Start Online Scrapbooking Business From Home – Is It For You?

When you start online scrapbooking business, an inexpensive and effective way is to run it from home. However if you decide to do it from home, there are several elements you need to keep in mind. Operating a scrapbooking business online from home is prosperous but it is not for everybody. Though it can provide greater flexibility, basing your business in the same place as where you live can seriously affect your personal life and lead to feelings of isolation.

Positive elements

There are obviously many pluses that cannot be ignored when operating a scrapbooking business online from home. Among other things, you can earn an income on top of a full time job. It involves low risk and minimal cash, no brick and mortar building is required, you can operate the business online around the clock, and operate at your own pace without dealing with corporate politics.

Those considering starting a home-based scrapbooking business online would do well to sit back and consider several key questions to decipher whether or not the project is suitable for them.

Passion into Career

Entrepreneurs deciding to turn their passion into a career are wise to start online scrapbooking business. It is a business online that works particularly well to run from home because they do not receive customers at the front door. Most things can be completed online such as consulting, writing magazine articles, selling supplies, and organizing events to name a few. It is also more convenient to communicate with wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturers if needed.

Important Questions to Think About

Start online scrapbooking business without first thinking about if it is for you would be unwise. There are questions you should ask to assure you that you will not be caught off guard.

Will I have the backing of my spouse and family?

Reinforcement from family is important. You may need to set aside some room for your scrapbooking business. These areas must be away from high traffic areas so it will not be invaded by kids or pets.

Am I good at setting priorities?

There a lot of interruptions when you operate at home. To start online scrapbooking business from home, you must be able to set priorities and concentrate on your responsibilities despite what is going on around you.

Without a boss looking over your shoulder, will you be able to operate diligently enough to get the job completed?

Procrastination is a huge killer of productiveness. When you start online scrapbooking business from home, you must not fall into this pattern.

Working From Home – The Online Business Reality

According to a recent Harris poll, 72% of American households are thinking about starting a home based business. This is quite frankly a staggering statistic. Almost three quarters of Americans are unsatisfied with their current employment situation for one reason or another. Many of these unsatisfied workers are turning to the Internet to fuel their work from home dream jobs.

Quitting the never ending rat race is a personal decision that many work from home entrepreneurs face. Their reasons for wanting to work from home vary. Some people find that they simply have no other choice but to work out of their home office. Perhaps they have to take care of their elderly parents or their children, or they themselves are house-bound. Some people are retired and find that finally having an opportunity to spend time in their own home is a huge comfort and joy. Even college kids, stay at home spouses, and those recently downsized are finding that the Internet is simply the best option for starting and running a profitable home based business.

Working from home is a serious commitment that all entrepreneurs should consider. However, they must be aware of the negatives and risks of the Internet. The Internet is fraught with get rich quick schemes. It is also overflowing with misleading business building hype and flat out work from home lies. Any program or opportunity that promises big bucks with little work is a fraud. Proper research and common sense should eliminate many frauds and scams. Developing a solid Internet business requires partnerships with strong and professional companies.

Building a real business, no matter what kind of business, requires hard work. That’s the bad news. The good news is there has never been a better time to start a business from home because the Internet makes it a low-cost and low-risk venture. Building an online business or work from home business does not require massive amounts of start up capital. With that said, it is possible to over spend on your business simply by neglecting the research.

Learning about web hosting companies and traffic building strategies in the beginning of your work from home business plan is a tremendous positive step. There are many web hosting companies that offer cheap domains and seemingly endless features. The problem many web entrepreneurs face is they invest in the wrong web hosting company at the start up phase of their business. They soon discover that they have not built an online business. They have simply built an online brochure that sits unvisited by the millions of web surfers. Now they must invest more and more money into building a bigger and better site, or paying a firm to optimize their web pages, or paying a search engine to display their ads.

A web business that sits unvisited is not a business at all. Online entrepreneurs know they need an income to be successful. They also realize that building an online business is a series of steps. They must rank well in the search engines by providing excellent content filled web pages. In return for ranking so well, the search engines send droves of targeted customers to the online business. Now that the online business has customers, it can begin to develop a relationship with them. It warms the customer by creating a welcoming and personal feel. All of the great information and the atmosphere of the website will build a trust between the business and its customer. It is this relationship of that leads to profitability.

