a press release.

The question is, do journalists actually read them today? People rarely read nowadays so it might be time to consider new ways to market instead of using news release services.

The competition for a journalists’ attention is pretty stiff, almost everyone is vying for the much-coveted pick up by news reporters and be used as their next big scoop.

There are DIY methods that are also effective in getting media mileage. Let’s take a look at some of them.

You need to build relationships with your target journalists and editors. Start coming up with pitches that are personalized. Doing this will show the journalist that you did your homework in researching about them and their publication. It takes time and effort to do this and journalists appreciate this being done for them. A pitch that is targeted to their publications audience is heaven sent because it makes their job a lot easier.

Find out the name of your target journalist and make a pitch that is personal to him or her. Don’t send copy and paste pitches that are impersonal. Know more about the journalist and how your content will help him and the publication that he is working for. Show interest in his work by coming up with an introduction that you have read his work.

Use a subject line that can get attract attention. Don’t use generic “For your information” or “To whom it may concern.”

You can format your email as a blog post or article. Break the ice by being conversational, try to tell a story. Tag your email with keywords and include a link to your company website.

Before you send your email pitch, try to engage the journalist by sending a tweet. You can also turn your email content into one or two tweets. After sending your tweet material, you can follow up with your email pitch.

You can also try sending a message on Facebook. Add known journalists and influencers to your Facebook friends list. Start engaging by following them, liking their posts and commenting.

If you have the guts to do it, you can give a journalist a phone call to see if they are interested with your release. This will save you a lot of time and effort, getting a positive or negative reply will help you focus your efforts to other journalists or build upon what you have already started.

Why not go a step further and meet up with the journalist over coffee and make your pitch face to face. There are journalists who would take advantage of this invitation as a way to get out of their offices.

If you have built a relationship with the right reporter then you can reap the benefits of that relationship by giving an exclusive story. Reporters love getting exclusives which are newsworthy and relevant. Once they write your story there is a huge chance that you will get publicity on a lot of other publications. You get to achieve PR results without having to write a press release.

There is a trend of people preferring to watch videos than reading. There are over 500 million people watching videos on Facebook every day. A quick video can take the place of a free press release distribution and get better results. You can start sharing your video on the various social media platforms for better exposure.

3 Ways to Increase Email Open Rates

Email opening rates have remained stubbornly low for several years now. Various studies over the past three or four years have shown that only around 21% of all email marketing messages get opened. That means that eight out of ten of your customers are ignoring you. That’s not good.

The top sector – religion – is being ignored by over half its email congregation even with a whopping open rate of 48%. It seems that religious emails cannot preach to the converted as much as they would like.

So why is it that so many email marketing messages are ignored – and what can you do about it? Here are three things which will increase your open rate.

1. Have something interesting, useful and relevant to say

Email marketing messages that are just that – marketing – are frankly a waste of your time and money. Your emails are interrupting the day of your customers and potential clients. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine you are sitting in a restaurant, having a nice time with friends, when suddenly someone rushes up to your table brandishing some product and says “would you like to buy this?” You would no-doubt politely – perhaps not so politely – ignore them or tell them to go away. Yet, when you are sitting working or doing interesting stuff online some email marketing oik does exactly the same, interrupting you saying “hey, how about buying this?” However, go back to that imaginary restaurant. What if your conversation is interrupted by the person on the table next to you with some really interesting and useful information? The chances are you are more likely to listen. The same is true with emails – if they are interesting and give useful information we can use then we are more ready to accept that interruption. The reason so few marketing emails get opened is because they are marketing emails. Make them information emails and you increase your chances of being opened greatly. Think “how can I help my customers” and not “what can I sell to my customers”.

2. Use your recipient’s name and other details

If someone talks to you and never once mentions you by name you distance yourself from them psychologically. Your name is one of the most important aspects of your self-identity and when other people use it you attach to them more easily. Similarly, when they ask you “how are your children” or “is your decorating finished” they are demonstrating they are interested in you. Emails get few open rates because they largely show interest in the company sending out the message, rather than the recipient. Email marketing software, of course, allows you to use the person’s first name – but personalisation is more than that. You could collect other personal details such as location, job title, interests and so on which you use in your emails. The more you personalise the better – indeed research shows that if you use the person’s name in the subject line of the email you dramatically increase the open rate. Showing people you like them as an individual will gain higher open rates.

3. Make your subject lines like newspaper headlines

Newspaper headline writers have spent years discovering how to craft the perfect group of words to make people want to read something. Studies show that the headlines which get the most readers are those which are active, not passive. They also contain emotion and are not just flat statements. Furthermore they include human interest. If you use the recipient’s name in your subject line, there’s your human interest. So that only leaves you with two other considerations – active emotion. Instead of saying things like “Update on employment prospects” say “George, here’s how to get a pay rise” – it is on the same topic, but it has emotion and suggests action. Also, notice the word count has increased. Headlines in newspapers and email subject lines that contain around 6-11 words tend to get the most readers. Avoid short subject lines in emails – aim for 10 words, that will get you more opens too.

So, there you have it, three key ways to get your emails opened. You might have noticed a theme – focus on your customer, put yourself in their shoes and you will increase your chances of your emails being opened.

28 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your Website

Generating traffic to a site is one of the biggest challenges most marketers and businesses face today. The internet has changed the way businesses market their products. Gone are the days when customers were local. The entire world has opened up in the search for customers. Today, Internet traffic means money and it is the lifeblood for every internet business. Every online business needs to know how to generate good traffic to be productive and competitive.

Suppose only 1 in 100 visitors buy, then to be successful you must focus on increasing your list and generating more traffic consistently. There are multiple ways to generate traffic. Some of the ideas may only work for a week or a month, so it is a good idea to search for traffic from every source available.

I have accumulated a variety of ways to build traffic for your site. Some may be familiar to you, some may be new. Take the time to research the topics so you can utilize each tool.

Drive Traffic from A to Z

1. Ad swapping

An advertisement swap is an agreement with another websites to exchange ads. It is a quick way to generate traffic to your site. There are pros and cons to ad swapping. The advantage is that you can build your lists quickly. A disadvantage is you don’t want to give away your best subscribers by ad swapping incorrectly. Ad swapping is a quick and simple way to generate traffic to your site. If it is done properly it can be a free way to generate traffic. Take the time to learn all you can about it before trying this technique.

2. Advertising

Advertising is necessary when building a business. The possibilities are endless. Business must buy customers with money and hard work, which is the bottom line to sales. Consider the following:

· Purchase advertising: There are a variety of ways you can purchase advertisement space such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo, T.V., newspaper, and magazine ads, as well as online local advertising. You can submit your site to every directory, to yellow pages both online and off. Submit your site to everything you can find.

· Employees, friends, and family: Encourage them to advertise your product as they surf the web. Ask them to make comments on forums, blogs, Facebook and the like.

· Your URL: Consider the power of your own URL. Put it on everything you do. Add it to letters, email signatures, flyers, phone books, brochures. Add it to company letterhead, business cards, put it on your building or door to your office, in newsletters, and on products.

3. Article Writing

Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports, and then submit them to as many websites as possible. Try to write a minimum of 2 short articles per week. If you are consistent, you can generate many readers to your site weekly.

You can also offer your articles to other website owners and article directories where other website owners can publish it. Make sure it has your author resource box at the end with your URL. They can publish them on their website, blogs, or in their newsletters. Then other website owners will consider you an expert in your field and may contact you for interviews or joint ventures. It also creates more search engine opportunities.

4. Awards

Posting awards you have earned gains customer trust. You can actually research and find organizations that offer awards. Apply for these awards and make the most of the publicity. If you are an affiliate, you can post the awards of the company you are selling for with their product.

5. Blogging

Don’t underestimate the power of blogging. In Wikipedia it said that as of 16 February 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence and don’t discount the millions of personal blogs. Blogging is becoming a daily part of life for millions of people. That does not count the number of blog readers, but if only 10 people read those 156 million blogs in existence, imagine the number of readers. Be creative and find ways to tap into this incredible phenomenon. Create your own blog, and keep it up to date, add content consistently. Comment on other blogs in a professional way to establish yourself as an expert in your field but be careful about sounding like an advertisement for your product.

6. Business Cards and Coupons

Even though business cards and coupons were used way before the internet, they are still a good method of advertising. Use them to bring traffic to your website. Be sure they have all the important information on them particularly your website address. Give people a reason to keep your card. Add important information to your card such as schedules, calendars or personal notes.

7. Build Your Own List

Everyone has the ability to teach people something they have learned. Experience is marketable. Search the internet and find out what questions people are asking in your area of expertise. Write the answers down in a professional style, and then offer them in exchange for their email address.