Forget the long string of classic work at home dead-end jobs like envelope-stuffing and telemarketing. Use the Web to build something terrific that excites you, a business to be proud of, that you own, and that earns you substantial income. Working from home rewards entrepreneurs in so many ways. If you are interested in an online business or a work at home business, you must be smart enough to do the research. You may receive a free step-by-step guide to building your online and work at home business by visiting the author’s website.

The Best Online Business Home Opportunity

I’ve been doing business on the Internet for 13 years now. I talk to many business owners, like myself, as well as many people looking to start businesses online. I am very frequently asked “what is the best online business home opportunity that I should look into.” I’ve done some research on this topic and have not been very happy with what I’ve found. Researching this online is extremely frustrating, and not due to shortage of information. The frustration comes from the many claims for instant income through this or that online business home opportunity, just send us $500. You’ll be making $10,000 a month with no work. Yeah, right.

So, what kind of straight-talk can I offer you? What is my recommendation for the best online business home opportunity? I take a different approach. I feel very strongly that you need to form your own strategies. You need to do research, invest time, and learn. You need to experiment. Ultimately, nobody is going to tell you exactly how to do this. You will have to figure that out by yourself. If you are really serious about finding an opportunity to start an online business from home, expect to put in the hours required.

So where do you start? Start with trusted names. Join Google AdSense. Then register for Amazon Associates, Commission Junction and ebay. These are big programs that are extremely well established. They are extremely trust-worthy and therefore, are a great place to start your home business experimentation. It’s very important that you learn how to fail as inexpensively as possible. One of the best articles I ever read was all about how successful businesses understand two things:

1) Failure is unavoidable. No business has it right at first.

2) If you accept #1, you need to learn to fail has cheaply as possible so you’re money won’t run out!

And you will see this in action. Just spend some money on a program that makes wild claims, and then check back in on that decision a month later. A few of these will teach you the lesson very quickly. What I’ve done to avoid this is to really look for the opportunity where I can pull in a little money to fund the experimentation I want to do. At least try to break-even. This has not been to hard for me because I have the technical skills to try things and see what works very inexpensively because I’m only spend my own time. If you don’t have these technical skills you have a couple of choices.

1) You can outsource your technical tasks to a developer at a cost.

2) You can look for tools that allow you to do Internet marketing experimentation through admin panels.

I can highly recommend as one such tool that will allow you to build a complete site without programming. I work very closely on this project and have daily contact with people who earn income through it from the big programs I mentioned above, but don’t have any programming skills. There are others out there. As you do your research on the right online business home opportunity for you, I’m sure you’ll find some you can recommend.

How to Start a Business From Home and Make Money Online – Your Step by Step Guide to Success Part 2

If you’re looking to start a business from home and make money online, you don’t want to go it alone. The home based business industry is the fastest growing industry for a reason, but many people are making the same mistakes over and over again. After all, the online business world can be an intimidating arena to step into with no experience or background. The good news is that you really don’t need any experience. You can avoid a lot of the basic mistakes that most people make by connecting with a mentor and following this simple step by step guide to setting up online businesses from home. If you’ve already read part one, hopefully you’ve followed those first steps, and connected with a mentor who can help guide you through these steps and support you in your success.

Step 1 – Find a Product or Service To Offer

Again, going it alone is not recommended, especially for the beginner. There are some great companies that you can partner with that will give you the opportunity to offer their products, training programs, or services. Creating your own product this early in the game is not recommended. But the skills you learn as you represent someone else’s products can be directly translated as soon as you’re ready to launch your own, if you decide to.

For now, focus on finding something that is UNIQUE and can STAND ALONE apart from any business opportunity. It must be unique; otherwise someone will replicate it and sell it for less. This can happen faster than you could possibly imagine, so be sure you’ve got this element handled. The standalone piece is crucial as well. Some online business opportunities are really only selling their business opportunity, and will paint dazzling pictures for what’s possible for a select few. However, when it comes down to it, companies like this with no standalone product will be shut down, because that is illegal. Find something you can stand behind and believe in, whether it’s a product, training program, service, or even a person.