8. Columnist for another website

Everyone is looking for content to add to their blog or website. Search the internet, find websites in your field and offer to write a column for them. This will get your name out there.

9. Coupons, Free Items, and Sales

Don’t underestimate the power of the word “free” to attract new customers. Businesses spent a lot of money on advertising to entice customers to their site. Use some of that budget to buy customers with a great deal. I don’t know of anything that works as well as a ‘real’ sale. Something a consumer can’t pass up. It can’t be a sale that will always be there, or procrastination sets in. “First time customer offers” is a great way to buy new customers.

10. Customer Relations

Never underestimate the power of word of mouth, for good or for bad. Treat your customers with the utmost respect and give them the best service you have available. Customers will be one of your biggest advertisement resources. One customer has multiple friends, and will often post their satisfaction or frustration on Facebook, blogs, or other social networking devices.

11. Donate Prizes to Contests

Find someone who is offering a contest and offer something free. You will have free advertising space to all who join the contest. Or host your own contest for a quick burst of traffic.

12. Ecourses

An ecourse can be anything from a simple educational series to yearlong in depth study. They can include how to videos, photos, or plain text. You write “How To” courses in step by step intervals and send them out to customers on a specified schedule.

13. Email Signature Files

At the end of all your emails, add a little advertisement with your URL. Also, everyone reads the P.S. at the end of an email so add a coupon or free merchandise.

14. Forums

Comment on forums. You can establish yourself as an expert in your field by answering questions and posting knowledgeable comments. Do your research; find the forums that will benefit from your expertise. Make sure you read the rules of each forum and follow them.

15. Invite Guest Bloggers

Compliment a well-known personality in your field by asking them to contribute a blog to your own blog.

16. Hub Pages

You can share your expertise and post them on hubs. Writers read and comment on each others work. This is another way to get search engines to find you and it’s free. With hubs you can use text, insert photos, maps, poles, videos, and links to your site.

17. Logo

Create a logo and post it on everything you do. People will begin to associate your business with your logo.

18. Newsletters

A regular newsletter is one of the best ways to get repeat traffic. Newsletters keep customers informed and bring them back for more. Make your newsletter more than just an advertisement. Offer valuable information. Include coupons and free offers.

19. Optimize Search Engines

This is the number one most important thing you can do for your website. Getting your site listed on the first page of search engines is an important goal. You can purchase a spot. But you should also work hard to use the correct keywords that will make it easy for search engines to find you. Many of the suggestions in this article will open new opportunities for search engines to find you and your work.

20. Radio, Podcast, News via Internet

These are becoming very popular on the web and they are always looking for guests. Go to these sites and you will usually see a link where you can register to become a guest. If you become a guest, many of these hosts will link to your website from the front page of their site.

21. PR Firm

You can always pay for professional advertising.

22. Social Networking

Almost everyone who uses a computer is connected to some type of social network. Get involved with Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.

23. Sticky Website

After all the work you do to entice a visitor to your site, keep them. Make sure you have good information and a professional site that makes people stay and return.

24. TV Ads

TV time is actually less expensive than people think. With so many programs and channels now days there are more options for advertising space.

25. Video and Audio

This is a very powerful tool. Create a great “how to” video and post it on YouTube. Interview someone or vice versa. YouTube is the dictionary of video; use it for your benefit.

26. Webinars

Webinars are becoming very popular. You can sponsor a lecture, a workshop, or any type of training and transmit it over the Web.

27. Web Directories

Don’t forget to post your site in a Web directory. There are several available on line.

28. Word of Mouth

This cannot be over emphasized. Happy customers tell their friends and family. Provide excellent customer service and let your customers advertise for you. Make sure all your employees are kind and helpful to your customers. Poor customer service cannot sell the best product on the market. Awesome customer service can sell a poor product. Think about it.

As long as this list is, it is not complete. There are multiple ways to drive traffic to your site. Be creative and come up with your own ideas. The bottom line as always is hard work and determination. Good luck.

Different Ways Of Generating Traffic, Leads And Sales For Your Affiliate Or Own Offers

When it comes to running an offline or online businesses, the most critical things owners need – besides the necessary licence and equipment – are traffic, leads and sales. Yet in spite of knowing this, the underlying question in most of their minds – is how to get more while spending less or better still, for free?

Having said that, this is what my article going to address today.

Now regardless of what they are called, they still boil down to one common factor which is people. Because without them taking action the way you want be it seeing your offer, listening to and reading what you presented and taking up your free and paid offer, your business is not going to last. That is the brutal truth in traditional and internet marketing as well.

So the question is how do I get traffic?

To be honest, there is no right and wrong answer. But there are free and paid methods you can use.

However before even doing so, it is important to identify if there is a market for your offer and connecting with people within that. This is absolutely necessary in order to build an audience as in groups of people who know, like and trust you. Especially when you focused on free methods which I touched upon later.

It is the same way with how you got to know your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse and how politicians do to get more people to vote for them and formed the government. You might also see that in networking events and seminars.

Below are both free and paid strategies I know and learnt from more experienced marketers.

A. Free

1. Article Marketing

This is by far the oldest but still workable method. What you do is write and submit an article like what you see now into relevant sites like Ezine Articles.

2. Blogging

This is more of a long-term SEO and wealth building strategy.

You can write whatever you want in your blog – preferably WordPress into your own domain and hosting and then connect with other bloggers in your niche either through blog commenting or guest posting.

3. Classified Advertising

You might not believe this but this is how I got started making my first dollar in 2008.

This is a great alternative and test to paid ads.

What you need to do is to come up with a eye-catching headline and 2-3 lines ad with links before posting to relevant sites like Craiglist and Gumtree.

4. Directory Submissions

In the past this used to work very well.

But in the wake of Google’s relentless updates, many sites have come and go so apart from Dmoz, they are no longer variable today.

5. Email Marketing

This works provided you have a quality email list of subscribers who are eager to read from, trust and buy from you.

But for this to work effectively, you need a high converting landing page and reliable autoresponder to send unlimited emails.

6. Forum Posting

Forums are online discussion sites in which people congregrated and discussed about common issues and interests.

To get started, there are important rules you have to abide by in order not to get banned.

Such as do not spam but provide helpful information in answering what they need and want to know with your blog and landing page links in your signautre – which is the footer text below every post you make

7. Google SEO

If you provided good quality content in your blog in the form of articles and even videos with social media channel links – I will be talking about later, the major search engine will reward you with higher rankings on first page for maximum exposure and even leads and sales from your searchers.

This also helps if you have comments and questions below your posts.

8. PDF Submissions

You can also compile a set of 5-10 articles into MS Word or Open Office into a report or e-book with an attractive cover before publishing in sites like Calameo, Scribd and Slideshare.

9. Press Releases

They are basically online versions of newspaper reports in which you can submit to related sites.

There are both free and paid services in which you can submit.

10. Social Media And Networks

You can also participate in social networks like Facebook where you can post on your timeline, create fanpages, live events, videos and joined and share in groups like what you do in forums.

Others include LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest and Tumblr.

11. Video Marketing

This is where you create your videos from your own PC or iPhone camera, powerpoint slides or both with some music background and introduction or highlighted points text.

If you just want to show your face, you can use camera.

But if you want to share your PC screen, I will recommend Jing and Camtasia Studio – the latter gives you a free 30 day trial before you pay a one-time fee of $197.

12.. Web 2.0 Properties.

You can also post your content in other blogging platforms like Blogger, Hubpages, Webs, Weebly and Wix.

In the past these used to work like a charm in the form of Google Wonder Wheel.

But now you can only posted what you had not in your articles and blog posts.

This works best when you are doing e-commerce and your info products.

13. Webinars

They are online versions of seminars in which you can invite your subscribers and customers to attend before presenting your offer.

For this, I recommend Go-To-Webinar and Zoom.

B. Paid

For paid strategies, I will recommend 3 platorms in Bing, Facebook And Google Ads. At the time of writing this, mobile apps and YouTube Ads also came about.

With that said, these are both free and paid methods I know of getting traffic, leads and sales for your sites.

Free Publicity – 5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Business

As a Guerrilla Marketing Coach, I’m a strong believer in implementing free or low cost strategies to publicize your business. As a start-up, with cash flow being slow or non-existent, it’s imperative to find ways where you can gain visibility without spending a lot of money. These tips and tricks are just a sampling of some of the creative ideas you can use to generate publicity now! Try a few to find out which ones work best for you.

1. Publicize With a Press Release

Cultivate a habit around issuing press releases about newsworthy items related to your business. Use them to announce new additions to your staff, a new book you’ve published, an upcoming workshop or seminar, or the availability of an e-course. Don’t let this wonderful and free opportunity pass you by. In fact, you should make an effort to create some sort of consistent buzz around your business which you can share through a regular press release campaign.