Step 2 – Set up Your Websites and Landing Pages

These will be where you drive your customers where they can enter their information (so that you can follow up) and have the opportunity to learn more about your product/training/service and make a buying decision. There are companies out there that can set up customized landing pages and websites for you (Marketing Burst), so that you don’t have to go to the trouble of learning all of the complicated ins and outs of search engine optimization (SEO), meta tags, and keyword optimization. For the beginner these are ideal. Then later on you can create your own when you have the skill set. Partnering with the right company can often mean you have several pre-set custom landing pages and websites already optimized for you, ready at the push of a button. This would be another major advantage for the beginner and the person looking to get results fast.

Step 3 – Set Up Your Auto responders

Auto responders are a key tool when you start a business from home to make money online. Basically, they are a set of pre-written emails that get sent automatically to your prospects after they submit their information on your landing page. If you want to get results like the pros, you’re going to need to use the same tools they use. The good news is, there are some great companies that offer free programs that will set up capture forms (to collect your prospect’s name, email, phone, etc.), manage all of your pre-written emails to your prospects, track stats, and act as a contact manager (for example, Get Response, or Aweber). Remember that this is how you’re building a relationship with your new prospect. Focus on helping them find what they’re looking for, and providing them with great value.

Step 4 – Set Up Your Sales Funnel

You’ll want to establish a funnel system that can qualify your prospects for you in a step by step fashion. A funnel system helps them to understand what it is you have to offer, and gives them an opportunity to have their questions answered. This often involves an opt-in or landing page, a website, a webinar or teleseminar presentation, a 3-way call, and ultimately a conversation between with you. The beautiful part about online businesses from home is that the first 3-4 of those steps can be done on autopilot while you sleep, play with your kids, hit the golf course, or travel the world. Once again, partnering with a solid company would likely mean these are already in place for you.

Step 5 – Drive Traffic!

The name of the game in real estate is location, location, location. When you start a business from home to make money online, the name of the game is traffic, traffic, traffic! You probably now understand that with your funnel system in place, being successful online simply becomes a matter of getting as many people through that funnel as possible. If your product is right for them, and the timing is right, they’ll buy. If not, they won’t, and you move on to the next person. It’s very much a numbers game. So long as your system is working, more traffic means more sales.

There are so many ways to learn to drive traffic to your landing pages and websites. Generally speaking there are two approaches – you can work for your traffic, using free methods but putting in your own time and energy (writing articles, producing videos, using social media), or you can pay for your traffic (using piggy backing methods placing banners on high traffic websites, running PPC campaigns, etc.)

Follow these simple steps for setting up online businesses from home and you’ll be well on your way. Why do so few people who start a business from home make money online? Simple. They ignore these simple, time tested, proven steps to success. Take control of your future. Connect with your mentor and start creating the life you deserve today.

Five Reasons to Starting an Online Business From Home

During the recent economic troubles of 2008, many people turned to self-employment when they couldn’t find jobs. Although the situation isn’t quite as dire as it once was, many people are still choosing self-employment over getting a job according to New Geography. The reasons why are varied. If you’re still on the fence about self-employment, here are five reasons why you should think about starting an online business from home.

1. You’re as Employed as You Want to Be

Businesses lay people off when the economy starts to go South. It’s a common practice, even with the biggest and best companies. However, once you are self-employed you won’t get laid off. You always have the option of looking for more clients and improving your revenues. This trend toward self-employment seems to be the trend for the future.

2. It’s Easier to Start

Starting an online business from home doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to buy a bunch of equipment or assets. At-home businesses like writing, graphic design, or video editing cost much less than other businesses do by their nature. Therefore, unlike owning a franchise or some other kind of business, the start-up cash required to the online business costs a great deal less. This allows people with smaller budgets to enter the workforce as self-employed professionals.

3. Choose You and Your Business

Working for the man is a common joke of the average worker. Getting a job means that you’re putting money in someone else’s pocket over the long haul instead of yours. However, working for yourself means that you’re putting time and effort into creating and building up your own assets. Starting an online business from home allows you to do just that.

4. Make a Part or Full-Time Income

Not all people are interested in starting an online business from home need to make a full-time income. Certainly, some do, but some people who start companies do so because they just want a few hundred extra dollars a month or they want some extra money to invest in retirement or their children’s college educations. The beauty of an online business is that it allows you to work around your current work schedule. No need to ask your boss for time off to go to another job. You simply need to log onto your computer when you have some spare time and start working.