2. Write and Publish Articles Online

Write articles and submit them to article submission sites. These websites, in turn, offer your articles, for free or fee, to other online newsletters or ezines. As a result, your articles are spread throughout the internet. You can include a captivating byline, complete with your contact information so any inquiries will be directed back to you. If you don’t like to write, hire a ghostwriter. Publishing articles online is a fast, quick, and free way to spread your name everywhere. Writing is a wonderful way to increase your visibility and credibility with your target market.

3. Craft a Captivating Email Signature

Each time you send an email, you have an opportunity to generate free publicity. Make sure your email signature includes the basics such as your name, company, telephone number, fax number, and email address. Consider adding other information to capture the attention of readers — like a catchy slogan, a link to your blog, or your Skype address. Better yet, if you have a new seminar to offer or you’ve written a book, an e-book or an article, include a line about each of those as well. You might want to experiment with different typestyles and colors, but don’t go overboard. Your primary concern should be readability and to provide useful information. Dress up your email signature and make every email count!

4. Write a Newspaper Article or a Column for Your Local Paper

No matter what your niche, you can always find something interesting to write about. Newspapers editors regularly look for filler for their papers, so if you have something interesting to share, consider presenting your idea to your local paper. It’s best to have several examples of your writing on hand as most of them will request writing samples. You may even consider offering a proposal to write a regular column. Again, check with the editor about the types of stories or ideas he or she is looking to promote. Most likely, you won’t be paid for your contributions, but you’ll probably be supplied with a byline that includes your name and contact information. This is a great way to receive free publicity in your local community. If you write a weekly or monthly column, there’s always a chance you may end up in syndication, with your articles being picked up by newspapers nationwide. Also, don’t hesitate to contact papers outside your local geography. Papers across the nation and the world are always looking for high-quality, well-written content.

5. Contact your Local Talk Radio Station

Local talk radio stations are always looking for interesting people to invite as guests. In order to receive an invitation, you must have something captivating to talk about. Think about how you can relate your product or service to health, wealth, happiness or relationships — four primary areas heavily promoted on talk radio. What’s unique about your product or service? What interesting way can you position yourself as a guest? Keep your eyes and ears open to current events, celebrities in the news, and upcoming holidays to see how you might relate your business to what’s happening in the world around you. If you can find the right angle, rest assured that radio hosts will be eager to speak with you! Radio is a wonderful medium to publicize your company to the masses.

10 Ways for Unknown Musicians to Get the Word Out

When Clear Channel controls the radio and the monopoly newspaper doesn’t like you, how do you win over new audiences?

The good news: there are many, many ways. Here are ten of my favorites.

1. Approach a local college or alternative radio station or community access cable TV station with a programming idea, like a live songwriter showcase. Other musicians will want to be a part of your show, and you’ll build an audience for your own music–and theirs.

2. Write CD or concert reviews for a local alternative (or mainstream) paper.

3. Give copies of your CD away to public radio and TV stations for their fund drive premiums.

4. Organize, publicize, and perform at charity events for your favorite causes.

5. Lead songwriting or performing workshops in the schools (these are usually paying gigs, and all the parents hear your name). Invite some of the kids to perform with you; they’re sure to bring a bunch of relatives along who will pay for their tickets and maybe buy a CD.

6. Announce your gigs in every community calendar. Newspapers, magazines, radio stations, community web sites, cable TV stations–they all run event listings. Type out one paragraph that includes a tag line about what you do, such as “Sandy Songwriter, River City’s ‘Homegrown Bono,’ will perform labor songs and love ballads at The Trombone Shop, 444 4th Street in Downtown River City, Wednesday, January 15, 7 p.m.” If admission is free or there’s a charity connection, say so. Include contact phone number and e-mail.

7. Find Internet discussion groups related to your cause. Whether it’s immigration, voting reform, peace, safe energy, the right to choose…there will be discussion groups online. Post responses and include a “sig”–a short on-line business card. Use different sigs for different purposes. Here’s one of mine (in a real e-mail, it would be single-spaced):

8. Set up a simple low-cost website. Include a couple of sound clips, pictures of you performing, a place for people to sign up for your fan newsletter, a link to your favorite musicians, and, of course, your tour schedule and gig availability.

9. Get exposure on other people’s websites. Write CD reviews, endorse their music with a blurb, submit articles on the local music scene…and always include your contact information and a statement that encourages people to visit your site.

10. Use the letters columns. Call in to talk shows. Post messages to Web forums…in short, use every feedback tool you have to spread the word.

Ways to Get an Online Presence for Your Business

Technology is getting bigger and better and this means that the world is gradually becoming a global village. Today, anyone can sit in their homes in the Nigeria or Ghana and be able to know the latest news in India, United States of America or even Venezuela. Yes, this is the power of technology that we are gradually learning to deal with and also acknowledge in our lives. Today, businesses are looking like the best beneficiaries of technology especially due to the internet. Yes, today every business is gaining and trying to gain online presence to ensure that they are always on top of their rivals. The internet has helped to make small businesses very huge and also known in the parts of the country they never thought was possible.

Also, many people are having great fun sitting in the comfort of their homes to shop from the internet. The truth is that, the influence of technology in the world is growing and will be much bigger than it is now; this is why businesses are advised to catch up and make good use of these new ways of business marketing and promotion. Today, there are so many small businesses that have so many clients all over the world that they have never met before but do business with all the same. This is great because; you offer better services to people you do not even know. There are so many ways however; to get the right online presence you need to get your business on the road.

You can start first by designing or having a business website designed for you. Yes, this can be done by professionals or software’s you can download from the internet. Your website is what speaks to clients or markets your products on the internet for you. This is why you need to ensure it is in the best of condition at all times with the right information. Make sure all information with regards to your services; charges, etc are not left out.

Another way you can boost your online presence is by using online social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the many others available. Doing this can give you an opportunity to see some of the international customers you have and also get more people knowing about your business and the services you offer. Online presence can be got through so many processes however; it will be best to ensure that you do exactly what you is needed and the best for your business.

5 Ways You Can Develop User and Google Friendly E-Commerce Mobile App

Globalization has connected the limitations for business and communication as like never before. With the initiation of eCommerce, the internet is renovated into a gigantic marketplace. Masses of successful trades have appeared with the eCommerce technologies and there are zillions folks to come. Although there are countless success stories to lookout for, the fact is that achieving success in eCommerce is not very straightforward. With Ecommerce Website development Company that achieving a leading part of the market it is tough to build a captivating USP for your business.

To attain and maintain customers you have to offer the perfect buying experience possible. The important option is to build a best buying experience is to link with consumers at eachtouch point and offer an amazing service. However, we provide the touch points in eCommerce business the major two to popular in the crown are mobile and website. Various businesses make the blunder of avoiding their app or not creating one in the leading place.

Let’s discuss about 5 ways to develop user and Google friendly ecommerce mobile apps:
1. Intuitive Design:
A need of design of your store that plays a crucial function on how buyers act in your app. With a consideration time of less than 8 seconds. It is imperative that your users must be able to simply understand the app interface. Building a most intricate design with a wide range of animations and also do text in the anticipation of inviting the user will at all times boomerang. When it comes to the user interface ease is the way to go. This will increase the user experience with the ease of accessibility.
2. Security:
Just in case of eCommerce, you may ask for lots of information from the consumer. Some of this information also comprises bank account details, credit/debit card info, address, and more. It works without speaking that you have to make sure your app is protected. You cannot just ask for such personal information and leave it for the hackers to thieve it. Do pay attention on the safety level of the app and make sure that there are no drawbacks at all.
3. Great Images:
When it comes to Ecommerce Website Developers, your images interconnect your brand and also your product. A very common slip-up made here is that individuals incline to save expenses experienced on a professional photographer. Taking snaps of product images from mobile or making use of poor quality or stock images will upset your company’s image. You need to make sure that your worth is well connected with your images.
4. Social Media Integration:

People dislike procedures. The lengthier questionnaire you provide them the superior inducement they will have to bounce the process and choose the app they have previously registered for. With the assistance of social media integration, you can also ease the registration and login procedure. Furthermore, you can allow the users to share their great experience of buying on social media which can assist you receive a perfect following and tittle-tattle publicity.
5. Easy Checkout:

The regular cart desertion rate is just 67.91%. This is typically caused due to rating concerns, competition, look for superior options, and many more. With an intricate evaluating procedure, you only provide your consumers different reason to ignore your cart. Continue the checkout process is very easy, direct and clean. Likewise, you must make sure that you provide all types of choices that a user may wish for starting a transaction. You can also offer an integral mobile wallet system to soften the process to the best possible amount.
Also know the 5 reasons ecommerce importance for your business and how you can get the benefit from getting online this year!
Widen Your Brand
E commerce is a perfect way that can take your brand to a higher level of market in the world. By offering the best products 24 hours throughout the day as well as online consumer service, blogs and social media, no extended is your business one remarkable store, with an online existence your business can be the homemade of your products and the universal home of your business, that allow you to completely develop your product varieties without having to apprehension about relocating locations or distressing about not being able to grow your business.