5. Pay Less in Taxes

Another reason why people think about starting an online business from home is for tax benefits. While many people know about some of the obvious write-offs like phone expenses or rent, there are others that people don’t really consider. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, business owners can also deduct things like business travel expenses, association memberships, continuing education costs, and the costs of attending trade shows to name but a few.


If you’re one of the people who has thought about starting an online business from home, you’re in good company. Since the recession of 2008, many people have left traditional jobs and joined the self-employed. Although the economy is steadier now than it was several years ago, the benefits of self-employment still exist. Among them are tax breaks and the ability to control your own destiny. Why not try self-employment, even part-time at first? It could be in your best interest, in the long run, to do so.

MLM Recruiting Tips: Network Marketing Training for Online Business From Home

If you’ve been struggling in your home business, you’re wise to look into new MLM recruiting tips for the internet marketer because, well, let’s face it, the world is way different than it was when many long-standing successful MLM companies were first created.

And, quite frankly, this is the reason why the average MLM company has a success rate of about 1% for bringing in a full-time livable income. Because let’s just look at it logically…

… If you’re restrained to marketing to only your friends, family, and strangers on the street who don’t have the slightest interested in your business, doesn’t it make sense to find a way to reach the thousands who are searching online for your specific product or service?

Undoubtedly, the possibilities are endless when you compare with traditional offline marketing.

Consequently, I’d like to introduce to new network marketing training for building a full-time business from home.

A successful online business from home has four basic elements within the mechanics of the business…

1) A capture page. This is the page that you often see online where it prompts you to enter you email address in order to advance to the next page. Obviously, you’re not gonna enter you email address on anyone online unless you REALLY want to see what’s on the next page, right?

Here’s where the strategy comes in: EVERYBODY, both offline and online, is searching for one of two things: To alleviate pain or gain pleasure. And the internet makes this even simpler, because you might say that anyone going to Google and searching for something is entering keyword phases that are geared to either alleviate pain or gain pleasure.

Take yourself, for example. You may have found this article by Googling “mlm recruiting tips” or “mlm recruiting” or “network marketing training” because you’re experiencing pain in your business and struggling to recruit.

Perhaps you’ve tried the traditional techniques of walking up to strangers and say, “Hi, you look like a really sharp guy – are you willing to keep your options open?” And perhaps you’ve experienced that pain where they just look at you like you have two heads and maybe they walk away.

OR, even worse, maybe they start claiming you’re just involved in one of those MLM scams and how dare you approach them!

Don’t worry, I’ve been there too.

But getting back to the capture page… you need to put something on it that gets attention and relates to the reader’s pain and promises pleasure – something like “FREE brand new system pays up to $3000 in commissions without picking up the phone or selling anything”… that brings new hope to someone who has just experienced a lot of pain trying to sell – because who wouldn’t want to know more about a system that pays WITHOUT you having to sell or convince, right?

2) The second element of your online business from home is the sales page.

This is a video presentation that your reader is immediately brought to as soon as they enter in their email address. The sales page is designed to do all the selling for you while you’re sleeping, on vacation, or maybe sitting at your day job. Hence, your job is to do whatever it takes to get your link that has your capture page on it in front of as many people as possible, so as many people as possible can be watching your sales video.

3) The third element is an automatic response email system. People tend to buy from those who they know, like and trust. And, especially if you’re looking for MLM success tips, anyone how has ever been successful in network marketing has found a way to develop true rapport with their downline.

Traditional methods mean spending hours on the phone with a prospect, developing a “friendship” until they like you and trust you enough to buy. But let’s face it… even this can be a little phony. I once joined a business from a stranger I met and felt a real connection with as a friend. When she quit this MLM, she never returned my phone calls. Some “friend”, huh?

Anyway, your email response system does this for you because the network marketing training that most successful entrepreneurs teach has to do with emailing your list daily and sending them to your blog, which has your personal content and your personal videos.

After receiving several emails with your personal content, your “followers” begin to feel like they know you – and some will like and trust you as well. These are the people who will buy from you.

4) The fourth element has to do with upselling. It has been proven that roughly 30% of the people who buy from you will want to buy more. Notice I said “want to buy”, not “is willing” or “can be convinced”. Building an online business from home isn’t about convincing, it’s about helping people and giving people what they’re looking for. Once the see how what you have has helped them. They want more.

Entrepreneurs: How To Make Your Blog Unique

Thousands of businesses and millions of individuals have their own blog. These numbers increase every day. With so many blogs, how can you create a unique blog? Many are of the opinion that it simply isn’t possible. Some actually say there are no new ideas or even unique approaches to a topic. The one thing these two groups have in common is they are completely wrong. There will always be different perspectives and original ideas. The key is ensuring your blog reflects this.

Why Stand Out

If you, as an entrepreneur, use the same keywords and same designs as all your competitors, how can you expect to stand out from all the other entrepreneurs out there? Blogging is a great way to market your business, but only if you create a unique blog. This ensures your blog is the one searchers see first, the one they remember. It also ensures readers want to keep coming back to read your latest posts.

Create Niche Blogs

General topics are great, and since there are a plethora of general topics that exist, it is an easy way to come up with new topics for your blog. However, general has been done to death. Even with the most unique voice, your blog needs to focus around a niche topic. For instance, a blog on blogging tips may not do so well, but a blog focused on optimizing blog posts will do better. Start by thinking of at least five smaller topic areas for your blog, which relate to your business. Remember, you can always create more than one blog if necessary. Perform a search for those topics to see your competition. The one with the least competition is likely the winner. A niche blog provides more relevant, highly focused content making it more valuable and popular for readers.

Show Off Your Personality

Yes, your blog should be professional. No, it shouldn’t be boring. Your blog is the place to show off your personality. You’re an entrepreneur. Don’t be afraid to let your personality show in the words you write. Every person has their own unique style. Simply write your blogs as if you were giving a talk or just simply, talking to a client. Be relaxed and confident. Let your expertise and unique perspectives shine through.

Create A Killer Design

A reader notices two things about your blog to begin with – the name and the design. Create a catchy, yet descriptive name for your blog. Your business name is perfectly acceptable. Next, focus on creating a design and color scheme, which isn’t used by everyone else. If you use free templates, tweak them so they are unique. Not only should your blogging content stand out, but, the blog itself should be unique. Remember to keep your blog name and design congruent with your brand, while portraying the image of your business you want the world to see.

For more tips on marketing your entrepreneurial dream and how to create a unique blog, visit Elite Entrepreneur. Find out what you need, to take your business from an idea to a booming success.

4 Important Things About Title Tags For Improving SEO

When optimizing your search engine results, one of the most important things you’ll need to do is ensure that your title tag is the best that it can be. Title tagging can drive up your page visits tremendously. Creating the perfect one takes a small amount of energy but can pay off big. Here are four basic things you should know on how to tag your website’s title.

1. Your Name and More – Putting your company name in the title tag is a good idea. Whether or not people are currently aware of your business, at some point they should be and will likely run a search for your company. Having your name in it will help them find you quickly, since the title tag really does play a massive part in your ranking on results pages. Of course, you will want to include more than just your name so that people who haven’t heard of your company yet will find you from a basic search.

2. Include Keywords – Take a moment to come up with a few of the most common search keywords that your potential clients will use to find your company. If you sell printers and printer parts, for example, then those would be two keywords. Even better would be “cheap printer parts”. Take the best ones and apply them to your title tag. This can be tricky, so take a look at the text on your website itself. If keywords are obvious there, you can make a safe bet that they will transfer perfectly into your title tag.

3. Use a Proper Sentence – A title tag shows up at the top of an internet browser, and a string of keywords looks highly unprofessional. Use your company name and your keywords and create a proper sentence to use as a title tag. “Printer Warehouse – Cheap Printers and Printer Parts” is a good example of this. Many suggest that you put the most important keyword first, which could look like this – “Cheap Printers and Printer Parts at Printer Warehouse”.

4. Think About Length – When your page shows up on a search result, only seventy characters will be displayed. While the whole of your title will be indexed by the search engine, users searching for you will only see seventy characters. Drawing in clients and customers can be improved when they get a general overview on the search page, so be sure to come up with one that fits into seventy characters or less.