More Convenient
An online store exists throughout the day, daily meaning your consumers can go to your store for all times, it doesn’t matter what their schedule may be. Today, people don’t every time have the time to physically go for shopping, in spite of increasingly people are opting to shop online to locate the items they require and if your business can provide this for your consumers there’s no you must not attract to a broader range of clienteles all searching for an accessible and flexible experience.
Enhance Your Reach
Due to the internet’s convenience, thousands of people worldwide can check your website at any point, it means for those watching to develop their trades and extend to a bigger audience, you have lots of opportunities to work. Compare the number of people you can spread through a website to the amount you can stretch through a high way store or local advertising, without any reason you must not look at receiving your business online if you’re considering to increase your reach.
Provides You Marketing Opportunities
Your website is one of the finest marketing tools for your growing business has, this not only can the utilize the SEO when designing your site that heads to more possibilitiesof your business that is establishing in search engines, but a vast number of marketing practices can also functiontogether with your website, comprising pay per click advertising, your social media marketing and your email marketing, these entire comprise of links back to your website.
High Scalable
As your business develops it is almost certainly you want to cultivate your product choice and your target audience, as well as progress your business for customer requisites and consumer demand. An ecommerce website allows you measure your business as per as, enabling you to add more lines, comprise more payment choices and although develop when you opt to deliver without any concern about transforming your location or relocating to a bigger premises as you could with a brick and mortar store.

Home Based Businesses For Women – 10 Ways To Make Money Online

If you’re business-minded you may be considering, or already have, one of the best home based businesses for women, an online business. If you have a clear plan and are willing to take consistent action you can make your online business a success.

While an online business may sound daunting, home based businesses for women can take many shapes and work in many different ways. Let’s explore some of the options for an online, or virtual, business:

  1. Fiverr. Start small and offer $5 gigs on Fiverr. Services range from the everyday (such as writing articles and blog posts, creating caricatures or small logos) to the sublime (singing pets with logos on their sides, funny phone messages, posting love messages from your town). Anything is possible and every job or gig is $5. The secret is to find a popular gig you can offer for $5 that you can deliver quickly and easily.
  2. Offer freelance services through sites like ehow, elance or peopleperhour. Whether your skills lie in writing, marketing, social media, critiquing sites, designing logos or websites, you can find freelance work here.
  3. Blogging. Follow your passions and write a blog about something you love, or have experience of. Write regularly and provide great content and value. Once you’ve built a small list of regular readers, you can sell relevant products to them. Make sure you offer products that help your readers solve their biggest problem. And write blog posts around that same topic. Make it easy for your readers to find information that will solve their problems or meet a specific need.
  4. Become an infopreneur. Find a hungry niche of potential customers using sites like ClickBank and Amazon. Determine their biggest problem or need and create products that solve that problem or meet that need. For example, if you love skiing, you could create a “Top 10 Tips To Improve Your Skiing” eBook or a series of “How To Carve Turn” Videos. This is the most fun way to make money as you’re writing about topics you love.
  5. Create small niche websites. By choosing a specific niche, identifying 5 keywords for that niche, and writing and publishing articles for each of those keywords, you can create a very simple 3-5 page website, which will attract traffic. Rather than trying to sell to your visitors straight away, make one of your pages an attractive “opt-in” page encouraging visitors to sign up for your e-newsletter or mini-course. Then, use email marketing to automatically provide content to your readers on a daily basis, and promote affiliate or your own products to your potential customers. Niche websites will not make as much money as authority sites but can generate a steady income. Once you have the formula down, you can rinse and repeat until you have your desired income.
  6. Get paid to write. Sites such as Hubpages, Squidoo, Triond and Ehow all pay you for writing, by placing ads on your pages. The key is to write good quality content and to write regularly. These sites all have a very different format and feel so it’s probably best to try them all out and then focus on one site that you write for consistently. Another tip is to find content in a similar niche to your own and leave comments. That will increase awareness of your content and build those all important relationships with others in the same niche.
  7. Microworkers – Get Paid For Small Tasks. Outsourcing is a huge business these days and you can get paid for any number of small tasks. Microworkers is great if you need small amounts of money quickly. You will be paid to do small random tasks online such as tweeting, blogging, reviewing, signing-up for social media sites. Any routine task that someone can outsource can earn you some quick cash.
  8. Get Paid To Tweet, Share and Comment. Create a Facebook fan page offering your services to Tweet or share with your Facebook friends, post content to multiple social media sites or comment on forums and blogs. Online marketing is dependent on regular, consistent communication and there is a huge opportunity to make money offering these services for others. You can charge on a per task, or hourly rate.
  9. Affiliate Marketing. Use email marketing (if you have a list) or Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Digg etc. to find people in a particular market and share affiliate links with them. You’ll then collect a commission for each sale made through your affiliate link. The secret here is to find a hungry market of buyers by finding the best sellers on ClickBank, Commission Junction or Amazon and then promoting relevant products to that market. You can join an affiliate network, such as ClickBank or Amazon Associates, and get paid every time you promote a product through your affiliate link.
  10. Offer a virtual P.A or admin service. Formalise your business by offering admin, organisation or other office skills services. With the popular use of Google docs, dropbox and other online tools, you can easily create spreadsheets, track listings, review products, write articles or help others with their admin. And make good money doing it.