Make Money Ideas: Be Effective

The Web is changing every facet of our lives and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. The way we incorporate things like advertising marketing or just the basic flow of information in general has become the fuel that feeds the Internet. Make money ideas are a dime a dozen on the Web so it is up to you to figure out which strategies and ideas work best for you.

The best thing about the Internet is that all the questions you may have about a certain subject pertaining to the Web can be found through search engines, forums, blogs, etc that exist on the World Wide Web. So there is virtually nothing holding you back from making money on the Internet. It is only a matter of doing the research, educating yourself, and becoming familiar with methods and procedures of the said strategies.

This is not something that will happen overnight. There are multiple avenues to take when Internet marketing your ideas or somebody else’s. Building up your reputation and making your time valuable is the name of the game. The only way to do this is to be effective. You be effective by understanding the nature of the business. That nature to which you should set your sights is nothing more than traffic. The more traffic you have the more eyes there are to advertise to.

This is the name of the game when looking for make money ideas on the Web. Using links, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google AdSense, and other advertising plans is a surefire way for a company to gain exposure to their targeted customer. This is how you are able to make money on the Internet fast. People need content, ads, or other Internet marketing strategies in place and they pay people to do this for them. This is mainly due to the fact most companies and Web masters think it is too difficult to learn. This is where an Internet marketer comes in and helps expose the product or service that is being offered.

Billboards are dying, newspapers are almost a memory, and while magazines continue to hold strong the future is the Web. Making money in online marketing is a good way for anyone looking to create extra income. It will take some time to get settled in and figure out how it all works but it will be worth it in the end. Seeing it through will require commitment on your end but it will be rewarding once you are rolling.

Stop Being Home Alone In Your Online Home Business, Social Networking Works!

Having an online home business can keep you home alone if you allow it to. You may be able to get a lot of work done when being all by yourself, but in this day and age you need to start social networking in order to become successful.

Brand Yourself

You really need to brand yourself and get known on the world wide web. If you are a newbie, you may say, Why? No one knows me. That is ok, just piggy back off of someone who is already a leader in your field. Use their name to start getting leads, then when you send your leads auto responders, use your name and let them get to know you.

Get on forums and blogs, start commenting on others content. Start doing videos and get yourself a YouTube channel. Making videos may be hard at first, but the more you make the easier it gets. There is even a software out there where you can just use pictures and slides, while talking, you do not have to even be in the video.

If you are really serious about having your online home business a success, then put yourself in the video. People want to see a real person that they are going to do business with. Do not isolate yourself in fear of judgment of others, you are a person just like everyone else. AND you can be a leader just like everyone else.

Attend Seminars

It is also very important to go to seminars and events to network with people in your niche. My company has two seminars every year, to not only teach you the latest in marketing on the internet, but also to network with the top leaders and shake their hand. You find out that they are a real person, just like you.

If your company does not have seminars, then search on the internet for other businesses that are having them. A lot of internet marketing business are having seminars and will allow you to attend. Most of them are just trying to sell you something or get you to join their business, but you still might pick up a gold nugget of information.

If you are struggling at making money in your business, it might be time to change and by attending other business seminars you might find a better online business to be in. Always consider all options and stay in the loop of other top performers in the online home business world.

When you do attend events, make sure you have a business card with your name and email on it, so others can check your business out. And always make sure you get other peoples business cards, especially the top earners. There are a lot of top earners that actually want to help you succeed.

In my company, our top earners have marketing training calls at least four times a week. They even have a motivational call to help you in continuing to want to succeed and not just be home alone.

Become A Speaker

Some day with all the knowledge you will have learned and already know, you could possibly be a speaker at one of the events. With your name all over the world wide web, and now speaking at a seminar, could you image how much your business will grow. And did you know that the number one money earner, is a speaker! Not only can you earn top dollar, but you can help others succeed in their business.

It is not just about the money in the internet world if you want to succeed, although that helps, but if you really want to be rich, then you need to help others become successful. The way to do that is to share your knowledge.

Start sharing everything you know through your videos, articles, press releases and also on social networking media sites. Get your name out there as a person who really cares about helping others, stop being home alone in your online home business, and watch your business take off like a sky rocket.

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