So, as home based businesses for women go, there are plenty of opportunities to make money if you’re willing to get out there and start taking action today.

7 Ways to Increase Your Website Ranking

1) Select the right domain name- Research using Google AdWords and identify a niche market from the broad market to sell your products (the niche market should have at least 50,000 searches monthly to ensure that is sufficient interest for your products). You should focus on the niche market rather than targeting at the broad market. It is easier to be a leader in a niche market compared to dominate the entire market. Next, include the keyword with the highest search frequency for the identified niche market into your domain name. You may want to create 2 domain names for your online business- (i) one that matches the search terms of your target audience for leads generation and (ii) another domain name with your business name for branding purpose. You can always link your leads generating domain to your main business domain. This will help to guide your viewers to your main website and generate sales for your online business.

2) Ensure quick loading time – Search engines give page ranking priority to faster loading websites. Thus, a quick loading website has a higher likelihood of being ranked in the first few search pages. Furthermore, lagging websites will reduce visitors’ interest and they will choose to leave even before your website has finished loading. Thus, it is important to choose a hosting provider that provides quick loading speed and avoid uploading too many pictures on your home page.

3) Useful content – Provide valued and useful information to your targeted viewers. Throughout your articles, you should include high frequency keywords that are used by your target viewers. This is to ensure that these keywords will be captured by search engines and will increase your website ranking when these search terms are being entered by your target audience.

4) Increase external links – Search engine will give you a good page ranking if you have many unique viewers (differentiated by unique IP address) visiting your website. Thus, it is beneficial to get external links from other websites to boost your link popularity. You can exchanging links with complimentary websites (note: not advisable to approach your direct competitors as they are more likely to see you as a threat rather than an assistance to their business). It is also likely that your viewers will link to your website if they find your content relevant and value-adding.

5) Increase website popularity – Page ranking determines your popularity index that calculates how many external links you have. A website with many external links will have a high page ranking. You can search for complimentary websites with high ranking and email to them to request for a link back to your website. It is extremely useful to be affirmed by these ‘big players’ and will help you in getting backlinks from other websites.

6) Social networking- Social networks are superb marketing tools due to its global reach and instant uploading of information. You can create a new networking account to promote your online business and serves as a gathering point for your customers to share their testimonials and give their feedback regarding your products. It is a good platform to engage customers at a personal level to build up relationship and trust. You can also utilise the platform to provide useful information and up-to-date promotions for your new products.

7) Advertising on newsletter, magazines and flyers – Look out for newsletters, magazines and flyers whose readers are actually your target market. Write to these publishers and offer to submit your articles to be published for free. Avoid direct selling of your products in these articles. Instead, provide valuable information that your readers are looking for and leave your website link at the end of the article. If your content provides the solutions to the problems that they are looking for, it is highly likely that they will visit your website in search of the products and services that you are providing. These publications can be a very useful form of free advertising for your online business.

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